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Everything posted by Ahmed1496

  1. Hi Everyone, I'm pretty new to the community and wanted to post this cuz I did not see a fix for such issue that I'm facing anywhere on the internet. I'm playing the mod and was exploring Caelid area where Gurrang is, found out the kindred was given a new area! Now, the thing is whenever I'm trying to descend to reach the Kindred fight arena, I keep auto dying right when I reach the 3rd branch of the tree. Any idea/fix for this available? I did not find anything over the internet regarding this. and I hope someone could help me get through this, thanks! I download the ER 1.2 download and have been playing using that, everything the mod is working fine except this part. My specs are: i9 10th Gen RTX 2080 super - 8GB 32GB Ram
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