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Everything posted by Jkat

  1. If I recall, Skynet from Fallout 2 was created or salvaged from alien technology. There's also discussions in other forums that the Enclave equipment is created from reverse engineered alien tech. In my opinion, aliens have a unique and rather subtle role in the Fallout universe that hopefully Fallout 4 will expand upon. "The Institute", which is the name of a "mysterious organization" located in Massachusetts, may also have tons of potential lore that we may see in Fallout 4, particularly since Fallout 4 is to be set in Massachusetts. *SPOILERS* Fallout 3 had the protagonist potentially aid an android that escaped the Institute, and since there aren't any other other androids we see such as the one we aided in Rivet City, one can guess that perhaps the Institute uses alien technology to create such a unique specimen.
  2. Mario 64 was a family favorite of mines. Cousins would always take turns trying to complete a level, or finding ways to cheat through a certain portion. Resident evil 2 was also a pretty lively event, but to me it was rather scary, particularly when my character died. Seeing either my Leon or Claire get munched on by zombies gave me nightmares as a youngling.
  3. GTX 870M Intel Core i7-4702HQ 2.2GHz 8GB RAM And, while playing games, enough excess heat coming from this laptop to fry an egg at times.
  4. Howlin' Wolf - How Many More Years https://youtu.be/OpKB6OZ_B4c
  5. Samus Aran from Metroid. Not only was she one of the first video game characters introduced to me since I was a wee laddie, and to me she has a great character design and development (even with Metroid: Other M). Underneath all that powerful Chozo suit, cold distant aloof personality, and vengeful merciless bounty hunter exterior, she is rather quite lovely. I particularly adore the fact that she's not a damsel-in-distress, but in the fact the one that does the most rescuing, and is absolutely dreaded by her enemies.
  6. IT, from the Stephen King novel. Tim Curry is for some reason hilarious in that movie.
  7. I had the pleasure of watching Supernatural the fourth episode in the first season this morning. It was hilarious seeing Dean's reactions to flying.
  8. I almost forgot, Crash Bandicoot CTR. The nostalgia from that is simply beautiful.
  9. Crash Bandicoot CTR has been one of my favorites for the longest, and has been one of the main reasons why I kept around my PS1, apart from nostalgia.
  10. Star War: Battlefront, Super Star Wars, Super Metroid, and Mario 64. Me, my cousin and my papa always loved playing the Star Wars and Mario 64 games. Super Metroid sort of frightened me as a child because of it's atmosphere, and because I would wander around clueless due to youthful naivety. Super Metroid was almost my first introduction to a strong female main character.
  11. To me, Mario 64 had a great soundtrack. Super Star Wars OST was pretty exciting, as was Super Metroid's and F-Zero's. Castelvania II had quite a nice soundtrack, despite the difficulty. Now Kingdom Hearts I and II's soundtrack were quite pleasant. While I didn't actually play all the the MGS games except for MGS:IV, their OST's were very nice. There are so many, like Bastion, Journey, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Shadow of the Colossus, and many others video game soundtracks that listened to when I was doing homework or at work. It truly amazes me at how some of the music in video games actually resonates with the soul and mind of players and listeners, not just while experiencing the games themselves, but even while just simply listening to them at other times, like on the train or while doing an assignment.
  12. Toobin' on the NES, or Super Star Wars for the SNES. I was so young I couldn't even adequately comprehend what was on the screen at times, especially for Toobin'. I thought he was throwing soda cans at everybody.
  13. If it is allowed here, please put a link to that specific mod. Also, if I may be so bold to say, I recommend doing a little more research into properly adding mods, mod types, and certain tools (like LOOT and TES5Edit) that can help you with sorting mods and dirty edits, as you will experience a few more problems when you install more mods. Don't worry, most of us has gone through the trials and tribulations of first modding Skyrim. I can't tell you how many times I had to reinstall Skyrim after hasty decisions that could have been avoided with a tad bit of research.
  14. Phew, and here I thought I might have been the only one that had the problems after the update. LOOT notified me that a few esp.'s and mods where missing, so I reinstalled those mods(like Enhanced Lights, Inconsequential NPC's and it's WIC patch, Race Compatibility, LIAT, Immersive Wenches, Realistic Room Rental, and quite a few more) . I blame myself for not taking screenshots of the load list, but my haste was caused by frustration. I started Skyrim up again to realize that in actuality rather large number of mods that I was using were missing, even when NMM displays that it is enabled (like Enhanced Character Edit). I'm in the process of doing a fresh reinstall of Skyrim anyways, and the NMM tracelog will help me know exactly which mods I used, since I wanted to update some of the newer versions of the mods I was using. Hey I know the folks that are further developing/tweaking NMM are trying their hardest, and while I am upset that I'm back at the ol' rebuilding-my-Skyrim-from-scratch drawing board, I can say it's a bit unfair to blame this all on NMM and it's support team. Beta testing, tweaking, and progressive product development for optimal product performance and user/client satisfaction is a win-some-loose-some ordeal. I'm sure when this storm blows over NMM will still be a great tool for mod users, if not better. Just give them some time.
  15. I had this same problem with the wild intro cart ride, and I have to admit it was quite funny and unexpected at first. After the cart flew out of control, it just sort of descended and "landed" on some random area in Helgen. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time it's going to be some Back to the Future Delorean-style takeoff where the cart just levitates and blast off into the future. Until I sort out which mod is the culprit of this high-flying game-breaking escapade, I just used a mod where my character had an alternative beginning. I might try Dcat99's suggestion to see if that works as well.
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