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About angel3181

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  1. Thanks for the reply. I did try uninstalling and reinstalling RaceMenu and that didn't work. I just tried getting rid of Familiar Faces and that didn't work. As far as load order goes, I use BOSS and it recognizes both mods and, I assume, orders them correctly.
  2. Just in the last few days, I updated to the latest RaceMenu and SKSE when I added Familiar Faces. I have not added any other new mods. Today, I created a new character and I literally have thousands of options with each color slider, which I never had before. Most sliders, like dirt color, have 2883 options. Hair color has 6560 options. It's impossible to find a color. I have tried uninstalling RaceMenu and using the regular Skyrim menu to change hair color but I still had thousands of options. I reinstalled RaceMenu and still have it. How/why do I have so many any how do I get rid of that? Screenshot showing how many color options I have attached. I am not sure how to easily get a list of my mods to post but again, I didn't have this before and I am fairly certain that the only changes I have made are updating RaceMenu and SKSE, as well a installing Familiar Faces.
  3. Same issue. All mods say "No file exists for this ID."
  4. Here's an update: I tried going back to a save from before I was doing the Hentai Mania dungeons. It was 12 game play hours earlier but I went back to it and I had already uninstalled the Hentai Mania mod so I didn't go back to those dungeons. For a day or so, it was fine - no CTDs when saving. Then, it started again. I had not installed or uninstalled any new mods when it started again. It happens on all types of saving - quick, auto, and regular saves. I would like to point out that I put 90 game play hours on this game before the original CTDs when saving started. Anytime it CTDs on saving, which is almost every time, that save file is corrupt. One of three things will happen when I try to load that save: 1. A message will pop up saying the save file is corrupt. 2. Or it will CTD when loading that save. 3. Or it will just not load. It will sit on the loading screen until I get impatient - I have waited literally 10 minutes and it doesn't load.
  5. Thanks for trying Nisen. :) Anyone else out there who can help? My game is pretty much unplayable at this point.
  6. Yes, I use Wrye Bash. The CTD is happening as it is saving because there will be a new save in the load menu with the preview showing me in the new location, if applicable, but I can't load that save because it is corrupt. Here's my other mods:
  7. All of the sudden this morning, I started getting a lot of CTDs. It seems to randomly happen when I quicksave or when the game autosaves. I'm not sure if it has happened on a regular save. Also, before today, rarely did a CTD mean a corrupt save file but today, every CTD has resulted in a corrupt save, sometimes causing an hour or more of lost work. I've started putting saves on much more frequently now because of this but at times, it's almost unplayable. For example, I was going to see Tar-Meena in the Mystic Archives. When you go there, the game autosaves. It crashed 5 times before I was able to go in and talk to her. I use BOSS and keep the master list updated. I also use Wrye Bash and the bashed patch. This started this morning. I was doing some dungeons in Hentai Mania, which are vanilla dungeons that he has changed up a bit. I started getting some crashes every few minutes in one of them so I went back to a previous save from before that dungeon and did not go back to any of Hentai Mania's dungeons after that. Since then, the random CTDs on save have been happening. I also uninstalled Hentai Mania hoping that would help, but it hasn't. Thanks in advance for your help. Edit: Just confirmed that it is happening on regular esc menu saves also.
  8. I figured out the eye thing! It's because I'm a vampire. Duh...I feel stupid for not realizing it. I installed the Vampire Race Disabler, which I apparently installed at some point yesterday to, and my eyes work properly now. :)
  9. Sure! Races: Moonshadow Elves (my Vilja is Moonshadow), Hidden Elves, Ancient Elven Sorceress, and Aos Si. (I'm trying to decide between the last 3 which one I want to use.) Beauty Mods: Ren's Beauty Pack - Full, Corean hair for original races. Just FYI, this happened with the first custom race I installed after having uninstalled everything and is happening in all races, vanilla and custom. That was Cute Elves, which I have since uninstalled and it was an OMOD file so it was easy to uninstall. The funny thing is that before I did the first uninstall yesterday, while I still had Beautiful People, I never had this eye problem and I had quite a few more custom races installed than I have now. In case it helps, here's my BOSS list (none are unrecognized, no errors):
  10. Well, looking at your save games in Wrye Bash suggests that you do not have the required mods installed (they are all coloured red). Like I have said before, if there is a conflict with a race mesh, that will cause weirdness. My suggestion is to install ONLY races that you are going to use in your save game, and make sure that they are compatible with each other if there is more than one. Then, start a new game and save into a new slot. Now you can import your face, providing the donor save game is compatible, race-wise -- you cannot get a square peg into a round hole. I'm not doing face exchange now. The reason they are red is because those are saves from before I uninstalled/reinstalled and I didn't reinstall every mod that I had before. Right now, I'm just talking about the fact that the eyes are messed up. I have downloaded all requirements for the races I have but it's messed up for the vanilla races too. It either looks kind of googly or like a pale red. When I switch eyes in the race menu, it then looks fine but I can save with those eyes, load, and I have crazy eyes again. Would you like to see some screen shots to see what I am talking about? Oh and clicking reset in the race menu doesn't fix it.
  11. Thanks for the info. Any other ideas about the strange eyes?
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