I have been working on this mod for almost a month now and I am running into some road-blocks... First of all, I should explain what my mod is. The mod is called Locations+, it adds 15 (Not sure how many, I just make them as I think of them. 15 minimum.) locations to the New Vegas Wasteland. But that's not all. The + is there for a reason. I am also doing a radio station, unique versions of in-game weapons (no new weapons, I don't have any idea how to use blender yet), bosses, a companion, and quests to go with some locations. NPCs will be fully voiced and have their own background. What I need is someone to help me out with scripting. I have no idea how to script and there aren't that much tutorials on the web. If anyone wants to join in on this mod that can help me out with scripting when I need it, it would be greatly appreciated. You would ofcourse be credited in making this mod because I cannot do it without you. And if you are an aspiring voice actor looking for work, I am looking for those too! I need all sorts of voice actors for all sorts of NPCs. Voice actors are the bread to the butter that make mods a perfect breakfast. Here is one quick location that is complete: Turisas Swords Factory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rNBotfKoVo If you are interested in helping out with this project then you can reply either here or send me a PM, whichever works for you.