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About SynysterShadows1213

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    United States
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    Batman Arkham City
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    Can't Decide :/

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  1. I'm gonna be honest, the only reason I preordered the game on PC as soon as it was announced was because I thought "someone is going to mod more stable space and I'm going to be there for that." I am sad to see that up to date, it doesn't exist. I wonder if there is an issue preventing that mod from working or even existing because come on, I can't be the only person who wants to own them all. Gotta catch em all guys.
  2. I think this would be a wonderful idea. Sometimes I'm fighting some strong baddies and my health will go so low and I will eventually get hit with a final blow before I can even bring up my Pip Boy or press that key to Stimpak me up to health. If we could have the option to automatically inject chems while fighting I won't have to worry so much about my health and I could focus more on the enemies in front of me.
  3. I would really love to see the unlimited companions mod implemented in FO4! :D This was the one from FO:NV http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34870/?
  4. When I killed my first dragon I spent time running around doing other quests. Then when I came back to the spot where I had killed it, it began to move and it flipped over on its side. It's a normal thing, happens to me all the time in real life....or wait...
  5. Just think, once Skyrim comes out............no one will be on the forums O.o or outside. We will all be huddled at our desks/chairs/couches motionless except for our fingertips nervously clicking the buttons away. Your family will forget you exist, you will forget you exist because there is only one Dovahkiin...you will forget what reality is and the game will become your reality and all you have achieved up until now will have all been a waste...and it's about 12:30am over here and I haven't gotten much sleep in the past week so I really don't know where this was going. Anyways 23hrs baby!
  6. I have no clue, I'm just going to roam until I end up somewhere.
  7. Like every married couple in the Canterbury Tales :thumbsup: But they should have sense on what's going on in the world around them and I think their mention of you should depend on the things you have done (good or bad). I would love to see my significant other be terrified or overjoyed to see me (terrified as in like evil things i've done in Skyrim, not anything terribly physical I've done to him/her)
  8. I'll be taking a last minute math quiz online. :/
  9. I'm female so I usually always pick a fem character. But as for guys it's like they say...'If they are going to play a game for 300hrs they might as well enjoy the view' ;)
  10. Hmmmm when I got Fable 3 I stopped using the Lionhead forums......but since thenexus has other games that I actually play on here (Unlike LH) I will probably come back. Mind you this is if I can even think to press the "Quit" button in Skyrim.
  11. I have a Jurassic Park raptor mask. I had a DB suit (grim reaper) and I put on the raptor mask and gloves and tadah! Argonian! http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb195/emo_is_me1213/091311165230.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb195/emo_is_me1213/091311164938.jpg
  12. First of all who has school veteran's day? lol Well, it should be a holiday worldwide anyways b/c 11-11-11 only happens once in a lifetime! This causes for worship of Skyrim, battle, wine, and celebration....some good cheese as well.
  13. I would love to see this! But then again I don't want to know what enemies I'll encounter and when and I rather be surprised when I absorb a dragon's soul and see some shout I never knew about...hmmm I think I'll pass this time around. I may change my mind, but thanks for posting!
  14. If you're talking about in game 300hrs+. there is apparently so much to do and not only that but everyone (ok almost) has to play it twice. I don't think I've ever gone through a game only once. Or at least I've attempted a second try :) With all these new aspects of the game with marriage, new AI, I think Skyrim can be easily played for longer than 300hrs.....400 if you're daring? But lets of course not forget mods....mods make everything longer lol
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