Hi everyone, first time poster, long time lurker here. I would like to run Oblivion at maximum settings (preset) however, I experience framerate dips into the 30's and below, here are my specs: Phenom II x4 965 C3 revision @ 3.65 GHZ MSi GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr II (7% factory overclock, overclocked from 880 Mhz to 940 mhz and mem clock at 2150 from 2100) Kingston DDR2 400 mhz 2x 1 GB (my weakest link) Coolermaster GX750 750W PSU M4N78-Pro series motherboard (AM2+, rather old) Windows XP Service Pack 3 I can max out Bad company 2 and stay north of 50 fps all the time. I can run numerous other games maxed out, often exceeding 60 fps as a minimum, excluding the gamebryo engine games (fallout 3, NV, Oblivion) I would really like to be able to max out the aforementioned as well, especially in oblivion. I wouldn't like to sacrafice any graphical fidelity doing so. Is this even possible? Thanks for reading :-)