For you personally Crouton, it's your PC. You're running it on a laptop with an ATI 4200 mobility chipset (A chipset that is 2 generations old at present) with only 3 GB of RAM (Memory) hence you have to play Skyrim on low or you get stuttering because it meets minimum but not much more. Also Hawke, I'm having no stuttering problems with my PC and I'm running on Ultra and my ATI Drivers are the newest of 11.9, which work perfectly fine. Protheus9, my recommendation is to update your drivers (if you haven't already) and try it. Your PC should do good on ultra, I see no reason why it wouldn't. My Specs: Core i7 950 12GB of DDR3 RAM ATI Radeon 5850 (When ATI was still decent, My next card will be Nvidia) Asus Sabertooth X58 Motherboard Windows 7 64 Bit