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Everything posted by bamfigms

  1. From what I read Enderal says that they did not include SKSE to their mod. The dev teams says they did this because skse creators do not let their mod be bundled with any other mods, and they didn't want to send people to multiple places looking for and installing more than one mod. I was using the Enderal Launcher application. I did eventually get it to work, I had to add SKSE and believe it or not I also had to add SKYUI, which I know was already a part of Enderal. After adding both SKSE and SKYUI I was able to get the mod to start working, then I removed SKYUI that I had added on top of what came bundled with Enderal.
  2. In case anyone has read this, I'm still having the issue. I found at least one problem, and it was that I did not have skse installed. I thought it was included in Enderal. I realized that it was not, and I added the mod. Since SKSE cannot be installed with NMM I'm not 100% sure that I did it right, but the SKSE shortcut does indeed launch Enderal when I click on it, so I assume I did do it properly. After that I reinstalled Jaxonz and it's still not working. I also tried Storage Helpers, it's not working either.
  3. Thanks for the reply cdcooley. I'll try that one out. However, since you say that there shouldn't be a problem, I'm wondering If I am improperly installing the mod. I have Enderal installed to it's default location, and I installed NMM to it's default location, then I downloaded Jaxonz through NMM. Am I missing something there? When that didn't work I tried, to the best of my memory, to install it manually (I copied the mod folder to the data folder). I'm sure It's something simple and stupid that I am missing... and I've tried to figure it out on my own, but I've never been very adept at any of this.
  4. I'm having trouble getting Jaxonz positioner to work with Enderal. I've tried NMM install, and a manual install, neither worked. I'm not entirely sure I did either install properly, but I'm not sure where I could have gone wrong with either of them. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I like making use of homes/tents/camps and such when I play, and without Jaxonz it takes a lot away from the game for me. Thanks in advance! :D Jaxonz positioner http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/? Enderal http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77868/?
  5. I've been doing a new playthrough of Skyrim, It's quite heavily modded, but none with any glaring conflicts. The game worked and ran smoothly after I ran it through LOOT and cleaned a few of the bigger mods. I had added every mod that I wanted, and was quite happy with the results, smooth gameplay, no lag, no excessive load times. Then I made the mistake of installing an FXAA mod... The game immediatley became unstable and very laggy and choppy, with CTDs happening 50% of the time I had to hit a load screen, also, my lighting mods seem to be well and truly scrambled now. I ran the FXAA program uninstal that was built in, and I verified the cache with steam afterwards. The CTDs are less common (perhaps 5%) now, but the other issues remain. ANY help or guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D
  6. having the "friendly" dragon dragon problem myself. Everywhere i go he spawns and cooks me
  7. Kinda missed the point there. Or, at least the point that I am making anyhow. I think its great that people translate the mods. I really do. I speak multiple languages, and I still like the fact that people make an effort to put mods in different languages. It's very nice of them. I hope it is clear now that I could likely not be defined as something like a bigot, racist or "enthnocentric" I have never understood why people think it is OK to throw around claims like this. It is just as offensive as the racism and such that you "could likely" accuse us of. It is offensive, and you have no right to say these things about someone that you do not know. How would I like it if magyars decided to push for an Hungarian only TES Nexus? I wouldn't care much for that at all. In that case, I would say it is a good thing that neither I nor, from what I understand anybody else, are suggesting that and mods of any language be banned from TES Nexus. We are simply saying that there is not a need for people upload every language option as a new file. Since, from what I have seen, even the titles of these translated mods are in English, it defeats the point. People who are looking for translations of mods into their preferred language still have to use a translation tool, or know enough English to read the title "Random mod, Russian translation". Instead of this, each mod could just include inside that mods own page, an optional file for other languages. In short. I am not racist. This isn't about race, language, or bigotry. This is about organization. English is not my first, or most fluent language, but I still would prefer to not see 5 versions of each mod clogging TES Nexus. When I would like to find a mod in my native language, it is just that much harder, because I have to look it up, instead of click on an optional file inside the mod I am already reading about. So take your accusations Elsweyr, maybe the Kajhiit will listen to them :P
  8. I agree. Something needs to be done about this. This is, after all an english speaking site. I have actually seen people called out buy mods for speaking in foreign languages. Korodic has the truth of it. Include the other translations as spoilers. They aren't changing the mod itself, hell, even the title of the foreign language mod is in english "amazing crazy mod # 37, Spanish translation" If its just SO important that these mods have to be translated and re uploaded in another language for the people who can't read english, you would at least think that they would have the title in the new language. I have to sort through enough rehashed "Adult" mods when I get on the nexus anyhow. I would rather not have to sort through 5+ of the same mod every time I get on.
  9. troll? Honestly though , I don't mind if he is, this made me laugh.
  10. My first time playing through skyrim I was overly excited to get this quest out of the way, so as to get into the DB. I literally blew through this quest. On my second playthrough I talked to the kids at the orphanage. One of the kids mentioned "The Room" I looked around and found a room with shackles on the walls. I REALLY wanted to put her in the shackles before I killed her. I wish someone would make a mod that let you have a conversation option to that let you put her in the shackles, no animations needed, just a black screen fadeout, fade back in and shes shackled. Then you get to kill her. I guess its a little over the top, and i know its just a game, but it seems like poetic justice to stick her in "The Room"
  11. That would be really nice. Make custom console commands. I know quite a few i would shorten down or make easier to use. and a few more i would like to add
  12. I haven't actually made a full mod and released it yet. The ideas I have had are either not feasible, or were completed by someone else more competent. What I'm getting at is, this may be a little over ambitious of me. I would like to make a skill tree that makes horse more useful in game. Making the skill tree should be easy. However figuring out how to implement the perks I am thinking of will be harder. Just a list of my ideas as they are now. * Perk tree for horsemanship. * A perk to let you summon your horse. * 3 level perk for faster horses. * 2 level perk for longer duration of sprint for the horses. * A choice between one of two perks that either make your horse run from battles, or makes your horse more capable in battle. * 5 level perk that lets your horse carry items, this would probably be implemented by crouch selecting the horse. With optional visible saddlebags, or pack for the horse. * 5 level horseback archery, at the low levels, you do less damage, and your shots are far less powerful. At the highest level you shoot full power. *A perk to reduce or eliminate the shaky camera of horseback for more stable aiming. That is all I can think of for now. Seems like it would be a well rounded perk tree at this point. Let me know what you think. Feel free to give suggestions, or to help me figure out how to do this. As always, if you are a modder, and want to take a crack at any or all of these ideas, feel free to take my ramblings and make something out of them :)
  13. Is there a mod that lets you transform in and out of werewolf form at will? I think it was that way in morrowind, ring on = beast form, ring off = human. If anybody could help me out with this I would very much so appreciate it.
  14. This playthrough, when I block a power attack I get stuck in slow motion for quite some time. Too long in fact. I can usually finish the entire battle, wipe out all the enemies, and have some time left over to play with the slo motion physics. Anyone else experience this? Anybody have some ideas to fix it, or console commands I could use? I liked the perk on my last playthrough, but this time its game breaking.
  15. Oh man I'm not very good at this. I need to make friends with a master modder who has time and patience that will help me learn how to do all of this crap because I'm a total noob. If I was looking to make a deep, steep banked river, with a flow. The idea is one that you can't climb out of. I want it to be a barrier for the cave I'm building. To force people to only be able to cross on the one spot that I want them to.
  16. /rant Its so frustrating that every object has at least one hole in it. one side where its completely useless. Making you twist and contort, and fill in things you don't want to add, just to cover up some see through bulls***. I get having that on some things. not on literally almost every single object in the game. /end rant. Hats off to those of you who can actually make new scenery and landscaping. Copy/pasting or making dungeons is not too hard. But caves and open world things are pretty damn hard. Still trying to figure out how to make a river
  17. So, I have a fairly fleshed out cave. I'm trying to make something as cool and unique as the eldergleam sanctuary. I still have a very long way to go, but right now I am completely stuck on how to place a deep and flowing river. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  18. Yeah, or when I try to rotate my view around the piece it really confuses me and gets me lost a lot. I'm starting to understand things a little better, but still am pretty noobish about this whole thing. This is probably a very stupid question, but you know how when you first load up a cell and you aren't doing anything in it, and have no selected anything yet, when you hit shift to rotate the camera around, you pretty much rotate around nothing, or your own viewpoint? Well I don't know how to get back to that, so instead of having a free roaming camera like you start out with, I'm always rotating around some object. I can make it work (kinda) but it is frustrating.
  19. It's like the point that the epic pieces move around, or their rotation center, whatever you want to call it, is really really far away from the actual piece itself. Its quite frustrating.
  20. This may be confusing, but here goes. I'm trying to make a very very massive cave. Large enough to say, put a city inside of. So when I found the "epic" sized cave pieces, I though I was on to something. The only problem is. It is not anything at all like placing normal things in the CK. The epic size pieces always seem to appear out of my view. So i have to look around for them. Then move them into place. Its quite annoying. I can pop out a pretty quick dungeon because the selects parts always show up where they should, and in view. On the same z axis. The "epic" sized things don't do this for me. Anybody know what I am doing wrong, or have these same problems themselves?
  21. It wont let me click things in the worldspace little drop down scroll thing. I had tried to do that already. :/ I must be missing something. Probably one of those simple want to slap yourself when you figure it out kinds of things.
  22. I want to build a neat little place inside the eldergleam sanctuary, and have no idea how to copy the worldspace, as to not mess up the one in game. If anyone could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful. Also, are their any forum rules against asking too many questions on too many new threads? i normally try to find a thread that answers the question first though.
  23. I have never come across that myself. have you tried to zoom out? Though when i look at a wilderness cell i usually start off at a place in the game i already know, and move to the cell im looking for.
  24. Thanks. That is exactly what I needed. It will perfectly clean cut the mod to just what I meant to work on. I couldn't have asked for a better answer. Thanks again jet :)
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