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Everything posted by madc270

  1. you r right, my problem is solved. i've tweaked them too much xDD thanx for ur help
  2. Hey people, I have been playing some days with enb realvision + elfx + (installed as described) and there have been no problems with the shadow. But since today are the outside shadows very faulty, only the shadows inside of buildings, caves, etc are fine. Check out the video below , so you can see what I mean. https://youtu.be/7F_yb5BWHqo I hope you can help me.
  3. It's solved :thumbsup: Reshade was the problem, i'm using rcrn rightnow. Everything is fine
  4. i will reinstal the game again and start it without reshade. i will report you
  5. After a long time, i've reinstalled Skyrim. I wanted again to explore this awesome game, but this bug drives me to despair... https://youtu.be/ERovIZfjysM For improvment of Graphic, i'm using reshade+sweetfx and some Mods with skse. You can see my installed mods here. http://www.bilder-upload.eu/thumb/5a5d4b-1472018762.jpg I hope you guys can help me...
  6. Hey Guys :) Is it possible to find or craft Armor for Geralts Horse?
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