Hey everyone, just picked up TW1 and TW2 and decided to check out the mods for TW1 (TW2 will come later) I MIGHT have gone overboard but there were so many good looking mods that I'm going to try my best to get them to work. My problem is, that I don't have the knowledge about this game/these mods that you all have so I'm hoping that people will take a look at the list of mods/packs/etc I'm interested in and tell me what is going to be redundant and what might not work together. So further ado, here we go..... -The Rise of the White Wolf-Merry Witchmas-Han Gives Han NOT Berbercane-Plentiful Herbs for TW1-Wolf Companion for TW1-Grass-Green Shani Outfit for TW1-Leuvaarden Buys Salamandra Badges-Catlike Eyes For all Witchers-Dark Leather and Left Arm Chainmail Armor Mod-Dontforceminreqs Low Res Texture Fix-Entrapped-The Witcher Texturen Mod-The Witcher: Hi-Res Character Models-And a Curse, and Love, and Betrayal-The Crossroads-Birth, & Virgins-Deception-Medical Problems-The Wedding-Deceits-The Witcher: Perfect Rain Mod-The Witcher: Perfect Blood Mod- More stuff mod I know that I read in a post somewhere else that Corylea suggested installing mods one at a time in the override folder, loading the game, getting your item, saving the game, quitting and then move onto the next mod. How do I keep some of these mods from overwriting each other? Or is it one of those things I'm just going to have to dig even deeper about? I.E. - how to stop ROTWW from overriding Dark Leather and Left Arm Chainmail mod? Or, honestly pretty much any of these texture mods? If this question makes sense at all???....... Also, I have both games on steam. I'm ASSUMING that shouldn't matter? They'll go into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data\Override folder correct? Except for ROTWW of course which goes into the root folder. I also saw some people recommend to get my cd key from steam and then go to gog.com and get THEIR version because some of this stuff is added in there by gog? I only saw this mentioned in one or two places so not sure about the validity of this? I appreciate any/all help with this giant list. Can't wait to see these mods in action! TL;DR = Please read anyway. :D Need help with organizing/installing all these mods. Thanks!