In response to post #23300889. #23302034 is also a reply to the same post. You are wrong. It can improve FPS precisely varying view distance. I post some instructions I found in the web: "This is the FPS optimizer. It can be used to allow widescreen resolutions and custom Field of View options. This is not going to be used to improve the graphics of the game, but make it so you can view the game in a proper resolution. It can help you improve your FPS if you are on a limited system as well. Open the .zip, extract this to your Morrowind directory. Create a shortcut of this .exe and send it to your desktop. This will be your primary launcher in the future. Run mw_fps_opt.exe - uncheck "novice mode". Click "change Morrowind registry settings here" and set your native resolution. Next, go to the "view" tab and uncheck all of the boxes here. You can tinker with these later if you have FPS issues. Next, click the "misc/2" tab and change the FOV and aspect ratio. Here is a good chart for aspect ratio. For FOV, I generally float between 90 and 95, but your mileage my vary depending on your preferences. Continuing, go to the "n/patch" tab and uncheck all of the boxes here (yes, all of them - right click and choose "select all", then right click again and click "disable selected"). This gets rid of the annoying "object popping" that the FPS optimizer comes with. Close FPS optimizer and continue with the guide. As a side note, if you have poor FPS: Re-enable the boxes that were enabled on the "view" tab. It's unlikely that you'll have to do this, but in the event that you do (netbook, integrated graphics, etc), these settings are highly useful. You can use the middle mouse scroll wheel to adjust the view distance dynamically, and it will change the view distance automatically depending on your FPS - you can set your desired minimum FPS here as well." This program is genius, I played with it for many years.