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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. Sephiroth needs no suit cuz he is invincible.
  2. Nothing can stop me. Ill carve through your sheep soldiers like butter. Well all be eating gyros by nightfall!! Then im gonna tear down the Arc!!! Im Brigadier General, GodKingVivec and ill shall be your doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am Sephiroth!!! All sheep who stand before me shall face oblivion!!!!!!!!!! (Front flips dramatically onto battlefield) http://api.ning.com/files/nmtN6rS2URvCaC05ICrBu9apTWzshlh6JaITdqtCtIFgE3hjSUp277Lf5wEdZbqQ7zL9DP-OtasL4EjZNKh6PtLDA4Ap0UUo/Sephiroth.gif
  4. Will annhialate every sheep he sees on the battlefield.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeseyBall
    3. GrueMaster


      Don't worry, CheeseyBall, I'll make sure the sheep get some leg of lamb. :)
    4. CheeseyBall
  5. Whats my rank? I want to announce my arrival on the battle field with a dynamic and dramatic entry!!!!!
  7. Spamming sir? You can quote more than one person in a single post. Also, I'm very sad to hear she is gone. She and Kikai are my favourite modders. I've been working on something like a graphic novel I would have liked her to see. :c Id love to meet her too. I didnt know you coulld do that. but wouldnt it get confusing?
  8. Sign me up. But I want a high rank! Sephiroth shall lend you his steel against the wooly menace..
  9. Sephiroth is immune to your foolish attempts to alter his mind.
  10. I thought xLyrie was sheep god?
  11. I had feared something like that. theres months of work down the drain.... well weeks anyway, luckily i made a backup about a month ago so.... not as much done but i can redo what i did before. Thanks
  12. Sephiroth aknowledges no banishment. Only destruction of sheeps.
  13. Death to sheepies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Itll be like overlord!!!!!!!!!!! I sends my minions to kills you!!
  14. Exploding ballooooons!!!!!
  15. How do you know? how many giratinas have you eaten recently?
  16. Yesss.... FEEEEAAAARRRR MMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yep. I went to her profile to see what she was up to and everything was gone!! :"(
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