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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. I know! I cant mod no more!!
  2. http://vampirechronicles.net/akasha/akasha13.jpg http://www.vampire-empire.com/images/queen-of-the-damned-21245080.jpg This is Akasha, mother of all vampires.
  3. Wow thats pretty messed up that someone can do that
  4. What is a DDoS attack?
  5. You lose sheepie :P
  6. Someone should make an outfit for Akasha from Queen of the Damned!!
  7. Any plans to make yuna and paine outfits?
  8. Did we win the sheep wars or what?
  9. Im bummed cuz i was on her friends list! Now if i wanna talk to her again ill have to register at that new site :'( she was gonna help me with a mod too...
  10. ..... Umm... Did we win?
  11. My Hard Drive Is Fried!!!!!!!!
  12. I always wondered what that button was for! Thank you very much. Now if i could figure out scripting id be set lol.
  13. Ive noticed in some mods and even oblivion itself that some of the dead bodies are positioned as being dead and also it different positions Like skeletons having their pieces on the floor, or people laying down instead of standing up. How do you do this?
  14. Ill mount a direct attack on their ships with Thundaga, nuetralizing their ships and stunning or killing the crew.
  15. It would suit him better without the horns lol.
  16. Its not that hes annoying.... Its just that hes fun to kill in interesting ways!! Such as shooting him in the face off dive rock! depicted below. http://file.vustv.com/O-GsGS8uVIjww.jpg
  17. http://www.americasmattress.com/media/images/interior/serta-mattress.jpg (computer voice) *SHEEP DISTRACTION UNIT DEPLOYED* Sheeps are compelled to jump over the mattress repeatedly.
  18. Technically, I'm breeding more forces, and quite frankly, my grues hate sheep and their gods, including the Norse ones, so now you've ticked them off with your wooly presence... >:( >: *sends very angry grues to attack Thor Enjoy their "hospitality"...while you're still alive... :devil: Um... Ginger, hes on our side!!!!!!!! He meant the sheep were recruiting!
  19. Grue Keeper fail!!!!!!!!
  20. *nom nom nom Gulp* Too late, sorry.
  21. The grues shall eat well tonight.
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