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Posts posted by VulcanTourist

  1. Today (October 24, 2023), a v1.1.0 update to this extension was released that makes the above steps unnecessary. It now stores the current version of BepInEx AND adds an extra option to give players agency to manually update it from GitHub directly whenever they feel it necessary. There's even a new Open drop-down menu option for the directory where Vortex stores it, so that it can be overwritten with any other version if needed.

    This is a Good Thing. The modal dialog announcement of this was also a very Good Thing.

  2. It amazes me that no one has thought to make a mod that overlays a polar coordinate grid over the map, with some nomenclature strategy - like letters for latitude and numbers for longitude - for identifying and locating each grid element. The value of it should be obvious: it would provide a very handy means of naming and locating portals placed around the map. I'm struggling right now with how to name and re-locate my portals later, since no land masses in the game are even named, much less something more predictable.

  3. Hey all,


    I have this funny idea but i have no idea to mod myself so maybe someone can make a mod based on the idea i have.


    As people have seen there is a raft mod , where you can bassicly build an base on a raft.


    However , I think with the mod that leviathans never goes back into sea it would be funny to build an base on a leviathan as its currently forbidden to even put a workbench on a leviathan.


    Everyone's dream to be able to acctaully build on ocean base ( safe from raids aswell ) :D


    Well Hit me up or hoping that someone can make this happen!.



    Mods already exist that could allow that.



  4. This is a band-aid fix I concocted after I noticed finally that the extension is storing a BepInEx version as part of its data, so it's accessible:


    For anyone who experiences problems with Valheim while using Vortex to manage it and happens to check Player.log and notice that the version of BepInEx IS NOT the one that they thought they had downloaded and installed:

    The Valheim Vortex extension distrusts users to correctly handle the crucial BepInEx DLL injector, so it keeps its own private copy of it and forcibly installs it, overwriting any attempt you might make to install a different version. At first I assumed that Vortex was downloading it from a hidden NexusMods repository, but instead it's delivered and stored as data with the plugin itself in Vortex. This can be overwritten! Below I have assembled what I believe are complete instructions for how to do this, current as of 2023-10-14 and game version 0.217.24 and BepInEx version 5.4.22. I hope they prove to be useful until this pernicious recurring issue is resolved properly.


    • Locate the following directory in Windows (File) Explorer:
      %AppData%\Roaming\Vortex\plugins\Vortex Extension Update - Valheim Support v1.0.24\BepInExPayload
    • delete the subdirectory InSlimVML; it's no longer valid or necessary;
    • manually download the latest BepInEx "pack" for Valheim from thunderstore.com:
      • the current version as of 2023-10-13 is 5.4.2200;
      • either download this file directly to, or move it to, the Vortex downloads directory for Valheim:
      • doing so will cause it to appear as Never Installed in Valheim's Mods list;
      • you will actually install it later, but first...
    • navigate to that downloads directory in another Explorer tab or window;
    • open the .zip file with Windows or 7-Zip or whatever compression tool you use;
    • within the Zip file, navigate into the \BepInExPack_Valheim directory;
    • the .sh files are for Linux and won't be useful for Windows systems;
    • into the \BepInExPayload directory, copy and overwrite the following files:
      • changelog.txt
      • doorstop_config.ini
      • winhttp.dll
    • next, copy the \doorstop_libs directory whole; it probably doesn't already exist;
    • to copy BepInEx, in Explorer navigate "down" into the Vortex \BepInExPayload\BepInEx directory;
    • in that directory, first delete the \patchers subdirectory, which is no longer needed;
    • next, navigate further into \plugins and delete the \VortexWorlds subdirectory there;
    • navigate back "up" to \BepInEx; remaining are \config, \core, and \plugins;
    • now, back in the Zip file in its \BepInEx directory, copy and overwrite \config, \core, and \plugins into the Vortex \BepInEx directory;
    • now BepInEx will be current when forcibly copied by the Valheim Vortex extension.
    • You're not quite done yet: time to install the "pack" with Vortex;
    • start Vortex, and click Mods, in the left nav bar;
    • scroll to find the denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2200.zip file in the Never Installed section;
    • click the drop-down menu arrow next to the Never Installed button at the left in the Status column, and from the short menu select Enabled;
    • now the "pack" is staged, ready for deployment, but confirm some details first:
      • double-left-click its entry in the Mod Name column, which opens a detail pane at the right;
      • in this pane, confirm or edit the following:
    • when finished, you may double-left-click in Mod Name column to close the details pane.
    • Finally, you should be ready to Deploy; try it.
    • Assuming all appears well, you can confirm the correct BepInEx version was deployed by checking
      Properties | Details | File Version (or Product Version) of BepInEx.dll in the \Valheim\BepInEx\core game directory; the version should of course match what you downloaded.
    • - Profit!

    IF the Valheim extension updates without also updating this private copy of BepInEx (or better reworking this whole mechanism), then when it updates it will of course overwrite your handiwork here and you will have to repeat the process! Let's hope that doesn't happen.


  5. I would consider attempting what @SpikeHimself did months ago, but my once-admired programming skills are non-existent now, decades out of date. I can suggest design direction, and that was my intention when I said that users need to have some agency in this matter and not make Vortex and the extension the dictator of BepInEx. The mechanism should be redesigned such that Vortex plays an advisory role in keeping it up to date with the game version. This may also require improving the ability of Vortex to query and pull mods and resources from alternative repositories beside just NexusMods, like GitHub and Thunderstore. There are plenty of bug reports regarding the former of those two.


    Please don't forget that for the moment there's an entire game community unable to use Vortex for that game, one that appears quite popular. That sounds like quite a priority.

  6. You need to raise this issue with the developer of the Valheim extension for Vortex: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/210.

    That extension developer is succeeding in making Vortex itself look bad "by extension" to every player of Valheim. The general advice in the Valheim community is to avoid Vortex entirely because of the failures of this extension, which have continued apace right into October 2023. It's doing the same thing now with and to BepInEx 5.4.22 that it was doing back in March with an earlier version. It actually overrides any user attempt to substitute the necessary new version!


    It mystifies me that someone thought it would be wise to make the extension the sole arbiter of BepInEx, hard-wire this behavior and completely remove user agency in the matter, and THEN fail to aggressively maintain the hard-wired behavior. It's great that @SpikeHimself was handy to fix the mess it made back in March, but there's been no one stepping in now to band-aid the issue yet again, much less rework the poor design decision that is causing it.


    There needs to be some enforceable oversight maintained by NexusMods over extension developers. Poor design decisions and lax maintenance harms everyone and the goodwill of Vortex as a whole, not just this faceless developer. A Vortex game extension may not technically be a part of Vortex, but from every practical perspective it most certainly is and should be treated as such.

  7. I've been experiencing this same error. It's not a wise decision to leave the maintenance of a crucial game and site element in the hands of someone who isn't paying attention and actually performing the maintenance. This particular bug is not the only one, and the most recent updates - v0.217.24 - of the game and BepInEx (5.4.22) are now causing Vortex to break both: Vortex is secretly and forcibly reinstalling an obsolete BepInEx without the user's consent from a hidden repository with no audit trail.


    All of this makes NexusMods and everyone else look bad. What is "Nagev" doing with his time?

  8. Still holding my breath! I'm annoyed that no one else seems to be paying attention to your work... a crowd of one is hardly encouraging, no matter how enthusiastic. I suspect that it's the result of insufficient exposure of what you've been doing, though. If Dark0ne had chosen to interview you about your effort and then publish that as a site update, I think you'd have quite a few more people cheering you on.

  9. Update:


    Ugh.... problems problems problems. In building my mod set with this utility, I discovered Skyrim's max reference bug/limitation. This probably led to some of the crashes I would experience when playing in previous games. So I am currently adding the ability to deal with this issue into my utility, for those who don't mind dealing with the potential side effects. I am guessing it will be at least March before this is ready.

    Any good news to report?


    All this silence is making me wonder if I'm ever going to enjoy a no-compromise solution to my too-many-mods problem and enjoy Skyrim again without the pain and agony of re-evaluating my modding from scratch.... *sob*

  10. Update:


    Ugh.... problems problems problems. In building my mod set with this utility, I discovered Skyrim's max reference bug/limitation. This probably led to some of the crashes I would experience when playing in previous games. So I am currently adding the ability to deal with this issue into my utility, for those who don't mind dealing with the potential side effects. I am guessing it will be at least March before this is ready.

    Any good news to report?

  11. So my question is this. Do you want me to try and get this up before the Holiday season (approximately at the end of November) even if it means I may not be able to address issues right away? Or wait until January?

    I somehow missed the e-mail notification for this comment back in November when my reply might have made the most difference, but...


    ... I think I'd be most happy if you delayed release until when you have time to deal with any initial showstoppers that might crop up. I haven't programmed in decades, so as strictly a user at this point I'd be reliant on you/others to fix those issues, and after so much anticipation it would be hard to set it aside then to wait for those issues to be addressed weeks later. It's easier to wait until you'll have time to spare and we can help you discover any issue and get rapid feedback.


    Enjoy your holiday! And have ya heard about Bethesda's new Starfield RPG? A whole new RPG to mod!

  12. @VulcanTourist. I am not sure how easy it would be to give you the raw program. I don't have an installer yet (coming....) and the software needs A LOT of path data in order to work properly (which is set by the installer/functionality I haven't added yet). If you can manually put these in yourself, then it might work.

    It's the intention that counts! I can wait... I'll spend the time butting my head against the broken Windows UWP system - did you know that Nvidia Control Panel is now a UWP app? - and the myriad of real-world stuff that doesn't work.

  13. I worked my way up to just shy of 700 mods using Vortex and SSEEdit to lighten things, but then I hit the wall of my abilities. I didn't want to make sacrifices, so I just quit playing. That's why I need this tool fully functional!




    This looks really interesting - too bad about it not working with NMM though :D I keep hoping Bethesda may in the future remove the darn 256 plugin limit with the switch to x64 now instead of x32... but we'll see.

    That will never happen with TESV, because it doesn't selfishly benefit Bethesda. The ONLY reason they released SSE was to (a) integrate the Creation Club directly into the game and (b) convert the game to a more stable 64-bit platform to support those paid mods. They've already created the FE plugin index space to support more mods; doing the significant rework to fully eliminate the plugin limit doesn't benefit Bethesda because no one would ever buy enough mods from CC to make that limit an issue and they couldn't give a flying f*** about use of mods that didn't benefit them.

  14. If you are indeed saying that this tool will be able to ESL-ify the mods that neither I (with SSEEdit) nor Vortex could manage because they required "extra work" of compacting formIDs or somesuch that I didn't know how to do and Vortex couldn't, well then... you will single-handedly be responsible for allowing me to return to modding and playing Skyrim after a long absence because of my shortcomings.


    If I can be of help testing Vortex integration, perhaps I can contribute something of use. I don't really understand why such integration would be necessary, though; if this tool can ESL-ify a difficult mod, then Vortex will happily deal with the modified plugin, and already has means to mark it as externally changed.

  15. Like this?




    Use a savegame editor to increase the number of technology slots, or optionally use the same author's other mods for that. However, it's potentially unwise to increase slot counts with a mod; doing do means that a game update can break the mod and thus the slot count. Using a savegame editor to do the same when possible makes the change permanent (well... until Hello Games adds active validation checks to deny past a certain amount).

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