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About Jynx104

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    United States
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    Fallout: New Vegas
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    Fallout Series

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  1. Its not a necessary mod, its just something I would like to have. I've been playing just fine in VR but it would just be a cool thing for immersion. If you're curious, I have a few videos uploaded here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWhR6mp57veNOUqrQ5SFCpb74noMDK1TI I've been told that its possible but I'm not a good coder.
  2. Hey, I dont know if anyone looks at these posts but.. I'm working on making a VR playable modlist for New Vegas, and I'm almost there! It seems the one thing the game is missing is an ability to separate your head from your gun. It feels like this is really the one thing thats missing to make the game a good VR game. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Any VR Modders here? I'm trying to get rid of object moving when you pick them up physics wise. Anyone that plays VR knows what I mean. I've done New Vegas modding but this is my first time going into VR stuff, and I'm kinda lost. I'm sure its possible but would like to see what other people think!
  4. Hi there! I'm having trouble with animation and sound with a new mod I'm making and was wondering if you could help me out with this. SuBNeRoCL said you could help. If you don't want to, I totally get it and you shouldn't feel obligated to do so :cool: . Basically I am making a mod that expands upon The Fort. What I am having trouble on... I want a guy to stand around and play Guitar. That's all I want him to do. I have the idle animation working just fine but getting him to play the music is a whole different story. Basically what I need from you is to explain how to get this guy to stand there, play guitar, make the sound actually come from him (like the criers in Freeside), stop playing when he enters combat, and continue to play when he leaves combat. It should be pretty simple but I've tried everything I could and it just doesn't want to work for me. I heard you were an animation master so this should be easy peasy for you. If you need any info on REFID's or what I'm working with on the idle animation package or anything let me know and I'll get it to you. Thanks so much for the help!
  5. Hi, any LOD Mesh/ Worldspace experts here? I am starting a new project that expands The Fort, and opens up the walls to the unused tent area down the hill. Anyway, I am having trouble with what I think is LOD meshes clogging up the place. The unused tents were not actual static tents but LOD's used so they could be seen from so far away without the pop-in/pop-out. When deleted, they stay there. The standard burnt ground that is below the tents also NEVER go away. I will include pictures below. Does anyone know how I can permanently remove these LOD meshes? I have looked a bit into it and the only solution I've found is to regenerate all of the meshes and stuff in the NV Wasteland because its all apart of that worldspace. I'm not even sure if these are LOD Meshes. Please prove me wrong if you can! Pictures: Burnt ground in GECK: http://imgur.com/a/kr5GY LOD Meshes in game: http://imgur.com/a/5vKrF I'm desperate here guys. I'm all out of ideas. I will give you credit in the mod description for helping out and post links to stuff you've uploaded to the Nexus, absolutely. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I am making a nice simple mod that adds Thunder Sticks from Mad Max: Fury road into New Vegas, and all I need is someone to model a grenade or something that looks as close as possible to these: http://cinetropolis.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/mad-max-fury-road-6.jpg http://madmax.wikia.com/wiki/Thunderstick on the end of a spear. I already have the weapons complete, all I need is the model. I will be uploading this to the Nexus, I will absolutely give you credit. To fit the movie model into the fallout universe it would have to have 3 fission batteries on the end of a spear. Should be simple enough for you modelers! Thanks! Edit: Here's footage from the movie if you haven't seen it yet. SPOILERS THO BE CAREFUL: https://youtu.be/sRBu-FxD5W0?t=1m40s
  7. I am looking for some story tellers for my mod! I am making Locations+ which is a mod that adds new locations, quests, and a radio station to the Mojave Wasteland. I'm thinking about a few locations in DLC areas but I haven't decided yet. Anyways, I want to have a main campaign that involves locations that come with the mod. I want it to have a main theme like the DLC's have, and have an emotional story line. I am stuck on where to even begin. So, I need some storytellers to help me out! You will be credited with helping develop the mod, of course. If anyone wants to help out reply and I'll PM you my skype and we can get to work!
  8. Check out Seddon's tutorials on YouTube. They are great and tell you almost everything you need to know.
  9. Need a voice actor to play a nutty old man that lives in a tent in the middle of the deathclaw promontory. The voice should be high, but not too high. The character will be a bit like No-Bark. EDIT: ROLE HAS BEEN FILLED I still need many other voice actors though! Message me and I will save you a role.
  10. I can do interiors and stuff fine all I really need is someone that knows how to script. I do great on navmeshing, I actually enjoy doing it. So if you can script decently, PM me your Skype or something!
  11. I have been working on this mod for almost a month now and I am running into some road-blocks... First of all, I should explain what my mod is. The mod is called Locations+, it adds 15 (Not sure how many, I just make them as I think of them. 15 minimum.) locations to the New Vegas Wasteland. But that's not all. The + is there for a reason. I am also doing a radio station, unique versions of in-game weapons (no new weapons, I don't have any idea how to use blender yet), bosses, a companion, and quests to go with some locations. NPCs will be fully voiced and have their own background. What I need is someone to help me out with scripting. I have no idea how to script and there aren't that much tutorials on the web. If anyone wants to join in on this mod that can help me out with scripting when I need it, it would be greatly appreciated. You would ofcourse be credited in making this mod because I cannot do it without you. And if you are an aspiring voice actor looking for work, I am looking for those too! I need all sorts of voice actors for all sorts of NPCs. Voice actors are the bread to the butter that make mods a perfect breakfast. Here is one quick location that is complete: Turisas Swords Factory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rNBotfKoVo If you are interested in helping out with this project then you can reply either here or send me a PM, whichever works for you.
  12. OKAY ITS WORKING!!! richerhk was right! It had to be in its own fx folder for some reason. It will now play in the GECK and in-game! Thanks so much to everyone that helped me out.
  13. Like the in-game sounds? Yes they do. I even have other wavs that I downloaded from youtube as mp3s and converted them that work.
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