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Everything posted by perfectlydiverse

  1. No bother! I'm happy to help when I can! It would probably be best for you not to touch the EQ at all if you know that the client has an engineer for that. A plain audio file with no adjustments is optimal in that situation. But in the case of auditioning or if the client expects good sounding files when they get them from you you will benefit by understanding how to use the full EQ and not just the pre-programmed bass or treble options. Here is a video that might help you out: Audacity Tutorial How To Use Eq... If you need more basic information in general about Equalization and how it works click here. That's a good place to start. It's also helpful to know a bit about compression, so take a look at this also. You're recordings are generally good, so you shouldn't need to do major tweaks. Just play with it. That's the fun part! Of course, there's tons of info online. Some is good while some not so much... :wink:
  2. Ok, I understand what you're saying. I did a test where I copied the cell and in the copy removed the planes. Then I teleported to each one and compared the local maps. I then could see how the planes sculpted the image. Thanks for answering my question!
  3. That makes sense, but these panels are way way above the map just floating out in space... they don't seem to be serving any purpose.
  4. I've been exploring the creation kit and just decided, after going through the basic tutorial, to just browse some of the levels already made. So I started surfing around Asilvund01. In the process I zoomed out to get a top view of the entire map... and I found black panels placed everywhere. I thought they might have just been a way the creators premapped their layout before starting to work, but it doesn't look the same as the final layout, so I'm not sure. Anyone know why those black panels are there. It seems a bit pointless to me, because it's just unneeded data floating out in space, but I could be wrong.
  5. It's boomy on all of them. I would cut the Freq. below 100Hz pretty drastically (those are sub-sub level tones and not produced by most everyday speakers very accurately, unless you have a dedicated subwoofer. Also those broad low waves "mask" the smaller frequencies above it making it harder to really understand what's being said. It's also unnatural for a humanoid to have the capability to have such low tones [even Andre the Giant couldn't get that boomy...]. Usually you reserve the sub-sub lows for really demonic (unnatural) voices and even then in small amounts, so discretion is advised.) , then play with the band between 100 to 500HZ. That band is the natural lows to mids you hear everyday and that make up most voice tones. As you tweak take breaks and listen to audio clips of some low toned powerful voices online as a reference (like Christopher Lee, Ian McKellen... and then for traditional orc treatment see this), then compare what you have to those. Only spend about 15 to 30 min then take a break for the same amount of time. You shouldn't have to tweak much, so don't let yourself use too much time on it or your ears will fatigue and you won't get anywhere. Last two tips: The bass in most animal and human applications corresponds to the size of the rib cage of the creature. I think some good comparisons are Smaug, wargs, a real tiger roar, as well as Andre the Giant and James Earl Jones. If at any point you think "that sounds pretty good", stop what you are doing, bounce a copy to a file, and take a break. Then come back later, tweak some more, and repeat... until you have a few versions. Compare the multiple versions and pick the one you like most. You don't have to take too much time, but if you want "good", or especially if you want "great", it's worth the diligence.
  6. Yeah, I plan on looking around more to see what's out there. I've only just recently become aware of this mod community. If you want you're welcome to send me a PM about a project. I can do most anyone's editing needs and some basic audio cleanup, as well as mixing and effects processing. I'm only limited by my home studio setup which is basic, but it has the necessities. Just let me know what's needed and we can discuss what I can do.
  7. Hey there guys! I haven't officially decided to commit to doing this, but I'm very close to saying yes and posting my own voiceovers. Nonetheless this is an awesome thread just to look through. I agree with Matthaiswagg above about looking at those resources he linked to. They have some good basic info. I'm an audio engineer/producer (including a Bachelors of Science Degree in the subject) so I have some quick tips: (I may be reiterating tips from past posts, so forgive me if I have. I haven't read every post on the thread. They still merit mentioning.) - You need to try and make your recordings as clean as possible, because there might be an instance where a mod (or any client if you're really getting serious) will want your voice in complete silence (say in a moment of quiet tension). There are also gamers out there (aka me) that turn the music and ambient sounds of the game down but leave the voices maxed in volume so as to make it easier to understand what's said. Either way, isolating yourself from ambient room noise is always better. A basic cheap trick that can help in some (not all) situations to help isolate your recording is drape thick(ish) quilts/blankets over windows and doors. Also make sure that you aren't speaking in the direction of a flat surface at a 90 degree angle. Just turn by 20 or 30 degrees to reduce your voice from bouncing-back. And as you already said, don't have your computer or anything that will vibrate sitting on anything resonant (ie your desk). If you have to put a thick towel under your computer or whatever is vibrating. That will insulate between the two and reduce noise. - Don't over EQ! It's better to have a "flat" sounding recording than one with too much bass/mid/high frequencies. It's ok to tweak EQ a little, but only that: a little. Only do major EQ settings according to what the client (mod) wants, so talk to them and see what they like or don't like. Obviously if the character requires an unnatural sound then by all means tweak away, but if it's just the qualities of your voice... a little goes a long way. - Relating to EQ, how close you are to your microphone will also effect the tone. If you've ever seen a vocalist or voice actor stretch their thumb and pinky as far apart as they can and position their hand between their mouth and the mic they're making sure they aren't too close or too far. Of course that trick depends on the size of your hand, but you typically should have at least 4 to 5 inches of space between your mouth and the microphone. If you don't you get really bassy (too close) or too weak/tinny (too far). ryukcro, I thought your samples were really good, but the bass/low mids of your recordings were a bit over zealous. Dial that back a bit and it will sound much more like your actually talking to us face to face, and not through a microphone. Usually the microphone should be "invisible' to the listener. All of these can be tweaked according to the situation and the creative intent, but they're a good baseline. I hope that helps, and wasn't too preachy. :smile: Keep up the awesome work guys! I might join you soon!
  8. OK... I've just had Skyrim crash my computer at the same place doing the same thing twice back to back. I was in my home in Riften managing my items in the chest by the bed. That's all I was doing both times. I start from a save in the Bee and the Barb, exit from there and walk to my home, enter, then walk over to the chest open it look at the weapons, then move to the apparel, and as I was looking at my apparel it crashed both times. I've never had this happen the same way twice before. It's crashed about 6 times on me today! I've updated the Skyrim Papyrus logs in my dropbox (link above). Papyrus.0 and .1 are the two that crash at the same place. All the rest are from separate crashes. NOTE: I'm not using any Mods. This is stock Skyrim.
  9. I've played all of my games without issue. (Deus Ex Revolution, Assasin's Creed 3, Dragon Age Origins, Batman Arkham Series... ) I've check my Hard Drive for errors as well and everything checks out as fine.
  10. I posted my issue on an old thread (cir. 2011), but never had any response, so I'm posting a new thread hoping for some discussion. Here's what I posted: Just to add something else I've tried, I removed the atimgpud.dll from my Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim directory because I've heard it can cause stability issues when it there and you don't use ATI graphics. That also hasn't worked. I've also noticed that when I boot Skyrim back up after a crash it shows me double the saves I had before: adding old saves I had already deleted to the ones I kept. I then delete the old saves again, but then whenever it decides to crash again it does the same thing... Any thought are appreciated! I also posted on the steam forums to see if anyone had any ideas and we've hit a wall. Here's the link there. View pages 175, 176, & 179: http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846956740639650936/#p175
  11. I'm having a similar issue as the others on this thread. Skyrim crashes my computer. But mine instantly powers off my Desktop. No certain action or time causes the issue. It just randomly powers off, then after a few seconds my computer powers on again. I also have some lagging issues when in dungeons, but not when out in Skyrim... (whether that helps diagnose anything or not). My PSU was recently replaced through warranty claim, which fixed some computer instability I had before the replacement, but this issue is the only one to remain. I've run sfc for corrupted files --> no corrupted files (I have complete reinstalled windows 8.1 twice trying to solve this issue) I've completely removed and reinstalled graphics drivers --> no change I've measured computer temps using multiple tools (i.e. speedfan, SPM etc.) --> I'm not overheating. I Stay under 35 dgrees Celsius. Done cpu and ram stress and error checking (Prime95, MemTest86+ etc.) --> not a hiccup So, any further help would be appreciated. Link is to download a few Skyrim Logs for crashes and an SPM Log. I wasn't permitted to attach files here. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/btr6wwzlila5cdz/AADtA5UQ5E1GJfuPXQsbBvqla?dl=0 Build: Intel i7-3770K (Intel HD4000 Graphics) 8GB DDR3 RAM No Discreet Graphics Card 860Watt Corsait AX860i Platinum PSU
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