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Everything posted by jamesraylor

  1. I ran this and as soon as it begins 8000 appears repeatedly as it continues to chech just 8000 8000 8000 8000 like that
  2. I am using the latest skyrim, 1.9 ..., my skse is upto date I use boss and mod organizer to launch the game, though I launch Attk light through it. I dont believe it is the specs I have been playing Skyrim for a year on it. I have 4 gb of memory and 1.5 vram, I can't go back and try old saves because I deleted them all and reloaded my game, so am started from scratch have installed a couple of mods but no game changers just texture modes like cbbe. I have the game run through games not program files.
  3. I see 13 people have viewed, but no responses, I guess this is a hard one?
  4. I can play the game (the time doesn't seem to matter,) but if I save and exit/ quit the game, it freezes and I have to restart the computer. the only way it does not freeze is if I ctl alt del out of the game and task manager close the game, any ideas as to what might be causing this?
  5. not overclocking , if i am I didn't set it too. how would I check the memory?
  6. I try to start skse or Attk Lite and i get a message like this the instruction@0x100156cf referenced at memory@0x00000000 the memory could not be read. what is this and how do I fix it?
  7. not sure this will work for me, I am crashing from the steam login, blue screen and then reboot computer
  8. what did you do I am having a similar problem
  9. I have no skill or software to do mods, so I am asking someone that is to convert armor types to this body, if it is possible. this is the link to where the body is now scroll through o find the latest version should be 1.4ish, this use to be on the nexus not sure why it left and we are not suppose to ask I think. this is the body I am currently using but I don't read Russian and can't mod myself. http://cgkrista.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html
  10. how do you fix the grey head problem?
  11. What you need is a short third ( or first ) person animation of your warrior sticking his boot in the door. Brute force for the win. sadly that don't work on chests but it needs to be made lol
  12. You know I never could get that mod to work on my pc, don't know why
  13. Thanks for working on it, should make playing a non thief more real. now we just need someone to make it so we don't have to pick pockets and steal to get info from the thieves guild lol.
  14. Can someone make a crowbar mod, so that my warrior doesn't have to waste perk points on lock picking, it is so not my warriors style. I would do it myself but I am not a modder. even break locks using the mining animation to simulate breaking the lock, anything really would be better than picking locks with a non thief.
  15. I agree, need to strut and show off my manly muscles lol
  16. I just want something to show off my male characters manly muscles lol, you know without him streaking.
  17. i agree with you, someone did it for oblivion, you would this it could be done it this game.
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