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About fingerpicker021

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    United States

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  1. Hey guys! Not sure how to go about doing this, so I figured I'd just ask directly! I'd like to give all of this voice acting business a try. Age: 26 (Good lord, I feel ancient...) Gender: Curmudgeonly Old Man (read: male) Ethnicity/Race: As white as they come. Characters: No preferences. Experience: Not a damn thing. I haven't got a lick of experience beyond the familiarity with recording software and equipment that comes with being a wannabe musician. About me: I like long walks on the beach, and staring off wistfully into a sunset... Whoops, had the wrong tab open! I'm a pretty average joe. Haven't been around the block that many times, but I ain't no spring chicken either. People have been telling me "You have a voice for radio!" for going on a decade now. I go down to the pub every week to sing, and play geetar (i.e. torment people with my bad covers), and I've always toyed around the fantasy of voicing the big bad guy, or old wizened mentor tropes. So other than a few totally baseless anecdotes, I've got my own recording set-up and whatnot--so I'm good to go there. If anybody wants to risk taking on a newbie (and someone who uses way too many parenthetical statements) , I'd love to be involved! Let me know what your needs are, what works for you, etc. and we'll get 'er all banged out, and sewn up right (hopefully...). No samples quite yet I'm afraid, but if there's any interest I'll be all over it like narcissism on Kanye.
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