I'm sorry to say, but I have very little skill in the ways of Mod-Fu. I've played with the G.E.C.K. a little, but beyond that, I'm worthless. That's why I'm asking the wonderous modders of the Fallout Nexus if they would be willing to try something for me, or at least let me know if it's possible. I've noticed a lot of radio mods on the Nexus, most of which simply add a few songs. But I want to be able to hear some of my favorite music come through in that slightly static-y tone that the pip-boy emulates, whilst blowing up super mutants. I propose a mod that would link up with your i-Tunes, and play songs from it. Knowing what little I do about modding, it seems to me like the easiest road to go down with this would be to have it set to find a specific playlist name, and then play songs from that. This would also allow for customization of what is being played through the ease of i-Tunes music library. I say i-Tunes, only because it is the first MP3 organizer/player that comes to mind at the moment, if it would be any easier to use [insert Generic MP3 player], for instance, then that's perfectly fine. I would definitely appreciate it if someone could get back to me on this Pronto, as well as any feedback as to whether this is a good/bad idea, or if there's something in the Nexus that I missed similar to what I'm describing. :ninja: