Okay I was thinking that a mod should be made to add new feature and animations to horseback riding. I don't expect this will be an easy task though, but I do hope a serious mod team takes these ideas and run with them. Horseback specific shout. Activation the shout while on horseback triggers a special event that has a cool down time. The Horse Rears back the rider raises his or her sword arm with weapon in hand. Any enemies near the horse are knocked down and back and the horse does a quick sprint forward damaging and knocking down anything in it's path. Wielding weapons while on horseback. Swords: Only one handed or course, no shields. Left click will attack on the left side, Right click will attack on the right side. All attacks do a x2 damage since your attacking from horseback. Power attacks have a much higher chance to stagger enemies. Special animations for power attacks Special kill scenes (decapitation, Getting sword stuck in skull off humanoid enemy and kicking enemy off sword. Horse Rears back and comes down on attacker player thrusts sword through chest. Same animation but when fighting a dragon the dragon goes for the kill and the player rams the sword through it's mouth.) etc etc any other ideas would be awesome. Bow When riding on horseback with a bow the Player can right click and hold to disengage "camera movement" for the horse. IE when you turn teh camera the horse turns as well. This would allow the rider and horse to move/aim separately to help the rider aim. This needs to be incorporated somehow either by a toggle feature or just changing the controls all together. Aiming would be almost impossible if not. Maybe even a right click auto aim to help. This one would prob require a lot of changes to existing code vs new features. Magic One hand magic, very simple very easy. Horse Armor. Since the beast is going to get into the fray it wouldn't be a bad idea to dress it up with some armor. Building or buying it would be nice. This of course would prob be a separate mod add-on all together. Skill Tree Horseback (Novice apprentice) level 1 30 Wander Attacks from horse back do 25% more damage on top of monuted attack bonus Level 2 45 Vagabond Attacks do an additional 5% Level 3 Nomad 70 Attacks do an additional 10% damage and have increased critical chance of 10% Pack Mule: 30 Horse can carry equipment Branch Skills War Horse 35 Time between the horses charge attack is reduced by 25% (1 of 2) Hit and Run 45 Enemies unwary of your presence (ie weapons not drawn) Receive sneak attack bonus Pinpoint Precision 65 Archers on Horseback aim effortlessly at targets whole holding down the block with bow drawn. (instead of zoom you get an auto aim.) Play Dead 70 Pressing the crouch on horse makes the rider fall to the side of the horse appearing as if he was fatally wounded. Pressing crouch again causes him to act as normal. This has a chance to end combat and force pursuers to give up on their attacks. Calvary 100 Horse is able to equip heavy armor without penalty to stamina or stamina recovery.