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The Extreme TES

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Nexus Mods Profile

About The Extreme TES

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    Just cause 2,Oblivion
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion for sure...:)
  1. I didn't buyed the game i downloaded it. I can't reinstall again...My brother will kill me :( He needed 2 weeks to install all the Mod Manager mods...I can't let him down :( . Please u need to help me guys. U are my only hope guys :sad: ...
  2. Hey ppl i was working on my new mod hunters home...And i wanted to delete the images in the folder cuz i didnt needed them anymore...So i marked them and pressed shift+delete...And it said deleting oblivion 9,69G. I pressed cancel but it already gone half of the oblivion...Can some of u do big thing for me...To copy your oblivion textures meshes...Whole data files...And upload them...please ...i will never do that again i promise :wallbash: ... Cheers...
  3. Thank you :)..Its good hearing that...But it still doesn't work :wallbash:
  4. I "unlocked it" but please u need to help me...I was doing this house whole week... :(
  5. Hello...I just uploaded a new file! I worked on this first house mod so hard! And now when people try to download it it says : " The File Link is DEAD?!?!? What that means please tell me?!?!...I want my mod to work :/ I've been trough a lot of it to make it... :verymad:
  6. :D Thank you so much!! >.< he looks awesome! You're welcome. :thumbsup: I've posted some in-game shots, now. Awww...I just made him :(...Nvmd...I will use him xD
  7. I could do it. Im good with that :D...Me and aria could make u two companions xD. One me One Her/Him :sweat: . Yea like Aria said just say what kind of companion u want and we will make it :thumbsup:
  8. Im not angry man...I just need help im new to modding and...Im 14 either...I cant do everything alone :unsure:
  9. Youre killing me man....I cant do interiors my head hurts! :wallbash:
  10. Thanks but...Im not very good at exteriors...can u maybe help me? :sad:...
  11. Hello people i just got an idea for a mod...And well...I need a bit of help yea... :blush: ...The mod is called Hunt For Raven...Its about some cult called Golden Ravens.The word spreads that they built their base at the dive rock...And someone got to stop them ofc :thumbsup: ...So then when you find out that ...The hunt for Raven begins...We could add quest too it would be fun...But i dk how to make quests :sweat: ...I also need interior modders...For some of you...Before u say i do nothing...I done exteriors...I done NPC's..I've done story...Soo..I just need help from my buddies now... :yes: ...So if anyone is interested...Just put post here or...Send me PM...Its better if u PM... Thanks :thumbsup: ... The Extreme TES
  12. ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7400,2.80GHz 4GB Ram My computer...And its little buggy with the graphics mods....If i put distand land...Every 3 seconds it buggs a little .... :wallbash: Soo...I dont think that there is a laptop what can handle oblivion at high settings :whistling:
  13. Hey ppl i just started playing oblivion again...Im playing at 50% of difficulty...And i just got a new mod...Some francesko leveled creatures...But ....There is always but...There is an option too for some leveling progress minimized by 40% but stronger attacks...And from the time i got that mod i cant kill freaking necromancer...And yea...On the start of the game...I was attacked by two Iron Golems -.-...I Think thats not fair...Anyway...The point is...Oblivion was never been so hard for playing...If im ambushed by 3 wolfes i am dead!!!...I dont want to minimize difficulty...I played at 70% 2 years ago...I don't know whats happening...:/...Some of u have same problem?
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