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Everything posted by Trizeki

  1. Starting simple is the best way ... look for some tutorials by Dragonsong, So You Want to Be a Builder, and tuts by Scott Fisher on Google/Yahoo. They are still available and those two started countless now famous modders on their road to success. A road once taken that you never turn off of .....
  2. Here is Gwenne Genver, my Breton spellsword, using her Azural Glow Dagger: http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g144/Athane/AzuralGlowatsunset.jpg Here are two other shots of it ... the last showing the effects upon a mudcrab: http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g144/Ath...Glowinhouse.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g144/Ath...zuralStrike.jpg
  3. I am currently playing Guild Wars and Oblivion :D
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