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About hori873

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  1. Aaaah, yes! I love FROST for FO4 - to be honest, that's the only way I ever played FO4, the vanilla game bored and annoyed me to death after just a few short hours. I'd love a "post-apocalyptic" version of Skyrim, e.g. in an alternate scenario where Mehrunes Dagon won the Oblivion crysis, or where the dragonborn didn't exist and the dragons laid waste to Skyrim and re-enslaved the population. Dozens of other ideas come to mind but those are the ones for which we already have quite a lot of lore information and wouldn't require a completely new worldspace. And with the same scarcity and hardcore elements that FROST has... that would really make the game feel brand new, and offer a completely new experience. But in the end... this idea does still fit the Fallout series more than TES. There they are lore-friendly, but here, not at all. And you can't really have anything similar to FROST if you have the same settlements full of merchants and peace of which you can take advantage of... the best you could do to make it lore-friendly would be to have it happen right after or during the Great War, but since Skyrim wasn't directly affected by it, it's still not quite enough.
  2. I always liked the idea of diversity within the games that I play... and this is especially true for Bethesda games. Seeing how Beyond Skyrim brings SO much new content to the game, I was wondering if anyone could make an "integration patch" that would integrate some of that content within the base game. So if I have Beyond Skyrim installed and the patch activated, items from BS could appear naturally within the province of Skyrim - to a limited extent, of course, not all of the Cyrodiilic items would make sense in Skyrim and especially not for non-Imperial characters. This would be something similar to the "DLC Integration" mod. It just seems odd to me how you see a certain set of items in Skyrim and if you travel a few kilometers south you immediately encounter a whole new and different set. The borders, are, after all just imaginary constructs and the only thing they can truly limit is political administration and nothing else. Thanks.
  3. I know this thread is ancient, but so is this game. So to help anyone that might stumble upon this problem in the future: Just copy the Oblivion.exe from a retail version over the one that Steam provided. Don't forget to back it up. Then you can launch obse_loader.exe from MO which will correctly launch Oblivion with OBSE and its plugins. Easy fix. Note: I'm using MO 2.1.1, the same that I use for Skyrim and FO4 Again, sorry for necroing but hopefully this will save a few hours of searching for anyone who might try this in the future, and prevent creating new questions and threads (without getting an answer)
  4. Hello. Can somebody make an armour set similar to the nazi infantry uniforms in Wolfenstein? There are multiple versions of it, but any will do. Even a mix between them. I'd prefer it to have a paint job variant that does not have the nazi symbolism on it, and ideally to have one that has European Commonwealth symbolism on it - kinda like the STG-60 mod has (which is a Wolfenstein weapon mod).
  5. can someone give me the link tothe mod that ads a companion just as companion vilja? i need 1 or 2 more companions(1 archer 1 mage) i think i found one ... i havent downloaded it yet, is this (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7819) adding companions as vilja?
  6. i found this while searching "valenwood map" on google: http://blog-imgs-43.fc2.com/y/a/m/yamasakinuko8228/map777.jpg but where i can download it? i translated the site from japenesse to romanian (using google chrome translation)and i can see the map is for the mod valenwood improved wich i have installed from http://yamasakinuko8228.blog115.fc2.com/blog-entry-15.html and i also found this: http://blog-imgs-43.fc2.com/y/a/m/yamasakinuko8228/Oblivion+2010-05-19+16-13-16-30_convert_20100519165349.png from http://yamasakinuko8228.blog115.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html how they have a so big world map? the original one includes just few bits of nearby regions but they have summerset islands too.. can you tell me a link to a complete tamriel in-game map? or at least bigger?
  7. i'm inthe same situation,i obtained the candles, amuler, finger,adria skull hearth....the ingredients.... but where do i place them? the link don't work
  8. Can someone help me creating a Hammerfell Elven Map, I don't know how to color it, i made it look just like an elven map but uncolored, need help plz If someone want to help me reply and i'll send the image with the uncolored map
  9. can someone tell me howto install this mod (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22401)? and how to modify the map bigger to show stirk?? i tried to make it bigger by modifing its resolution but when i play the locations don't fit with the map
  10. Can someone make a mod that modifies the HUD that shows nearby locations to show nearby enemies and friend too? i already found a mod that adds a radar to the top left corner of the screen (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35343) but it don't fit with the game. So the enemy/friend detection is possible, but i think a mod that modifies the original hud is much better than adding a new one
  11. can someone give me the link to the mod that modifies the part of the hud that shows nearby locations to make it larger? i sqaw it in lot of mod pictures but can't find it, the original one is too small
  12. i downloaded elsweyr province for oblivion and i love playing and exploring other tamriel lands, can someone tell me where can i find a good other province? like skyrim, hammerfell, morrowind or any other province (no landscapes without cities/locations please)... and if you can, an map too (elven if possible- or clored). i'd like to have as many tamriel provinces as can thanks
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