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Posts posted by SynysterShadows1213

  1. I'm gonna be honest, the only reason I preordered the game on PC as soon as it was announced was because I thought "someone is going to mod more stable space and I'm going to be there for that." I am sad to see that up to date, it doesn't exist. I wonder if there is an issue preventing that mod from working or even existing because come on, I can't be the only person who wants to own them all. Gotta catch em all guys.

  2. I think this would be a wonderful idea. Sometimes I'm fighting some strong baddies and my health will go so low and I will eventually get hit with a final blow before I can even bring up my Pip Boy or press that key to Stimpak me up to health. If we could have the option to automatically inject chems while fighting I won't have to worry so much about my health and I could focus more on the enemies in front of me.

  3. When I killed my first dragon I spent time running around doing other quests. Then when I came back to the spot where I had killed it, it began to move and it flipped over on its side. It's a normal thing, happens to me all the time in real life....or wait...
  4. Just think, once Skyrim comes out............no one will be on the forums O.o or outside. We will all be huddled at our desks/chairs/couches motionless except for our fingertips nervously clicking the buttons away. Your family will forget you exist, you will forget you exist because there is only one Dovahkiin...you will forget what reality is and the game will become your reality and all you have achieved up until now will have all been a waste...and it's about 12:30am over here and I haven't gotten much sleep in the past week so I really don't know where this was going.


    Anyways 23hrs baby!

  5. Like every married couple in the Canterbury Tales :thumbsup:


    But they should have sense on what's going on in the world around them and I think their mention of you should depend on the things you have done (good or bad). I would love to see my significant other be terrified or overjoyed to see me (terrified as in like evil things i've done in Skyrim, not anything terribly physical I've done to him/her)

  6. Hmmmm when I got Fable 3 I stopped using the Lionhead forums......but since thenexus has other games that I actually play on here (Unlike LH) I will probably come back. Mind you this is if I can even think to press the "Quit" button in Skyrim.
  7. First of all who has school veteran's day? lol Well, it should be a holiday worldwide anyways b/c 11-11-11 only happens once in a lifetime! This causes for worship of Skyrim, battle, wine, and celebration....some good cheese as well.
  8. I would love to see this! But then again I don't want to know what enemies I'll encounter and when and I rather be surprised when I absorb a dragon's soul and see some shout I never knew about...hmmm I think I'll pass this time around. I may change my mind, but thanks for posting!
  9. If you're talking about in game 300hrs+. there is apparently so much to do and not only that but everyone (ok almost) has to play it twice. I don't think I've ever gone through a game only once. Or at least I've attempted a second try :)


    With all these new aspects of the game with marriage, new AI, I think Skyrim can be easily played for longer than 300hrs.....400 if you're daring? But lets of course not forget mods....mods make everything longer lol

  10. These are pretty interesting stories guys. I kinda feel like an idiot because mine is more of a short story than a prologue lol. I enjoy writing though :happy:


    @Synyster: What's going to happen to his blindfold? I dont think Skyrim has any. Are you going to mod it in or just say the guards took it? lol

    lol same here, I love writing and I think a short story is a better intro for a character :) but yea...blindfold...I dunno, I am not a modder, don't even know how to or where I would begin. But I do have a friend that said he could mod something for me so maybe I'll ask him :) or maybe I'll learn how to start modding as well...

  11. I'll play until I get to the point where I hold a conversation with an NPC and completely forget withing seconds what they said and when I start running into things and dying a lot...this happened in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood....I played for about 30hrs straight and then I got to a point where I just kept dying and dying...I blame it on Ezio >.>
  12. Nátta (means 'become night' in Norse), a Dark Elf from the land of Cyrodil. He is a skilled archer who never misses his target and no one really knows much about him for he keeps to himself and speaks to no one. He was traveling along a dirt path in the forest at night when suddenly assassin's came out from nowhere! But they were no ordinary assassin's, they were part of the one and only Dark Brotherhood, hired to kill the Elf for a handsome amount of gold and luxury. There stood 5 loyal sons of Sithis, ready to kill in the name of their Dread Father! Nátta armed his bow and the battle begun.


    Nátta had struck down 2 DB assassin's with one shot and one arrow, he was about to aim again when suddenly a Dragon appeared! The dragon killed off 2 more assassin's with a swipe of his massive claws and towards towards the Dark Elf. The last assassin fled and it was only Nátta and the dragon. A heated but short battle begun and the dragon breathed fire upon the elf's eyes. Staggering back in pain he fell to his knees, but he knew this would not be the end. He could sense the dragon coming in for it's final attack and he pulled back his bow and let his skill aim for the beast's heart. In a moment a loud crash came and the earth shook. All was silent. Clenching his face Nátta could not see and without thinking he made a desperate attempt to recover his sight.


    He used a form of forbidden and dangerous magic. He consumed the soul of the dragon and transformed that soul into power of sight.....he had gained eyes, but they were not his own. He could see clearly in the dark, he could outline and pick every detail of the land in the pitch black darkness of the night. It was amazing power but suddenly he felt rage, he began to see destruction and feel hate and so this dragon soul that he had consumed had also consumed him. The soul of the dragon who thirst for revenge and destruction was now part of him, he was one. He didn't want to feel or see such hate so he wrapped his eyes in cloth (blindfold) and the rage began to dissipate. He figured out that as long as he kept his eyes in darkness, he did not sense the dragon or its hate. So he kept his eyes blindfolded and although he now carried great power, he also carried a curse. He knew he had to continue, continue as far as his feet would take him...to the land of Skyrim.


    Actually before 5min ago I had no background for this character. I have been drawing this dark elf for the past month and I was going to make him into a character in Skyrim, and since I'm not so great with eyes I kept him blindfolded....so somehow I had to explain that.....even as outrageous as it seems lol but hey it's Skyrim...anything can happen :)


    As for ending up in Skyrim.....gets into a fight with guards at the border. They ask his business but he will not state it, so they questions him, get pushy, and a fight begins. Nátta becomes overwhelmed and they knock him out and take him to prison....then there is where our story begins....

  13. Why take a companion?


    Well...so they can carry all that phat lewt you obtain without your having to decide what to drop and what to take...CARRY IT ALL


    And yea...in FO and NV companion kills gave you XP...you just don't get the credit for achievement kills.

    Sadly I think that your characters can't act as pack mules :(

  14. Well in NV and FO3 you got XP as well. I think in NV you actually got it all. But forgive me if I'm wrong it's been quite sometime since I've played either of them.


    But I always liked having the company of someone else, not only that but your companions can now steal stuff for you, open locks, attack whomever you wish, etc. I personally would like to have one to try out the new system and such, but I'm the kind of person who likes having someone follow me around. I get to make fun of them when I like :P

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