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About spawn690

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  1. There is an idea I have been looking for. And tried (but failed) to make. here goes. In LOTR there are RingWraiths. And they hunt you, forever. I would like an enemy, unique notjust a random skeleton or mosnter. that hunts you for whatever reason you can think of. but more so to that. He would have unique armor and a weapon, unfortunately they would be immortal. So when they die it would start some clock until they resurrect then boom they are back, and stronger then before. So my request, can someone make an unique NPC to hunt you down for the rest of your life :)? If you can then maybe add a few unique boss's around im kinda blah with "goblins in the cave, ghosts in the crypt" I would kinda like to see "Karag, The Unknown" in a cave with some cool gear and spells, a bit upscale. Or "Larg The White Knight" roaming around whoopin on evil. that kinda idea.
  2. I think i'm going to make this exact same concept with all the specifics that you gave me to put into the mod make oh so personal. Things like "better weapons every level" I just don't thing I could of came up with that all by myself. no really though good luck guys
  3. So beerto your saying that for a modder to understand his story line he needs spacers? Odd, also in that little story of his. He/she was saying that the other deadric princes wouldn't like the fact that the lord of madness is human and they give you the chance to become a deadric prince, and yes coming in and nit picking his post without offering anything constructive is really pretty much asshattery.
  4. Why does it have too hard, couldnt you just replace the mesh fro each one with the human onces. no quest changing, might sound a little weird but do we not have superstitions on other races like asians are born with tails and can fly or stupid stuff like that. (no im not racist too asian just a general statement of something i heard.) All im saying, replace the mesh from the non human with the human styles. That dosnt change any ingame menu, just visual display.
  5. can you add your own pictures? since this is a request you dont expect the person to do all the foot work right?
  6. Ill try to figure out what your talking about, I've also made trunk's sword.
  7. all i know how to do is unwrap to project and go from there.
  8. Doesn't also ganging up on him constitute being unreasonably rude? Not that I disagree, but also we need all the member we can get, and kieranfoy doesn't exactly come off with the attitude of the welcome party I believe, that a simple hey man your being a bit demanding here. would have worked nicely instead we get a forum full of attitude and anger. I like the idea, if i could do it I would but im still in the learning stages of not sucking. But I pretty much suck 100% right now. Lets be civil and maybe a nice non hostile message next time would promote more user activity I mean, most of the time i see the same 5-6 people posting stuff over and over..
  9. That would be sick, or even modify the creautre spider thing to look like the queen of blades, and have her be an epic end boss.
  10. Here is my crappy attempt at the scouter, I can send it if someone wants too texture it, I tried and basically failed big time.
  11. Well Idk much about it, but start with a pre made dungeion and rename it, move some things around and create a door to another premade renamed dungeon. Best way to learn it to try :) google and youtube tutorials on how to create. or modify premade objects, or how to create from scratch
  12. onasaki why dont you give it a try just too see what it takes, a. you never know once you learn you could be a great modder.
  13. Just curious, how many people does it take to say add more detail...
  14. Since im teaching myself without tutorials it is pretty slow, and hard work.
  15. This is my first sword, I was inspired by Trunks sword from DBZ but I had to free hand it since I don't know exact proportions.. First time i've used blender pretty complicated stuff, let me know where I could improve. Also I'm also looking for a texture person, too apply some skin to this puppy. This is V.1 I have a lot planned.
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