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About fenderkid8

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  1. basically, there's is a sillhoutte of my character at an alchemy table, it isn't visible in natural light, but only torches etc. it appears about 2 in game feet from any light source.
  2. Just wanted to say, that's a great film.
  3. This happened, first noticed it at winterhold college, but it appears with any light source, weird. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/595829703898201091/9CA7EB93D919630556BA1D1ADACA94AD76F741E1/ I thought it was cool at first but now it's starting to bug me. The closer you get to it, the stronger it is.
  4. Excuse my ignorance, but why is there a seperate nexus for skyrim? It is a TES game as well, surely it should be part of tesnexus?
  5. Wow! I too have a younger brother like yours, I think it is disable-able from the ini file.
  6. OP is just discussing things, which if I'm not mistaken, is the very purpose of forums. Instead of leaving comments that contribute nothing, you could have simply ignored the thread. OT: I haven't noticed much difference in weapon variation, though I play a marksman/trapper type build which means I only really use bows and sometimes poisoned arrows.
  7. You are in a way. If you want a natural playthrough, don't exploit the levelling system. Only craft as and when you need it, I never level for leveling's sake, I just play the game.
  8. She died to the yeti when I was climbing a mountain. ahh well.
  9. Have you got an xbox 360 controller connected? it sometimes does that for me.
  10. My soundcard is onboard, yes. I was thinking of getting a creative soundblaster X-Fi card as listed: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/129740 I have steam running in the background, but for obvious reasons I cannot disable it. I have a selective startup and have disabled all the processes hogging memory, such as apple's itunes updater, google update, adobe processes etc. Maybe I should consider adding more RAM? I notice that every 50 yards or so my game stutters and loads more scenery. I'm hesitant to install the omega drivers- are they signed? The last time I installed unsigned drivers I had to do a clean reinstall, I couldn't boot into the OS even from integrated graphics in VGA startup mode. Thank you for the suggestions.
  11. Thanks for your reply. I am running the 275.33 drivers, the latest for my card. You explanation seems plausible, are there any work-arounds? I notice that with fraps running I get framerates going up to 120 or so, only to dip down suddenly to 30 fps or so. I would have thought though, being New Vegas is something of a modern game, that I would experience less of this in new vegas compared to oblivion. This isn't the case. I suppose gamebryo just doesn't agree with my rig.
  12. Hi everyone, first time poster, long time lurker here. I would like to run Oblivion at maximum settings (preset) however, I experience framerate dips into the 30's and below, here are my specs: Phenom II x4 965 C3 revision @ 3.65 GHZ MSi GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr II (7% factory overclock, overclocked from 880 Mhz to 940 mhz and mem clock at 2150 from 2100) Kingston DDR2 400 mhz 2x 1 GB (my weakest link) Coolermaster GX750 750W PSU M4N78-Pro series motherboard (AM2+, rather old) Windows XP Service Pack 3 I can max out Bad company 2 and stay north of 50 fps all the time. I can run numerous other games maxed out, often exceeding 60 fps as a minimum, excluding the gamebryo engine games (fallout 3, NV, Oblivion) I would really like to be able to max out the aforementioned as well, especially in oblivion. I wouldn't like to sacrafice any graphical fidelity doing so. Is this even possible? Thanks for reading :-)
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