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Everything posted by avidichard

  1. • "Skyrim Special Edition" unavailable in the game list, as well as a lot of others. • Seeing the UNIQUE downloads is a good thing. Yes, number of downloads is good but knowing how many DIFFERENT people actually downloaded it is good. If you cannot display both, add an option for us to choose which one to show. • None of the mods show a file size and for me it's irrelevant, I'd like that to be an option to display or not. Asside from these, up to now, I really like the new style. Thanks for updating this!!!
  2. Saw that already, it is NOT native, it's part of SKSE as stated on the CreationKit documentation:
  3. That's because I know that way already, it's just that it requires me to do a bunch of edits in a vanilla quest and possibly redo some things. It would be way simpler if I could simply edit the script and nothing else because it requires nothing more than a few lines of codes without touching anything I have done. That's why I'm asking if it's possible to add enchantments without using SKSE using vanilla papyrus only, I'm trying to save myself some time. Going through the CreationKit for seperate armor pieces is a last resort if really nothing can be done in papyrus.
  4. The ONLY thing I found that COULD be a possibility is the AddSpell function BUT it requires to be applied to an ACTOR. I was wondering if actors are forms and armors are forms, could it still work. Why am I asking? Well, in Creation Kit, when you open an enchantment, it's just a series of spells grouped together so I think I can possibly mimick the enchantment using spells. But again, it may not be treated as an enchantment. I would like to know how to enchant a piece of armor and weapon using script without using SKSE.
  5. These are the headers required in the source code of the original mod which relies on libSkyrim which I found on GitHub: https://github.com/himika/libSkyrim I figured that since this is for SSE, I would require libSKSE also on GitHub: https://github.com/himika/libSKSE The problem is that DebugLog and HookUtil are not present in libSKSE. So I'm asking if someone knows if I can simply reuse the libSkyrim headers or if I need to use completely new headers to have access to the proper functions. OR maybe I'm completely OFF track and need to use another library.
  6. Thanks a whole lot for your help. Your answers were extremely helpful! Happy New Year to you!!!!
  7. OMG!!! This litterally corrected all the issues. I did correct your code though, you missed to open a bracket "(" but my oh my!!! I just learned something very valuable in Skyrim Papyrus today! ; ======================================== ; On Script initialise ; ======================================== Event OnInit() If (((Self as ObjectReference) as Actor) != MySelf) MySelf = ((Self as ObjectReference) as Actor) if bShowDebug Debug.Trace ("==============================") Debug.Trace ("MyFollower - Changed MySelf to spawned Self") Debug.Trace ("==============================") EndIf EndIf There is a delay between the character spawn and when the armor gets equiped, but I accept this price to pay for anyone wishing to console cheat their way and get the character with a "PlaceAtMe" command. I also had a very hard time compiling using the CreationKit because of how extremely long it takes to show the list and then navigate through the entire list to only check my custom script so it compiles only one script. This interface could have used AT LEAST a search or filter. But I found on NexusMods a Notepad++ plugin which compiles it for you and makes the task just that much quicker. If I need serious error detection, I compile through CreationKit but once the Compilation there goes without a hitch, I compile through the Notepad++'s Papyrus plugin! This makes me so Happy today. I can finally move on to place her somewhere in Skyrim and possibly get going on learning about something else. I did not decide if I'll release her as a basic Follow Me follower or try to integrate a small quest. I never played with quests before, or, I should rather say, I never CREATED a new quest before. I want something simple that won't interfere much in the Vanilla game. I sure will not forget to thank you on my mod page. This has been of great help! The wonderful world of programming, 3 lines to solve one issue. I just have a small question. Can we have a "if" statement without an "endif" all on one line. For example: Int MyVar = 0 Bool MyBool = false ; A one line if statement If (MyVar == 1) MyBool = true else MyBool = false
  8. I've been struggling all day. I saw the problem actually AND NO, my actor is not ending up in Helgen Keep. it was just a try. I placed her somewhere else in Riverwood for tests too. I have not found her definitive home yet So, here's what I found and was a bit stupid to not understand it the first time. "OnInit" only runs once on first initial load of the Character in the GAME not in the room or cell, it runs once in the entire game and will not run afterwards. If you save with that mod loaded, the OnInit Script will not run anymore since it ran already. I may have missed a few exceptions but after running and stopping the game over 50 times today, that's what happened. To make the character wear her armor, I need to also run the EquipItem OnCellLoad. Now! I wanted to test so the console "PlaceAtMe" was SUPPOSED to be usefull to prevent travelling. So basically, when travelling with my new script edits, the character dresses up without a hitch. The problem I have though is when I PlaceAtMe, my character returns back to naked as soon as I exit console and see my second character appear. So THAT was a surprise for me because I thought that PlaceAtMe simple moved the follower from it's original location to where I am, not create a double. So, I am trying to keep her dressed even when someone triggers a PlaceAtMe command. The weird thing is, the OnInit script runs AGAIN with 0'd values but once I add Items in her inventory, the items are added in my first character's inventory and strips everyone naked. My second character appears with no items in her inventory. Another thing to note is that OnInit has 0's values but as soon as the OnItemAdded script runs, the values are back to when the initial character spawned in the game. I tried to use: Actor MyWorldFollower = MySelf.GetObjectBase() as Actor And then use MyWorldFollower to additems, but that does not work. Here's my new code in the spoiler:
  9. SOLVED! - Results of the help I received here is my new follower mod: Dove - The Free Bird Initial code of initial problem in spoiler below. So. 3 days without a single successful integration. I placed my Character in HelgenKeep01 and loaded a VANILLA save from there. One the game loads, my follower has her clothes on. I have another save where my folower's mod is NOT loaded but I'm outside in Riverwood. If I console "coc HelegenKeep01" and reach out to my follower, She's naked. If I console "Player.PlaceAtMe <FollowerID>" same thing, she's naked. BUT, when I go inside my Papyrus log, I get all of my "EQUIPED Armor" logs. The items are in the follower's inventory but she just does not wear them even if the code says she got her parts equiped. I only see the equiped items if I load from the saved Vanilla game directly in HelgenKeep01. So, can someone tell me what the heck is happenning and what am I doing wrong?? And NOOOOO - No outfits. It's the whole point of this code, NO OUTFITS!!!!
  10. HECK WITH IT!!! Dec 13th is maybe not a Friday but a new Skyrim update arrived so it's the same effect of a friday the 13th - So never mind this thread - I'm re-installing :confused: I'm asking a good hearted person to help me not re-install my whole moded game a 6th time if possible. The download time is just painfull, I have the PAID version of the Anniversary Edition and I am using Vortex as my mod manager. So. I had installed my whole contents of CBM Guide and CBM Guide X. Runs without a hitch. I decided to crimp up the moding and add the 3 popular DLC sized mods. I can't even load a single save, even a pure Vanilla save I did before modding. It crashes in the loading screen. I supplied the ONLY logs I could find and they don't help me or I probably am not yet knowing enough to interpret those logs. I supplied them in the attachements. Here's the Google Drive link if the attachement is not there: GDrive SKSE.zip I am nearing the 400 mods in my load order so re-installing would just be...well, you know it what it will be. SO, I decided that I will disable all the mods in Vortex from Falskaar, Wyrmstooth and Bruma along with all the Patches. I also reinstalled the previous patches I had installed, unchecking the disabled mods. Here is the list of mods I disabled: These are the 3 patches I reinstalled to uncheck the options pertaining to the new DLCs I tried to install: Well, guess what? My game consistently crashes in the loading screen even with all of those mods disabled and the re-installed patches and fixes. So I cannot play the game anymore until I find out what is causing the problem. I reran a Batch Build of BodySlide, Updated and Ran Nemesis Behavior Engine. Nothing to do, I am now stuck with a broken modded game. Can someone help me, or is the information I have not enough and impossible to figure out and I am doomed to a re-installation? It's the 3rd time I try to install Falskaar, Bruma and Wyrmstooth and it's the 3rd time I destroy my modded game. I have never been able to install these mods and I have no clue why. I can install hordes of mods, but these 3 are just a pain to install for some reason and I always break my modded game. I thought of tryiong to find which of the 3 mods made my game crash but since my game crashes without a single mod installed, I cannot debug any further. Thanks in advanced for those willing to try and help me out.
  11. I have covered all the information there needs to be concerning the cleaning of the files of Skyrim. Waiting for a few day to see if anyone will mention anything about the Creation Club content of the Anniversary Edition. You can get all the updated information needed for cleaning in my CBM Guide.
  12. I was actually using AFT for reasons similar to yours. But I found out that patches make the game much more unstable after a while. AND, it's very easy to forget a patch and they are not all that easy to find and combine. I found another method of managing companions and that is by installing more than one mod instead of an all deal package. For instance, the Multiple Follower mod I use, does not seem to use SKSE, so no problems there. Then, I use an individual mod to manage their homes. I also use another one to manage the hired steward. And I am working myself on creating a mod to manage follower inventory and remove those default outfit or at least manage them much better without going through SKSE. Having multiple mods to manage different parts of the followers makes moding easier because if a mod interferes with another, you do not loose the entire follower management system, just part of it. So these are the mods I use to manage my followers: Minimalistic Follower Framework (Allow 4 followers) Missing Follower Dialogue Fix (Requirement for next mod) Follow Me Darling - All Spouses Can Be Followers Dismiss Steward (Hire someone else as a steward, good when acquiring more followers on your way) My Home is Your Home (Set your follower's home) For now, that's what I can use in the Anniversary Edition without using SKSE dependant mods.
  13. I am remodding my entire AE game following my guide and writting the notes as I install the mods. All this while grocery shopping and living life. But the Address Library depends on SKSE and that's where all problems arise. Some modders will need to rewrite their mods to make them compatible with the new SKSE. So for now, I am only noting down the AE possible conflicting mods, then, once I went through my entire list, I'll start installing SKSE and some mods slowly to see if some of them run well with the new version. Notably, XPMSSE, Racemenu, SKUI seems okay as per SKSE page. As for compatibility, as I said, for now, I am aiming for a SKSE-less approach for the installation to get my game going and spot those mods depending on SKSE. Then, I'll work my mod list from the top again to spot those that work with the new SKSE version. At least, if I get a good well running game without SKSE, I'll be able to make better and more reliable tests and add more notes concerning the issues I run with non-AE mods or maybe even be able to spot some updates that were not there the first time I went through the list. So for now, I cannot pronounce myself on which mods are absolutely incompatible so I suggest people to look at the respective mod's description or posts page to see if there is any notes or updates from the authors talking about AE compatibility. Some mod authors are still following their mods and do reply so it also shows us which authors are still active in the Skyrim modding community. Because some mod authors have uploaded and forgotten their projects and just leave it as is without maintenance. I'm sorry if I don't have a better answer but for now, that's all I can give until I finished modding AE. I litterally deleted all my saves and started a new game so I'm really starting from fresh.
  14. I made a cross on AFT. It is indeed a good mod but with all the mods I listed in my guide and all the mods I have seen, there's just too many patches to watch out for. AND, I also believe that one you have more than 2 or 3 followers, the game becomes quickly uninsteresting. I also noticed that all I wanted was to have more followers, permit me to unhire them as a steward and manage their default clothing inventory and it turns out, there's a Simply Follower Framework that does JUST that. It only opens up more followers and there's another mod to manage the hired staff. I'm still having issues with the default outfit management so I'm looking into maybe making my own mod later that will simply permit to manage that or just remove the default outfits because the mod I found, yep, you guessed it, relies on SKSE and does not do the job perfectly. The follower mod I used was: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26712 Now, this also relies on SKSE. So the only basic follower mod I was using and that seems to work without SKSE is my previous mod I used: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/47549 The last one only permits to have 4 followers which I find is ENOUGH! More than thout, you just do not need to play and you let all of your followers do the dirty job for you while eating popcorn watching your own Skyrim movie. Might as well assign a quest to a follower and let yourself sit back and relax looking at your follower do the quest for you. I know that AFT offer much more than the basic more followers allowed and I do appreciate the "My home is your home" setting and a bunch of other stuff. But I realised that all I really need are these things: • More followers (4 I think is good) • Set their home location • Manage their job (retire them from Steward and use another follower) • Manage their default outfitm (Basically, you can make them wear lower rated gear and armor) • Make them follow you more closely (Teleport if necerssary...AHEM!-----Mountain climbing...cough!! cough!!!) • Make them learn spells • Set their combat tactics so they don't frantically run at targets you try to snipe down with arrows and stealing the possible skills and experience from you. OR you shoot them in the back because they got in front of you...Sigh!!! All that without using SKSE if possible.
  15. Well, for me, I always encourage innovation. And I also encourage diversity and companies encouraging open creativity. It's awesome for a company to let it's players mod their own game and make it their own. If it was not of the modding community, not sure if 10 years later we would have had this update. One thing that modders tend to cry about is changes in game versions. The thing is, they are not the creators of the game, they just have priviledges to mod the game. So having Bethesda change a core compilation methode breaking an important mod does not make Bethesda a bad companie. A lot of people will just give a facelift to their games and pack a few of their older titles in an anniversary edition. Bethesda decided to add pretty much all of their modders content, at least, those from the creation club that needed credits to be installed. So people do not need to pay more for the exact same content. Also note that they are indeed working on a 6th title in the series. So seeing them put some time in another update just shows that they are ready to invest time in their games and not just wrap up the profits forgetting their players. I do find that they could have been at least a bit more wise and onclude a patch that would have integrated SKSE in their anniversary edition update. SKSE is probably one of the top mods out there that is a foundation of most mods. I'm not even half way through my CBM Guide and I scratched off half of that part of the list all pertaining to SKSE and all those mods are hard requirements for other mods down the list. So I am shared with this update because I had finally finalised all my modded game and now, I need to start all over. I know I could have just kept it that way and forgot the anniversary edition but Skyrim was and is up to this day, the only RPG game I play and love so paying for the update did not matter to me. But I still think Bethesda could have given a last go and integrate SKSE inside the game or at least try and maintain compatibility with it. But again, as we were informed, the SKSE team was given the game before the release date to work on SKSE. So we still see that Bethesda tried to do something about. After all, Bethesda had no reason to make an update but they still did so Yes, I consider paying for this, probably LAST update a good investment of money since I play Skyrim since I bought it and never stopped and with all the different mods existing to this date including stuff like DLC sized mods in the community, I just never get tored of playing a game that makes me feel like in a movie. So for me, it's worth paying.
  16. There is an automatic FREE update for Skyrim SE but it does not include many addons, just a few to make your mouth water a bit. But indeed, the full update with all the contents is paid and that was not hidden and was mentionned in all the news prior to nov. 11. I have reinstalled my entire game and I am reviewing my entire CBM Guide and trying to mod the game without any SKSE mods and see how THAT goes. So I am going one mod at a time and adding details for AE about what is compatible and what's not or what to try at your own risks because many mods don't work anymore or don't fully work.
  17. Hello everyone, I am updating my CBM guide providing information on which mods can come in conflict with the new Anniversary Edition of Skyrim. The guide will change in the next hours and days. If you question yourself which mods may not work anymore, you can refer to my CBM Guide here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37298 Up to now, many hard dependencies to mods seem to be incompatible for now. Have a check and your comments are welcomed!!! 2021-11-14: v1.1.1 of my guide is released covering all of the mods in the RED section. All possible AE incompatible mods have been noted. Please do remember that it is suggested to check on those mods' description and posts pages for more information and possible updates that were not available at the time I updated my guide.
  18. I went through the cinematics and got the initial quest to kill the first dragon. Now, I want my home so going to Falkreath!
  19. Anyone know any mods that pertain to this description? A mod that does not add hundreds of hair styles but only adds HDT-SMP to the already existing Vanilla hair? Does that exist without going through KS, Apachi or any other heavy mods?
  20. Just a simple question. I am making a list of mods and I realised that it's a bit long and hard to trace back where you are in the list if you leave the page opened for the next day. Is there a way to put a simple checkbox that does not affect anything just so that the user can check that this is done? Something as simple as I tried the " " tag but it does not work. And as you see the checkbox I want to add does nothing it's just for userfriendliness. And if a checkbox is impossible, would their be a more creative way to achieve this using other means? I thought of using spoiler tags but the spoiler tags take up an extra line and much more space and requires a heck of a lot more code on my side.
  21. I've already seen this mod but I do not like the textures and there are no comparisons between parallax on and off.
  22. I have installed SSE Parallax Shader Fix (Beta): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31963 I did a fresh install of my Skyrim in Windows 11. I chose to try and understand why I needed this mod so I installed SKSE, ENB and this Parallax Shader Fix. I enabled and disabled the mod and saw absolutely no differences in my game. I did not play through the initial escape so I am still in the first room when Hadvar cuts me loose and I see no differences this mod makes in my visual environement. I also had a moded game before where I was done the initial escape and still, I did not see what differences this fix made. Could someone please clear me up on what this mod actually does. I found 1 single comparison on a mod and I must say that I was not impressed because I felt that the Parallax fix made things look more flat, less textured and give me a plasticky feel instead of a natural feel to the game (see spoiler for image comparison). So, can someone tell me what Parallax actually does in Skyrim SE, not a Wikipedia link, already checked that. I still cannot find any visual reference in the game as to what this does. Compared screenshots would help me a lot understand too if you can, that would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Well, that does not give me more of an answer. I'm disapointed because I really loved THAT mod specifically because it did not overhaul and customize things, it just did what it said it did. The other unlevelled mods all add their little bits and pieces of extra changes that I do not ask for.
  24. Unleveled Items on NexusMods: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/254 I had to re-install my Skyrim SE game trying it on Windows 11 and I had this mod listed in my next Mod Guide but it is now disapeared. Does anyone know what happened to this mod and if it is available somewhere else or if another mod replaced it?
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