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About MahhFace

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  1. Need help, editing SPLO - Actor Effect for Supermutant (DC) force them to fight with fist and not their weapon! I want to make the Supermutant (capital wasteland) DT actor effect a bit tougher and have DR, but somehow I create two problem. 1. Their DT and DR stats are higher in game, I confirm this with Living Anatomy perk. EDIT: Not higher, but double, so 30 DT in GECK/xedit would be 60 DT in-game. 2. They fight with their fist, despite having gun and ammo in their inventory. I've confirmed this is the mess I made from editing in the Actor Effect section, after disabling that very mod in mo2. and not from something else (i also edit the levelled item which affect what wepaon they will be given but its a separate mod). Please HELP.
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