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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. Dead bodies everywhere!!!! Yeah!!
  2. remember the real general is in a garage in Buffalo and he believes he is running the anti-sheep shindig unaware that he has been giving orders to a 3 week old pizza delivery box although we're not really certain what happened to the Pod General think he's still leading the attack on Cleveland I'm a SHE! A CHICK! A LADY! I have my forces here to destory you all!... As soon the 10th of March passes. Well where is the General then??!!!!
  3. 835-The Uderfrykte forgot how to fight with severed body parts.
  4. We need to locate the arc and destroy it. I shall break into area 51 and rescue the general! All who wish to help follow me!
  5. 753-An evolutionary spike has occurred within fifty years, dreughs evolved to walk on land, mudcrabs grew more legs and claws, and dremoras and golden saints have advanced to a sentient level. 754-Never believe any books describing people or creatures. Mannimarco is not a lich!!!!!!!!!!! and spider daedra are not gigantic.
  6. How will we preserve the meat for that long? It does but we have won, you sheep have lost. The End All thanks to me :biggrin: Nah jk im not that concieted. But still the sheep had no chance against me! It was inevitable!
  7. http://images.ados.fr/divers/photo/7615298761/zack-fair-cie/zack-sephiroth-animes-166946799f.gif Yes... now that my theme song is playing I am in the zone!!!! your attacks have no effect!!!!! http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu323/demondeath6/Sephiroth.gif Now... To go on the offensive!!!!!!!
  8. http://www.fightersgeneration.com/np6/char/gifus/sephi-ac-ani.gif Prepare to face my wrath sheepies. (I rise from the flames unscathed.)
  9. 6 is where the best meat is :devil: (I tried to multi-quote but it said too many images) (Double oops!!! My browser froze. Sorry for the double post) :sweat:
  10. 6 is where the best meat is :devil: (I tried to multi-qoute but it said too many images)
  11. *grabs flamethrower and melts all of the ice Spartans.* *casts Firaga and burns you both to a crisp* Ive got the first sandwiches of war here!!!!!!!!!!!! *nom nom nom*
  12. Idk know if this is supposed to happen or what, but when I cast lightning at Mehrunes Dagon he always melts into a big pile of red mush.
  13. Yes!!!!!!!!!! Devour them!!!!!!!!!!! Ingest them ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then me and Brokenergy will move in and wipe out the remaining forces!!!!!! Tasty Sheep Meat Will Be Ours For The Taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
  14. Yeah i looked it up and found it. thanks :thumbsup:
  15. Area 51 sheep activate the robot control jammer Watches as the robot dragons fall helplessly to the ground sends in the salvage sheep Packs off 375 tons of scrap metal to be sold on Ebay (first round of salvage only) replenishing the Area 51's operating petty cash note to self - send 'brokenenergy' an xmas card this year as a thank-you When did parrots begin working for the sheep? Youre a bit late for the party lol.
  16. Anyone out there know who made the T- Rex mod with the altered clannfear mesh? Not the realistic looking one with the clipping issues, the one that looks like a clannfear with no head plate and a bigger mouth.
  17. Sounds like youre missing the textures. If you used bsa or something make sure they went to the right place
  18. Foolish sheep minds are too simplistic to comprehend their own mortality.
  19. Yeah youre probably right lol
  20. So are you in the anti-sheep resistance?
  21. I think we're winning this war, General.
  22. Well notice also that even though the Camorans knew about the fate of the Mythic Dawn agents they still served Dagon, so the must have been recieve some sort of benefit that the others were not.
  23. I certainly cant die. I hide from no sheep!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE VERMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill crush you all!!!! http://static.blogstorage.hi-pi.com/photos/yunie75.blog.jeuxvideo.com/images/gd/1176301816/Sephiroth.gif
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