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  1. I recenty installed skyrim again with a few mods and used the old savegames to continue from where I left it. I`ve also upgraded my hardware with GTX760, I5 8435 3,16ghz, Asus mainboard and memory (I`ll post a more Complete list later, cant renember it all) Previously I had big problems with Dragonborn exp. But now I have`nt suffer any crashes or frezes. Feels a bit weird though...
  2. Well it`s good to see that I`m not the only one struggling with more games. My BF4 game freezes over with total crashdown, same with Skryrim. I have more frequently CTD`s, total lockup now. Is dosen`t matter if I`m outside, inndoor og in a caven. Bugs me pretty much cause I want to play Skyrim. Putting a new rig together, hoping that it sill solve my problems. Manufactor of graphic cards is important in this case.
  3. So there might be a few graphic cards that Skyrim does`nt crash on then? I do prefer Nvidia first but if ATI card will fix this there is worth it. Now that you mentioned it, I do have GTX 560 card :/ Does anyone know if it crash with Win8 or?
  4. I`m still having problem with Skyrim crashes. Although it happens inn windows as well when I`m not playing Skyrim. It seems that the ntoskrnl.exe file is the cause but not sure what to do... Any suggestion that I can try out?
  5. I still have crashes in skyrim after I tried voodochild`s suggestions. Not sure if it did help thuogh cause the game did crash pretty quickly about 5-10 min in game. It still happens at random times in the main world (outside) I did get this message when restarting my computer, can`t renember it pop up before either :S I`m starting to belive that this is a software issue in windows, it happend twice while surfing the web... The system is intel core2 duo 3.1GHz, 4G ram, Nvidia 560 GTX and win7. Any suggestions? Edit; I tried the .dll file mentioned earlier in this thread but didn`t help me much...
  6. I have the same problem as listed, although I`m using a Nvidia card (can`t renember wich one) So I`ll give it a try and se whats happening.
  7. Yeah, that worked for me. Steam patched the game afterwards the cache verify`ing. (Even though I don`t like Steam so much) Played for several hours after the pacthing, great game :happy: Who would have thought it would take many hours just to get through the quest Revealing the Unseen - Mzulft :tongue:
  8. That`s the same thing happened to me. Yesterday I could play with no problem at all... No mods installed either. How did you do that??
  9. A bit old post I`ll give it a try ;) Having sort of the same problem here with tail animation so I typed this setting in game console to see if that helped... But now I`m mising my tail, its gone. Any suggestions?
  10. I'm pretty sure the defaults should be in the oblivion.esm so removing any added sounds will revert back to the defaults. The sound files for characters are this folder: data/sound/voice/oblivion.esm/ in there there would be a folder for each character type, then a sub folder of m or f for male and female. if you have any custom sounds in these that might be doing it, for example the power attack sounds for the khajiit are in the following folder(for some reason): data/sound/voice/oblivion.esm/argonian/m/ and have names like "generic_powerattack_********.mp3" If you don't have any folder structures like this then I don't think this is the culprit. Or there could be a mod that is changing the reference to them. in which case I'm not sure how to fix, other then trial and error to figure out which mod is doing it, or possibly a new one to overwrite it back to default loaded last in your loader. Remember to backup before removing or changing anything. But I'd wait for someone else who might have a better idea than me, as I don't mod, just fiddle) Thanks, I was using skyrim khajiit before and khajiit predator now, the only thing i miss is the woice to khajiit. Btw, I`m using a female.
  11. So did I :tongue: Nothing happened to me either, just fought them down and it says that i got the disease. So after a long time of playing still nothing but yesterday when I was waiting doing another quest. A box came up saying that I felt dizzy and collapsed for a sec. Didn`t think of that much longer, until next night I entered Leyawin and suddenly fall down, becoming a werewolf. So the quard spottet me, turning arund and running to the forest. Killing the guard that followed and get a message that there was a witness to all this. Now everyone wants to kill me! And my affections has been seen by the knight of the nine, saying that I was not worthy the knight armor. Newer the less, I did not manage to drink blood or eat (how to do that??) :dry: So what to do now, is there a way that i can make people forgett that i am a werewolf? Edit; A bit old this post, but anye suggestions would help :happy:
  12. This may be the opposite question I ask :happy: But I`m missing voice for my khajiit character. Is there any org. sound files for khajiit?
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