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Everything posted by Idsertian

  1. A. Wouldn't make a blind bit of difference for someone like me, I bought a lifetime plan. B. Make sure to wipe the boot polish off your nose before you stand up. Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8.
  2. Thanks for the uBlock Origin tip, blocking collections already improves the page immensely. How would you do the custom styling on Chrome? Is there a native way to do it, or an extension I need?
  3. Data driven approach, eh? How's this for data: The reams of comments and feedback threads (and their upvotes) telling you this new UI is junk, is hard to use and hard to look at, straight up doesn't work on occasion, and that the old UI was better, and the actual constructive criticism and suggestions by users to alleviate this? How about the ratio of "like" reactions on each comment stating the above, relative the ratio of your "explanations?" How about the fact that a large proportion of the users complaining are the same people paying money for site features, and that perhaps their opinions should be considered a bit more carefully than "complaining about change" and being classed as a "vocal minority?" (That's to say nothing of the fact that the vast majority of people probably don't even know the forums even exist, since they're hidden away under the community dropdown, not to mention that they're not exactly intuitively laid out. I'm a smart guy, and it took me a solid few minutes to figure out the right place to post) Where's this data you speak of? Can we see it? Can you show it to us? Or is it all in the realm of "just trust me, bro?" I could say I have data to prove that Valve will release Half-Life 3 in July of this year, but that doesn't make it true, and unless I actually present it, I should (rightly) be ridiculed. Someone else further up the thread mentioned that you don't need to change the UI when you change the backend. You don't want to support both the old look and the new look with a toggle, like both reddit and imgur do (not that that's a back-breaking ask)? Fine. Ditch the new look, and point the new code to the old UI assets. Your users don't want this. And since your users are the ones, you know, using the site, you should perhaps listen to the data they're giving you. Especially when a good portion of said users are responsible for footing the bill. We don't care what your "plans" are, we don't care whether it's your pet project or not, we don't care how much was invested into it; if we don't like it, if it makes the site harder to use and uglier to look at, if it renders it literally unusable for those of us with eyesight issues, then we DO. NOT. WANT IT. This guy gets it. Especially point 5.
  4. Was gonna throw this in General, but decided to put it here to be safe. Evoking Animal Farm's "Four legs good! Two legs bad!" chant because the new Nexus UI is absolute garbage, and I hate it. Did they seriously think they would get 0 pushback on such an obviously terrible design? I could go on, repeating everything already said about that dumpster fire, but that would be a waste of time. We all know why it's awful. Instead, I submit that all in agreement just copy-paste the thread title in response to create a chant. Maybe they'll do something about it, maybe they won't, I dunno. But I'm pissed off, and I wanna b&@*$ about it. If you don't agree, well... I dunno... go do something else, like suck a lemon, or something. So yeah: New UI bad! Old UI good!
  5. That's the neat part: You don't. Because Nexus staff have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that nobody could possibly dislike this new UI, and that there will be absolutely no option ever to switch back to the old UI. Guess this was someone's pwecious widdle pet pwoject, and their feefees got hurt that people didn't like it. Certainly comes across that way, at least.
  6. Chucking my two bits in to say the new UI is dildos. Updating the look was just not necessary, especially not updating it to a glorified mobile site. Last I checked, I didn't download my mods for my PC games on my phone. Update your technical code, sure, but leave the UI alone. At least let us go back to the old one with a toggle in our user preferences. Even reddit managed that. Hell, even imgur managed that one. And holy s#*!, no-one gives a flyer about collections. Stop trying to force them down our throats.
  7. Something something, curved swords.
  8. Try running military even with Kaspersky and Malwarebytes and Superanti weekly manaul scans thigns get through on me and I wind up with highjackers of some sort. Noscript can help a bit too. It only happens on Nexus, else I would be running scans. I run BullGuard, which is so damn nannying it's insulting. Often quarantines perfectly fine files from games, so chances are it would have caught anything trying to slip by.
  9. Getting frequent page redirects when attempting to browse the Nexus, all ad-based, taking me to "get rich quick" nonsense and "download this not-at-all suspicious tool to clean your PC!" type websites. This is incredibly frustrating as it is impacting my ability to use the site, since I have to hit the back button to get to what I actually wanted to look at in the first place. Sometimes hitting the stop button on page load stops this from happening, sometimes not. I'd love to provide info on what ads were on the page, but since I get redirected as soon as the page has finished loading, before I even get a chance to get oriented, I can't. I really want to allow ads on Nexus, since I want you guys to get something and I don't have the money to spare to purchase any level of subscription, but this issue has forced me to remove the site from my whitelist in uBlock, just so I can browse the site.
  10. Just adding my two cents for other BullGuard users that doing this also solved a problem I was having whereby NMM was massively restricted in download speed, and was also misreporting that speed. In my case, it was reporting speeds of 130k, but was only actually downloading anywhere between 7 and 50k. As soon as I added nexusmods.com to the Safe Browsing whitelist, NMM hit the speed cap. NMM versions this occurred on were 0.60.14 and 0.61.4. Weirdly, this happened on this machine, but not another with the same OS and AV, so I don't know what the trigger is.
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