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Nexus Mods Profile

About Koolschrank

  1. have you already tried? does it work? I have not yet tried it. On the mod page he says that there was an issue with the initial release and that he fixed it and people should redownload and try again. doesent work. i have already read the information but theres still the vanila animation
  2. just doesent work. spears and javelins are implented into the game but the animations are still from the sword.
  3. this acc was made just to follow this topic.
  4. if there is a mod, why should it be implented here? you like to play with this mod, download it. otherwise let it be.
  5. lpdude690 watch soolies 2nd teaser. im not sure but looked like the javelins have not that big range. maybe soolie was just using aimbot. i remember a scene where he killed some bandits on a high bridge and the physics of the spear were quite heavy. well to the thing about difficaulty of usage ... for casuals (including me) aiming with vanilla bow + arrow is hell, specially if target is in move (flying drakes) and i play 60+ fps would be cool if javelin would be like the arrow + bow one (ofc different look but same mechanic): the longer you "load" the better the dmg and accuarity
  6. many ppl follow this thread w/o even registration. as ive said previously this is THE mod. information about the progress would be awesome but if soolie dont tell us he ll have his reasons. Just hope Soolies work wont be influenced by forum kids (see Matthiaswagg).
  7. Despite the fact that Javelins are just bigass arrows i would appreciate if everyone could adjust his weapons.
  8. Ohh yea cmon lets just download all the 1 hit weapons + soolies one hit javelins and this game would be perfect! i totally agree with you!
  9. Soolie plz. its Skyrim logic. Just look at this Screenshot: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/882976114515973281/B6A532FC3445B4B96D21397E6B1706F3C09A5835/ It will be totally common to see a target with 2+ javelins, and as you ve said javelins will use arrow mechanics and they're enough mods to increase the dmg of arrows. you can also use the creation kit to do as you like.. And effects like slowing down a target or causing stamina dmg isnt that cool.
  10. I think you're mistaken. Maybe you are talking about Duke Patrick's Spears in Skyrim? It also adds spears to the game but it's different than Soolie's mod. I think this guy isnt that dumb. I mean, dukes spear mod only supports 2 handed spears as far as i remember. soolies mod is in this case unique.
  11. Btw soolie are you going to release a new teaser? or are you looking forward to release as soon as possible?
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