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Posts posted by Olafur55

  1. Okay, so. Managed to find the culprit. As usual, it was a tiny thing that snowballed into me almost losing 10 years of my lifespan out of stress:

    During the intro quest, I set up a SittingWoundedTalking package for my companion, simulating him being wounded. This package would disappear once you hit a specific stage of the quest. Thing is, I forgot to complete the first stage of the quest as you keep advancing through them, remaining there as a ghost of sorts... So when the quest got completed, I'm pretty sure the package was still conflicting with the rest of the scripting, given that the package has an "on/off" function to set something as a companion.

  2. Hey, amateur modder here. I've been banging my head against a wall for a while now, trying to fix this issue: whenever I finish the intro quest and the companion is succesfully added to the companion recruitment pool (the message on the top left appears), interacting with him to recruit him won't do anything, he doesn't react. I have checked, double checked and triple checked everything from quest alias, quest data, scenes, scripts, conditions against the same stuff from other vanilla companions like Piper and Gage, but it seems like it should work. It's the exact same thing. My girlfriend is also making a companion and hers works, while mine who has the exact same conditions won't.

    I'll attach a few screenshots, maybe someone can help me spot something I've missed. If any other screenshots are needed, please let me know.










  3. Hello, I'm trying to add cloth physics to a forsworn armour variant (topless) which comes with CBP already. Could anyone point me out to a guide on how to add physics given I already have HDT-CBP physics in my game? Or is that impossible? A guide pointed me out to some Fallout 4 guide, but I don't know if that takes body physics into account as well.

  4. Hello, I'm a newbie when it comes to modding, and I've tried to do so with NifSkope, combining the two .nif files into one, but in game only the hood shows, not the hair. Anyone can give me a tutorial on how to do so? I could provide files if needed.

    I've also tried doing it with Maya, as it's the only software I knew beforehand, but when loaded into the game it shows a massive "wtf missing meshes" error or something like that.





    I don't know which mod it is that makes my foe's corpses to melt like I killed them with an energy weapon when, in fact, I kill them with guns or melee weapons. It's pretty annoying when I see a viper raider who has a sneak suit, I kill him and the suit just melts, ignites itself or blows up. I have searched but I can't seem to find the mod that activates it.

    Is there a way to deactivate that feature?

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