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About cloak174

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    Fallout3, CoD6, Mercs2
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  1. There you are, I'm about to test it for the first time myself, so you let me know how things go on your end. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12211 :yes: UPDATE: All's well on my end.
  2. I'll see what I can do! I've been looking for something nice and easy to do :D
  3. I'm sorry to say, but I have very little skill in the ways of Mod-Fu. I've played with the G.E.C.K. a little, but beyond that, I'm worthless. That's why I'm asking the wonderous modders of the Fallout Nexus if they would be willing to try something for me, or at least let me know if it's possible. I've noticed a lot of radio mods on the Nexus, most of which simply add a few songs. But I want to be able to hear some of my favorite music come through in that slightly static-y tone that the pip-boy emulates, whilst blowing up super mutants. I propose a mod that would link up with your i-Tunes, and play songs from it. Knowing what little I do about modding, it seems to me like the easiest road to go down with this would be to have it set to find a specific playlist name, and then play songs from that. This would also allow for customization of what is being played through the ease of i-Tunes music library. I say i-Tunes, only because it is the first MP3 organizer/player that comes to mind at the moment, if it would be any easier to use [insert Generic MP3 player], for instance, then that's perfectly fine. I would definitely appreciate it if someone could get back to me on this Pronto, as well as any feedback as to whether this is a good/bad idea, or if there's something in the Nexus that I missed similar to what I'm describing. :ninja:
  4. this should be a hotkeyed perk as well :D I'd probably use it that way more than anything. haha. Just read through this thread, and it looks like you've got some really amazing stuff going, Old Hand. I'm looking forward to a finished product in the (near?) future.
  5. I like to spawn large amounts of enemies and allies, and watch them tear poo up. :D
  6. The game is 100% scripted with a thin layer of PB. I used to have frequent crashes as well, but it all got better when I got the latest patch. now I just snafu stuff when I go and try my hand at modding. :D
  7. my question still hasn't been answered yet, or rather, my variant. I'm curios as to how you actually find said base ID w/o leaving the game. :nuke: probably should have said something sooner... My bad
  8. .3ds from sketchup works in NifSkope. :D now I just have to learn how to texture it and such, and I'll be set. :biggrin: :tongue: :biggrin: :tongue: :biggrin: :tongue: :biggrin: :tongue: :biggrin: I'm happy.
  9. I don't understand. You want advice on computer parts, yet you've already settled on what your going to get? At least, that's the way that I'm seeing things. Call me crazy, but it seems kinda pointless. Sorry if I misunderstand. :confused:
  10. First off, I do apologize if I've put this in the wrong spot, I'm fairly new to your forums and I haven't seen anyplace else I felt this would fit well. :sweat: Now, on to business! I LOVE Google Sketchup. It's just too easy to use, and I'm so very-very familiar with it. I have an enormous craving to take some old gun models I made in there and stick em' in fallout. Unfortunately, I can't quite figure out how to do so. If anyone could provide a small tutorial/ suggestion/ list of software I can use to convert from one, to the other, and ultimately wind up with my product, it would be greatly appreciated. I do have the Pro version of Sketchup, so I can convert to; .3ds .dwg .dxf .kmz .dae .fbx .obj .wrl .xsi If any of those are familiar to you please let me know. I have tried using NifSkope w. the OBJ file format, and it simply sais I need to "triangulate meshes" or something along those lines. That is not, sadly, an option in Sketchup. Which leads me here, typing up this topic. Thanks in advance!
  11. that is probably one of the most useful mods I've seen. "Call me crazy, but could you use a heavy incinerator to reduce it to a pile of ashes? (or does that only work for things that are alive?) " yes, sadly, it only works on living things, and what's more, it can't actually do that. a plasma rifle could goo-a-fie it, IF I got a crit. thanks overlord! :D
  12. Go ahead and post your list. bear in mind though, primarily, graphics aren't dictated by RAM, but the graphics card. Don't get me wrong, I have 6GB of RAM and love it, but you want to get yourself a good graphics card to really crank poo up. http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_9800gt_us.html That's the card I have. I can turn on tgm, and shoot a wall point blank with the experimental MIRV, and not experience much lag at ALL. Generally, you'd want about 500MB memory in your graphics card. That one has 2GB, so you should be fine, heheh. Lemme know if you need any info about any other parts that go into computers. I don't know, nor claim to know, tech support levels of stuff, but I'm more than happy to share what little I do.
  13. About midway through my trip to Revit City for the first time. I had never (and still haven't) experienced a video game with such an expansive, and seemingly endless world. What's more, it looked amazing (graphics-wise) the whole trip. And the random encounters reminded me of playing some good ol' D&D. One of my favorite things to do is still just wander around the wasteland aimlessly in search of more beasties to kill. :biggrin:
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