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About kubas300

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    World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
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    TES4: Oblivion

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  1. Only horse combat? So you think building your own house, seasons and few other things are not good idea?
  2. I just extracted official Hi-Res textures from BSA files and copied extracted files like normal unofficial textures and deleted BSA and ESP files of Hi-Res Pack. Now i can use official and unofficial textures. :D
  3. I want these thing in DLC or patch! They should share this as free DLC (but not pack of everything because few ideas are destroying Skyrim climate) I want almost all of there things! Bethesda please make a DLC with them.
  4. No, look at this photo: http://images.eurogamer.net/2011/articles//a/1/4/2/0/9/8/5/TESV_2011_11_15_13_41_08_24.bmp.jpg distant mountains are more gray than closer mountains. I want to make that distant mountains less gray.
  5. But these mods remove on on map not in normal game.
  6. Hi, few days ago i found a mod that removed fog (that gray thing) from mountains (but clouds was still there). I installed High Resolution Texture Pack and game has become unstable (even when i uninstalled it) so i reinstalled game. I can't find that mod which remove fog (or whatever is this) from mountains and distant areas. Can someone give me a link to this mod? Please.
  7. @vertex23 Skyrim have shitty textures. That is all. Water look good, landscape are good (but not very good. Just Cause 2, Call of Juarez 2 have very good looking landscapes). Skyrim is just using too old engine and low res textures and it's full of bugs ("flashing" fog on the horizon, "flashing" sky, gates in High Hrothgar - if someone was there he know what i'm taling about).
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