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  1. Well with the Savage Strike Perk for 1 handed weapons you can decapitate people. In any case, more viceral would be better (but it's always been the way it is now) but hopefully the modding scene with the Creation Kit for the Creation engine can create some...gorey (yet awesome) combat.
  2. Is there a setting to help with this? like something to "remind" it to dump that stuff before crashing or bugging out? Not that I'm aware of. As far as I know, usually the Game Engine (In this case Creation Engine) would handle helping it clean out. That's the only assumption I can make (my last post) at this time, it could also be a bug (Memory Leak more accurately) but since it doesn't seem repeatable (not reliably on every type of system setup in any case) it's hard to tell. Hopefully Bethesda will figure it out and patch it, in the meantime you'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid. Sorry :(
  3. I agree with Uzi. In any case, it's the result of your GPU's memory becoming full and the inability for it to render anything else since it has no additional memory to work with. If restarting doesn't help or it does it immediately upon starting the game, then until you give system specs, I will make the assumption that your system is inadequate for the game.
  4. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Marriage There's the list of marriageable people. As a female lesbian (in game and IRL), I didn't look at the guys. In any case, if he's on there then you should be able to marry him. Hope that helps some. Edit: Also if you've EVER married before this, you can't marry again.
  5. Remedied by restarting your game after extended period of continous play. Until Bethesda fixes the bug of course, which will be soon. Also I rather like the combat of TES. The Witcher 2's combat I did not like, besides the fact it would just break for no reason. This style of combat is how TES has always been, you either like it or you don't.
  6. Restart your game, fixes it when I occasionally get it (which is rare). The problem is related to your GPU not being able to properly render and display the texture required so it instead shows purple (or on a face black). Bethesda would be right in the assumption that it's GPU overload of the GPU memory (which can occur on cards that are not really high end or even on those that are but it's rare on super high end cards). The reason it occurs is because the GPU will store stuff in it's memory, the same way RAM does, but sometimes fails to clean it out after it's not needed resulting in build up to a point that forces the program off and a complete flushing of the GPU memory.
  7. For you personally Crouton, it's your PC. You're running it on a laptop with an ATI 4200 mobility chipset (A chipset that is 2 generations old at present) with only 3 GB of RAM (Memory) hence you have to play Skyrim on low or you get stuttering because it meets minimum but not much more. Also Hawke, I'm having no stuttering problems with my PC and I'm running on Ultra and my ATI Drivers are the newest of 11.9, which work perfectly fine. Protheus9, my recommendation is to update your drivers (if you haven't already) and try it. Your PC should do good on ultra, I see no reason why it wouldn't. My Specs: Core i7 950 12GB of DDR3 RAM ATI Radeon 5850 (When ATI was still decent, My next card will be Nvidia) Asus Sabertooth X58 Motherboard Windows 7 64 Bit
  8. The game looks awesome, I run it on Ultra on a 32" HDTV at 1920x1080p (That's 1080p HD). Seriously, get something better then a 20" CRT Monitor running at 800x600 and it looks better. Also the shadows being blocky, is one of the graphical glitches that Bethesda could not fix in time, if you say it sucks on ultra then don't play it. Very simple. As to the Articles, Bethesda promised higher resolution textures and that's what we got. Edit: Also there's no half effort about it captainchaos, Consoles are too old and to retool every texture to best possible (for PC) in a game this big isn't going to happen in a month before release and they only have 40 guys that work on TES games.
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