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Posts posted by sortitus

  1. Dead topic, I know, but it's the first request here from Google for when the quest breaks so I'd like to drop some info for anyone else so they don't have to go through a half hour of trial and error. In my case, I talked to Jessup and got the hostages freed, but then couldn't talk to him about negotiating with the NCR and Monroe would acknowledge that I freed the hostages but wouldn't advance the quest either. Stages were stuck at both "Meet with Jessup, leader of the Great Khans in Boulder City." and "Help the Great Khans kill all the NCR troops in the Boulder City ruins.", and running "getstage 10e908" returned 10 (one is 10, the other is stage 40, so I assume that having two stages active at the same time was the problem). "setstage" wouldn't work on any stage at all. The solution I worked out was:

    return to Monroe
    ~"resetquest 10e908"
    ~click on Monroe, "rdf"
    tell Monroe you want to talk things out with the Khans, don't say anything about sneaking or killing to avoid accidentally opening the same bug
    return to Jessup
    ~click on Jessup, "rdf"
    ask Jessup about shooting his way out, then about working something out with the NCR, then speech to release the hostages
    return to Monroe and resolve the quest the way you want, either for NCR or both factions

    I'm aware that you can just kill Jessup for the NCR path if it bugs out, but I tried killing the NCR in the ruins and the Khans wouldn't budge and quest wouldn't update. Doing a reset this way (resetquest, rdf) probably allows you to complete the quest with any path if it gets botched.


    *edit: Looks like the second RDF may not be necessary. Also careful with that command in the potential it has to mess with other quests.

  2. It's definitely not a CPU bottleneck on my system (i7-3610QM, GT 650M 2GB, 16GB RAM, SSD).


    A 5 minute test shows:

    @1080p - CPU usage 24-35%, GPU usage 97-99%, FPS 20-55 extremes with 25-35 standard for exterior cells

    @540p - CPU usage 30-40%, GPU usage 76%-99%, FPS 45-61 extremes with 49-52 standard for exterior cells


    If I were CPU limited, the lowest FPS reading wouldn't change in high stress situations. Of course, my system is in the opposite situation to your 2600K and GTX 1080 combo, with a more than adequate CPU tied to a GPU that pretty much only has relatively high VRAM capacity going for it. That said, your 2600K is stronger than my 3610QM in every way on paper and benchmarks, so I feel like there must be something else going on if you're dropping lower than my low resolution test.

  3. Just trying to fix some problems with using both an automatic leveling mod and a mod that changes how skills advance. Specifically, I'm now using a mod that's inspired by Better Leveling but very much my own work along with Must Train. For some reason a single level is always given as normal after the first 10 major skill gains, so I went back to the normal leveling system as a way to remove redundancy.
  4. I've looked around, and it looks like everyone's using player.SetLevel, but I've bypassed the issue by having my script store the attribute values and move them back each time the script runs. It'll give me the inflated values for a little bit since the script only runs once a day, but it gets 'round the issue decently well. To be honest though, if I'm going to run OBSE, I'll probably just be using Wrye Leveling. Though I may get the urge to hack that to unrecognizable levels if I use it. :P
  5. I'm looking for a way to make attribute gains at level up impossible. I've had a few ideas on how it might be done:


    1. Set the multiplier for skill gains to 0 (if there's a hidden iLevelUp00Mult for attributes with no skill gains)

    2. Set the number of tokens given at level up to 0

    3. Somehow prevent the level up screen from showing or doing anything

    4. Maybe an XML for the level up screen could change this jank


    I'd just crank iLevelUpSkillCount to a billion and use SetLevel, but that causes problems of its own (I always get at least one level up screen no matter what that's set to. Also, NPC levels not updating properly with SetLevel...)


    OBSE is out, as I get corrupted save games with it ever since I upgraded to Win 7. Anyway, I'd be glad to have any input. Now to sleep. :P

  6. The Mauser C96 (Chinese Pistol/Shansi Type 17) is an old design, so I assume that the N99 (10mm Pistol) would be superior in most ways, despite the Mauser design being good for its time. I've never shot a C96, but I have handled one, and the owner said that it has some jamming issues. This could be limited to that particular pistol, however. He never talked about accuracy. :/


    I've had a hectic few days, and I'm going to take the next few easy, so I won't be getting around to much modding for a little while.

  7. I think that removing auto-aim would re-introduce bullet drop, but I'm not sure. Seeing as how the max range for any round in this game is something like ~143m (and that's for the rail gun in Operation Anchorage), I'm not sure that it's necessary to do that. Then again, time is scaled to 30x speed by default, so maybe everything's scale is supposed to be 30x bigger than displayed. That would put the ranges of weapons in a reasonable-ish area for effective range. To be honest, I wish they had concentrated on a smaller piece of land and made it 1:1, but that's probably just me.


    One problem that might arise from introducing bullet drop is (I think) that projectiles don't visually follow the course they actually take. I agree that it should be reintroduced if possible though. Even (especially) if auto-aim must be disabled.


    Here's what I'm thinking for Damage (shamelessly taken from the GECK wiki): Damage = (PerkModifiers((41/40 - 1/40 * RateOfFire) * SuppressorMult * (CaliberDamage + HandsDamage) * DamageMultiplier * GunConditionPenalty * SkillBonus) + (PerkCritMultipliers * ((41/40 - 1/40 * RateOfFire) * SuppressorMult * (CaliberDamage + HandsDamage))))


    With that, SMGs will only do 75% of the damage of 10mm pistols, but that can be changed in the actual formula to whatever. We'll also have to negate all damage being done in the first place to replace it with this stuff, but that shouldn't be too hard.


    I just realized that the Chinese Pistol and 10mm pistol are the same caliber. Would we have them do the same damage? In the current equation, they would. Maybe we could work monetary value into this somehow to make similar weapons give you a slight incentive to use the expensive variant. Then again, maybe putting that into the spread equation would be better.


    Spread = PerkModifiers(FieldOfViewSpread * SuppressorSpread * RateOfFireSpread * (CaliberSpread + HandsSpread) * Crouch Bonus * (ConditionPenalty + SkillBonus) * (WalkPenalty + RunPenalty) + ArmPenalty)


    These many variables get kinda messy pretty fast. TBH, Spread will probably be more difficult to change than Damage by a significant margin. I'm going to go un-break my head by thinking about flowers or something for a while.

  8. Well, I have some scripting and GECK knowledge, but it's not enough to know how to make a script check different stats of a weapon. I suppose I'll see what I can find out the next few days.


    I was thinking about this at work today, and thought that this would be a good solution for damage calculations: (total DMG=caliber DMG+hands DMG+loudness DMG) Basically, have flat damage for the caliber and add/subtract damage based on weapon type and silencedness.


    If the script is checking the loudness though, we could have it give a bonus for loud guns. AFAIK, the louder guns are those that are supposed to do more damage, but I'm not entirely sure about that. I'd have to open the GECK and check. Not that I think that a loud weapon would do more damage, as pistols are usually louder than rifles, but the option is there if we want to use it.


    Can you think of any other factors that we could use to affect the damage?


    Maybe we could do a spread rework as well. It has always bugged me that using an assault rifle single shot is so inaccurate...

  9. With silenced weapons, you might be able to check the loudness of the gun, so any silent gun does less damage. I don't know how to check that with scripts, however.


    True, differentiating between the weapons using the number of hands is probably as close as we could get to checking barrel length. We'd also want a tag that said it only applied to small or big guns, since you don't want plasma and lasers to do the same damage as each other.

  10. Well, the damage for the guns aren't identical, as the muzzle velocity is different between the two. An example of the same cartridge doing different damage based on the gun it comes from is the 10mm pistol VS the 10mm lever rifle. A rifle will have better trajectory and speed, increasing its range and accuracy, as well as the damage it does to the target.


    That said, yes, I think that caliber should be a big factor in damage.


    It might be possible to give a flat damage bonus to all guns of a certain caliber (by putting them all in a list and then having an invisible perk that calls IsInList), which would be more compatible with other mods than changing weapon stats directly.

  11. That would actually be extra super easy to make if the items are just never removed.


    Do you want to keep the gear from the simulation as well?


    EDIT: Uploaded. If you want to have a container so you can pick and choose what items to haul around with you, I can do that too/instead.

  12. I dunno about you, but I think that some of the carryovers from Oblivion are ridiculous. Let's start with the biggest and most difficult to fix, shall we?



    Armor and Damage Resistance:

    Wearing ultra-super-uber boots of 85% DR shouldn't make headshots hurt any less. Oblivion didn't have localized damage, so the system worked OK. Now, I'm not totally against DR, as it's an alright alternative to the more logical "all damage below X is ignored" armor systems. I am annoyed that somebody wearing power armor without a helmet will get massive resistance to me shooting them in the head.


    Is it possible to change to the flat damage reduction type armor? Is it possible to make the armor calculated per body part? (I think it might be possible to attach scripts to items that change the actor's body part multipliers, but I'm not sure.) While I'd like both of these, either one would satisfy me.



    STOOPIT Gun Limitations:

    In Oblivion, you couldn't have a weapon out while sitting because, well, bows and melee weapons are very difficult to use from a sitting position. With guns though, not only can you feasibly use them while sitting, shooting while sitting is more accurate than shooting standing. Along these lines, shooting in a prone position is even more accurate (or approximately equal, depending on if you have a table or not).


    Does anyone know if the GECK can enable shooting while sitting? A reduction in spread would be nice. Prone shooting I cannot do at all, as my animation experience is null.



    Put in the Requests forum because there are some things which would definitely require not-me type modders.

  13. The destroying/reading books idea was bugging me for a bit. I couldn't remember which game had that. Then I remembered! It was angband! If you were a fighting class, you could destroy most spellbooks for XP instead of carrying them to the town to sell. Aaaanyway. Just thought I'd give credit now that I remembered what that came from.


    I'd make the fragments thing a quest, so once you have read all of them, you get a little perk or something. Another thing that I think would be cool is if you could re-read the fragments any time, changing your answer to a different one if you feel like it, just in case your character has changed. I think all this would require is putting a flag in the script noting the answer(s) you chose.


    I would also think that unless we're talking a single short verse per passage, there should be multiple chances to answer within each passage, making the Karma change much more dynamic. Also, agreeing with a passage shouldn't necessarily automatically increase your Karma. If I'm not mistaken, there are certain passages in the bible (especially the Old Testament) that aren't really moral.


    What would be REALLY cool is if we could use recorded passages of the bible (I'm sure there are plenty of good ones out there in the public domain) and not have the message box contain the text, but a question. EG. "Was X's decision OK?"


    Bible Radio? Interrupting your combat to ask what you thought of the passage you were too distracted to listen to since 2010. :P


    TBH, I think that radio would be the best as far as RP goes. Attaching a quest to add more passages would be ideal (as mentioned in a recent request by csgators for More Where That Came From). Also, the crazy DJ who only speaks in bible quotes would be pretty awesome to talk to. :D


    I am willing and able to do sound and GECK work for this.


    EDIT: Duh. Just saw that this was in the suggestions box. I will start work on the Bible Radio, unless you guys would prefer the other?

  14. I don't know if you've tried Arwen's Realism Tweaks Combat/AI module, but it's a lot better than Vanilla. That said, I'm very interested in switching to yours after following this thread.


    I was running WMK+FOOK, but traced down a chronic CTD to FOOK, so I'm just using WMK now. If you'd allow me to, I would be able to maintain a WMK-only branch (and possibly Vanilla, depending on time).

  15. In general, find a folder with files of the same name and overwrite them. I'm not using HD right now, but I'm downloading it to see what the inside looks like.


    EDIT: I've got the file. Looks like all you need to do is copy the folder called "Data" to your root Fallout 3 directory (the one with .exe files in it). If you want the face changes, move the ESP(s) into your Data folder and enable them. For the hair textures option, copy the folder called "hair" into your Data/Textures folder.

  16. For Project Beauty HD, you need to download "PROJECT BEAUTY MAIN FILES", "Project Beauty HD" , and "Update to Version 2_68b for both versions" from the project page. Extract the main files archive, copy the folder named Data into your Fallout 3 directory (the one with Fallut3.exe), and tell Windows "Yes to all". Then do the same thing with HD.


    The update archive is the tricky one. There are all kinds of .esp files in different folders. Move any of the files that apply to you into your Fallout3/Data folder and enable them with FOMM. Don't use both the base and HD files.

  17. One way to make this kind of thing give good or bad karma is to give the player the option of either destroying or distributing copies by taking them to different NPCs (say that Brotherhood scribe at the library, and that slaver at the Lincoln Memorial) or activating a printing press/furnace. I dunno. The possibilities are many. If you applied this to all books, including those that are mostly destroyed, it would give some people a reason to pick up all of those previously useless piles of stuff.


    Adding a bible in would be fine with me, but I think that a more appropriate effect of reading it would be a disposition increase with certain factions and a decrease with others. Another interesting idea is to have fragments (as mentioned) that you can read that give you options like in the GOAT, essentially choosing what your character thinks of the passage as it goes along. If you choose to agree with the passage, you gain Karma, if you choose not to, you lose it, and if you are neutral about it, you gain XP (or lose/gain karma, depending on your current disposition, to move you closer to the center of the scale)?


    Anyway, just my 2 cents. Very interesting original idea, BTW.

  18. I'm running Project Beauty and it affects all characters. Note that you don't have to use the ESP that comes with it for the textures to apply. The ESP only contains tweaked faces on many of the more major characters' faces.


    It sounds to me like you haven't applied Archive Invalidation Invalidated. Since you have FOMM installed, just open it up and click "Toggle Invalidation" (6th button down on the right side), click "Yes" on the resulting dialogue box ("Apply Archive Invalidation?"), and you should be set.

  19. The first one works perfectly! Big Kudos! I had been mixing some stuff into your suggestions, but nothing worked, so I was ready to go back to my old version that required an unequip/equip to change imods.


    You'll get full credits on the mod when I release it, which should be some time in the next 72 hours. Thanks lots and lots and lots! :D

  20. Hmm... the first one applies the effect on every frame just like my version, but the second one has that problem sometimes on waiting and time of day changes. I even got a crash on the second one, though I'm not sure how related it was.


    I see that I had my times reversed and had an and instead of an or for the daytime. :P


    I'm attaching the ESP in case you'd like to test it yourself. The imods are set to be more obvious for troubleshooting in this version, and I'm using the optimized script. Also, Tortoiseshell Glasses are in the power armor helmet list since none of my current saves have training.


    Man, my first script has not turned out so well. :verymad: Maybe I should have tried something a little easier first.


    I do have a question about the structure of the script. Would it be better to put the Period check inside the else block after IsInterior? I don't think that this would change how it works at all, but would make it a little lighter weight when not outside? Eg.

    if Player.IsInInterior...
    [i][b]if GameHour >= 20 || GameHour  <= 4.5
    	set Period to 1	;Night
    elseif GameHour >= 6 && GameHour  <= 18.5 
    	set Period to 2	;Day
    	set Period to 3	;Twilight
    if (whattime)...

  21. Ok, I ran getEquipped inside a GameMode, but it added the effect on every frame.


    if IsDay
    if aieEnabledDay
    	rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    	rimod AdaptNightSFX
    	set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    	set aieEnabledNight to 0
    	imod AdaptDaySFX
    	set aieEnabledDay to 1
    	if aieEnabled
    		set aieEnabled to 1

    I was testing during the day, and I think this is the only place the problem could be, but here's the complete new code just in case.

    scn AdaptiveImageEnhancementScript
    short IsNight
    short IsTwilight
    short IsDay
    short aieEnabled
    short aieEnabledIndoor
    short aieEnabledDay
    short aieEnabledNight
    begin GameMode
    if player.GetEquipped AdaptiveImageEnhancementList
    	if GameHour >=20
    		if GameHour <=4.5
    			set IsNight to 1
    	elseif GameHour <=6
    		if GameHour >=18.5
    			set IsDay to 1
    		set IsTwilight to 1
    	if IsInInterior
    		if aieEnabledIndoor
    			rimod AdaptDaySFX
    			rimod AdaptNightSFX
    			set aieEnabledDay to 0
    			set aieEnabledNight to 0
    			imod AdaptIndoorSFX
    			set aieEnabledIndoor to 1
    			if aieEnabled
    				set aieEnabled to 1
    		if IsDay
    			if aieEnabledDay
    				rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    				rimod AdaptNightSFX
    				set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    				set aieEnabledNight to 0
    				imod AdaptDaySFX
    				set aieEnabledDay to 1
    				if aieEnabled
    					set aieEnabled to 1
    		elseif IsTwilight
    			if aieEnabledIndoor
    				rimod AdaptDaySFX
    				rimod AdaptNightSFX
    				set aieEnabledDay to 0
    				set aieEnabledNight to 0
    				imod AdaptIndoorSFX
    				set aieEnabledIndoor to 1
    				if aieEnabled
    					set aieEnabled to 1
    			if aieEnabledNight
    				rimod AdaptDaySFX
    				rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    				set aieEnabledDay to 0
    				set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    				imod AdaptNightSFX
    				set aieEnabledNight to 1
    				if aieEnabled
    					set aieEnabled to 1
    elseif aieEnabled
    	rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    	rimod AdaptDaySFX
    	rimod AdaptNightSFX
    	set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    	set aieEnabledDay to 0
    	set aieEnabledNight to 0
    	set aieEnabled to 0

    Thanks for the help so far!

  22. I was looking for a mod that assigned default NPCs fixed levels, but couldn't find one, so I started manually changing each NPC. After changing a bunch of NPCs manually, I started thinking that there had to be a better way. A scripted way, one might say.


    I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I'd like to be able to script it so that the NPC's level is based off the Max Level GMST compared to their default level/max calculated level and the Max Level of the ESM/ESP they come from (with 20 as a default). So, if the NPC's level was 5 compared to a normal max level of 20 and your max level setting was 100, they'd become level 25 (NewLVL=LVL/DefaultMaxLVL*CurrMaxLVL). If your max level was still 20, they'd stay at lvl 5. For leveled NPCs, it would be a more slightly complex calculation including their PC LVL Multipler and using Max Calculated LVL instead of fixed LVL (NewLVL=PCLVLMult*MaxCalcLVL/DefaultMaxLVL*CurrMaxLVL).


    Obviously, there could be issues with installation/uninstallation, but who would uninstall such an awesome mod? >_> <_<


    Anyway, I was just playing with ZBFO Leveled Lists with a new character and thought that this would be a logical next step for us wasteland masochists. Silver is just too darn easy to kill. :closedeyes:

  23. So, I've been running a personal modification of Arwen's ShadesFX that enabled the sunglasses effect on power armor helmets, but last night I decided to expand the script/effect and make a new mod just for the helmets.


    So, the very basic structure of this script is Arwen's, though hers is simpler.


    scn AdaptiveImageEnhancementScript
    short IsDayTime
    short EnableAIEIndoor
    short EnableAIEDay
    short EnableAIENight
    short DisableAIEIndoor
    short DisableAIEDay
    short DisableAIENight
    short aieEnabledIndoor
    short aieEnabledDay
    short aieEnabledNight
    begin GameMode
    if GameHour >5 && GameHour <20
    	set IsDayTime
    set EnableAIEIndoor
    imod AdaptIndoorSFX
    set aieEnabledIndoor
    set EnableAIEDay
    imod AdaptDaySFX
    set aieEnabledDay
    set EnableAIENight
    imod AdaptNightSFX
    set aieEnabledNight
    set DisableAIEIndoor
    rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    set DisableAIEDay
    rimod AdaptDaySFX
    set aieEnabledDay to 0
    set DisableAIENight
    rimod AdaptNightSFX
    set aieEnabledNight to 0
    begin OnEquip(+effect that runs on cell changes)
    if IsInInterior !=1
    	if IsDayTime
    	if aieEnabledDay
    	elseif aieEnabledNight
    (need to do timing to this next bit)
    if IsInInterior !=1 && if aieEnabledIndoor
    	if IsDayTime && aieEnabledNight
    	elseif IsDayTime &&
    begin OnUnequip player
    if aieEnabledIndoor
    elseif aieEnabledDay
    elseif aieEnabledNight
    begin OnDrop player
    if aieEnabledIndoor
    elseif aieEnabledDay
    elseif aieEnabledNight


    So, obviously the script doesn't work as is.


    How do I get this to make EnableAIEIndoor (and the other similar pieces) run imod ... set ... when it's referenced? I can remove those functions and manually imod and set each time they're referenced if the GECK and FOSE don't allow them.


    Are there blocktypes that run on cell change? I'm aware of OnLoad, but I don't know if that does what I want, and quickly cycling between cells will bypass it (though I think my script is smart enough to at least change at the next timed update if that happens).


    I'm under the impression that when using "if (x)" and it ==1, the ==1 is not needed. Is that correct?




    EDIT: I got a working version, but I can't get the timer to work inside the OnEquip block. Is it possible?

    Operational Code:

    scn AdaptiveImageEnhancementScript
    short IsDayTime
    short aieEnabledIndoor
    short aieEnabledDay
    short aieEnabledNight
    float TimedUpdate
    short StartTimer
    begin GameMode
    if (GameHour - 5) <15
    	set IsDayTime to 1
    begin OnEquip
    if StartTimer
    	if TimedUpdate >0
    		set TimedUpdate to TimedUpdate - GetSecondsPassed
    		if IsInInterior
    			if aieEnabledIndoor
    				if aieEnabledDay
    					rimod AdaptDaySFX
    					set aieEnabledDay to 0
    				elseif aieEnabledNight
    					rimod AdaptNightSFX
    					set aieEnabledNight to 0
    					imod AdaptIndoorSFX
    					set aieEnabledIndoor to 1
    			if aieEnabledIndoor
    				rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    				set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    			if IsDayTime
    				if aieEnabledDay
    					if aieEnabledNight
    						rimod AdaptNightSFX
    						set aieEnabledNight to 0
    					imod AdaptDaySFX
    					set aieEnabledDay to 1
    				if aieEnabledNight
    					if aieEnabledDay
    						rimod AdaptDaySFX
    						set aieEnabledDay to 0
    					imod AdaptNightSFX
    					set aieEnabledNight to 1
    	set TimedUpdate to 2
    	set StartTimer to 1
    begin OnUnequip player
    rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    rimod AdaptDaySFX
    rimod AdaptNightSFX
    set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    set aieEnabledDay to 0
    set aieEnabledNight to 0
    begin OnDrop player
    rimod AdaptIndoorSFX
    rimod AdaptDaySFX
    rimod AdaptNightSFX
    set aieEnabledIndoor to 0
    set aieEnabledDay to 0
    set aieEnabledNight to 0

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