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Nexus Mods Profile

About Rifler

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    Oblivion, Stalker - Call of Pribyat, Mass Effect2, Fallout 3, Red Orchestra, Left4Dead 1+2, Civilization IV, Galciv 2 - UE
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind Goty, Mass Effect, Half Life 2 and Episodes, UT2004, Dead Space, Oblivion, Galciv 2, Civ4
  1. Putting words in my mouth is a argument I could use for the most of the replys made, so I think we should let this out as argument in general. The second thing I need to mention is, nobody ever trys nor will try to get any mod content banned from this site, I would never downrate or report any kind of theese mods, because I'm actually accepting them. But acception doesn't necessarily mean consent. And for the third time I'm forced to say, it was just a notification about some things are just too liberal, not that I want any form of punishment or sanction for the responsible modders, this is actually putting words in my mouth I never said. Don't panic, nobody wants to take your toy away. The whole point of discussions is sharing opinions and not force opinions on one and each other or convincing others to jump ontop of guys who have a different opinion like yours. I use Slofs mods since Morrowind and I really appreciate her work, so there's no reason to feel like your favourit modder has been harassed at all. The reason why I frequently check her work is, because she is an awesome modder. I just sometimes feel like disagreeing with some of the stuff showen. It's true I shouldn't have pointed out a single person and just claim her mods as 'bone of contention' and I'm very sorry about that. Maybe I just felt a bit tempered in that moment seeing mods that, again, raised the bar a little higher and wondered where it will end. But the initial question persists. Do I really wanna this this kind of stuff on a regular game forum (a forum and database that is used by lots of different ages and lifestyles aka the generality), or do I want to search for this stuff on exclusive sites that that serve certain minoritys? You guys know there are kids around and you know they circumvent the security. I didn't want to point the finger at Dark0ne and say ' bad guy it's your fault', because it simply isn't. But I can raise arguments about adult people being and acting responsible for their work and so I think they should reconsider and take into account that, like lot of you people said, all people around here have different 'bones of contention'. Some named raping and pedophilia, others crucification, child murder or blood&gore. Offensive, to me, are all of them except the crucification and blood&gore, which I put on the list of inappropiate. Trannys or Gothics or whatever kind of lifestyle people living doing questionable things with there anal region, to me, also is inappropiate. Let's turn it like this. There's a demand for fetish stuff like Manga and 3D porn on the Internets. Would you guys find it appropiate to post a link over there and tell thoose guys what they going to find here? And if I would do that, how do you think the future on Nexus would look like? Another question, because you keep on pointing out that my opinion trys to force out modders of this community. How much modders do you think left the community because of all that 'porn stuff'? Did they also felt uncomfortable with it and though it's inappropiate? How much modders left the community because of 'lore unfriendly' mods being throwen out. Are Japanese Manga cuties lore related or related to any medieval theme? And I still didn't got my question answered. Should I think there is a serious reason for people getting there sexual kicks inside a virtual and fictional sexlife? And if you don't tell me the reason and insist on convincing me from your spiritual maturity, how could I agree with you guys know anything related to sex at all (spoken in real life terms)? Roleplay...I...don't...believe...that... :whistling:
  2. Sure it's the owner of this sites decision what he allows to be downloaded and what not, I would never disagree with this nor would I try anything to prevent him or Alien Slof to exercise their rights. This whole 'rant' was merely an opinion all of this getting to exaggerated in terms of adult content. Just to make it clear, I also disagree with mods that do the same for females. I don't thing it's disgusting, I think it's inappropriate. The Nexus exists for a long time now and I think it's reputation also depends on how much is showen to the public if you know there are young people around that should not see this. It's not only the parents being responsible to their kids, but it's also this community who should keep the kids sheltered. And I think just saying 'You've been warned, if your parents can't prevent you from watching this, it's your bad', is wrong. Because this is exactly what porn sites do. I think a line has to be drawn what is appropiate and what not. Adult content yeah, but anything related to hardcore, fetish, extreme or however you name it should at least be 'exclusive' content. And that's what I ment with making her own site. If people are interested in that work, they can get a stimulus over here with the 'normal' adult content and if they want more, they can get it on a personal website. It's pretty much the same as it works with adult sites for the Sims. Thoose sites are exclusive and separated from the public site. And sure, I have any right to point out any question as long as I try to keep it serious. And a critic of personal taste has never happened. If people like it they should get it. No problems with that. It dismays best modders? Downloads don't say anything at all. I understand that you're raising that arguments because a 'nobody' starts a discussion about something he shouldn't have an opinion on and that you think it's presumptuous. But justifying it with the amount of downloads, isn't the right way either. Doing anything for the download? I won't get any further as this on this argument. Oblivion is a medieval themed fantasy game, which stands in absolutely no relation to porn industry, nor should games do in general. Should I think there's a serious reason why people get their kicks in a virtual sexual life, or does it also sound presumptuous? I won't get into a discussion stating how much experience I have on all adult themes, you name them, because this is no competition. The reason why I point out Slof should be obvious, shes omnipresent concerning this matter.
  3. After looking at the most recent mod released by Alien Slof, here, I've felt the need to "trigger" a discussion about the distribution of adult content on the Nexus. First and foremost I want to make clear that I'm not against it nor do I want to dash on adult content. I use adult content for myself and believe that some adult content can really add to the game. I also believe that Alien Slof is one of the greatest Modders around for booth, Morrowind and Oblivion, but it's not the first time I had the thought about her exaggerating all this stuff. However, before writing walls of text without sense I come straight to the point... ...do I want to see Trannys sticking a finger inside their "best part" for joy, on a regular gaming and mod website, distributing content that's supposed to be played by people from age 12-82? Serious guys, I don't understand what Alien Slof even trys to achieve with this. Emanzipation, Freedom of Opinion, Expression and Art? That's totally ok for me, but then please on her personal website, where all her personal "friends" show up. Or you have to take all this adult stuff into new heights and create a new tag named "gay porn". Being boothered about this is not because I'm a homophobe or a jealous modder or whatever else argument could be used to defend her position. I primarly think that dealing stuff like this on a "gaming website" is irresponsible and tasteless, not the content itself, but the distribution of the content here on this website and for a game like Oblivion. Where is the use in turning Oblivion into a Porn Show? Please also renounce to use the sentence "don't look at it/use it if you don't like it", because that's the common Internet 2.0 used by people trying to defend their position knowing there's a community behind their back that supports them. You guys can do whatever you want, but I serious have to ask, is it necessary to do this here and with that intensity? Don't get me wrong, I think it's the same for this Sexlivion mod. What's this mod supposed to achieve on the Elder Scrolls Community? Is it that Kids of today (because I assume adult people would only download and play it once for the fun of it), got so sick of Web 2.0 and the whole pornorized internet all they can do is jump on such hilarious stuff. I mean, raping your "joystick" had different inclination when I was a kid... :tongue: What about non adult people circumventing the adult controll by simply indicating a wrong age? I assume that the majority of people around here downloading mods, actually are non adult. Also, you see tons of mods around on the Nexus that are tagged non adult, but get bombarded by nude pictures, without the knowledge by the mod creator and normally thoose mods have to be tagged adult. Another thing that bucks me is the amount of "music mods" with copyrighted content inside. You guys said in a thread yesterday you're against piracy, but you accept it inside mods? I assume not, because you deleted the mod I've reported yesterday...but there are tons of other mods like this and I really don't have the time to spend it on denouncing people. Please don't feel offended Slof, but I had to be honest and point the question out...are you exaggerating it? You should start to think what you're really doing here. And please don't deal me your ordinary "cat in the corner" arguments. I want to hear a serious statement and one that convinces me to think what your doing is right, if you feel to make a statement at all... :thumbsup:
  4. Captain, what our overecstatic friend Wofl means, is, you should leave a space between commas and periods. I usually wouldn't care, but if you write quests like this in CS, people will start to complain over it. The common term used for this is "clamping" or in German "klempen". Well at least you didn't wrote big letters, what's usually interpreted as people shouting. And I really don't see a reason to shout here, right? :teehee: Wrong. Question marks, just as exclamation marks, are supposed to be placed directly behind the word. A grammatical sublime person like you should have noticed that *Wonder how it looks if he writes in a foreign Language*... :sick:
  5. Well forgive me my honesty, but the most suspective (or am I allowed to say dumbest) thing you could most likely do, was stepping in here and tell us your "friend" used a pirated version of the game on your computer and now you want to know how to get it back to default. Why do you want to reset the pirated version back to default, if you're having the Steam Goty Version? Simply delete the pirated version and hopefully find the virus coming with it, then we may talk. I use Steam, I have the Steam Goty Version and have tons of suggestions how to solve all of your problems. But I also have an aversion against people who use the word pirat on a regular gaming forum.
  6. Yeah, the pictures look pretty impressive. Altmery Architecture^^ Sorry I didn't found the time to add something, but vacancy is over and i'm on my job again. So learning the mechanics of CS can take some more days...but I learn as fast as I can... :biggrin: Story as always is grandious. Read the first one on PM, but this one over here is a huge improvement. As I said, feel free to claim whatever help you need, I will always support you guys...at least at the weekends^^ Btw. who had the idea for this great team name... :teehee:
  7. To fix the problem at initial install you would just simply have used archive invalidation.
  8. And you know you shouldn't do that, right? There are people having jobs... :biggrin: However, if you use Roberts it's not supposed to look like that (male versions). Normally only the tail and foot slot are assigned, because Roberts only uses foot slot for the whole body. HGEC respectively Exnems does that in another way, cause you may already have figured out theres no .esp coming with it. Try this: 1. back up your Tabaxi mod 2. adjust any male slot to have the kahjit male foot.dds...you can leave the tail slot like it is 3. adjust any female slot, but the hand slot, to have female foot.dds and put the handfemale.dds to handslot, tail the same as with male 4. do this for booth Khajit and Tabaxi and see if one works or leave em booth like this if it works and doesn't creates new bugs You will find all the necessary .dds files in ...Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters There should also be a file named RTfootmale.dds in the Khajit\male folder, try renaming this one to footmale.dds and rename the original to something like footmale_org.dds. And don't forget to also rename the normal map files, thoose are labeled with _n at the end. Edit: Btw. renaming the RTfootmale.dds to footmale.dds is probably what solves my problem. I just forget to do it after the last install... :whistling:
  9. I'm using Roberts Male V4 and have similar problems. It doesn'really bother me because most of the very rare Khajits ingame are not naked^^ However, there is a fix somewhere that takes care of the "beast problem". It's either linked on the Roberts male v4, HGEC or EVO page. Are you using Wrye Bash and a bashed patch? This could be another source of problem if your using the skeleton fix thing.
  10. Sounds like a texture file that has been safed with the wrong compression whilst the modding process. This or problems with the meshe I assume. Try using archive invalidation.
  11. What's funny about dancing at our regional disco and Spiderman T-Shirts... :biggrin: However. You should try the master of all fun mods... Slaughterfish 2000 ...and not to forget about Monthy... Holy Handgrenade and Foot Holy Sandal of Brian ...you will also most possibly have Chuck Norris in your game... Chuck Norris ...and if you ever felt like being a guy who poo his pants, or simply want to fake masculinity, try this... I'm da pimp You'll maybe find fighting this monster funny...I did... Godzilla This mods combined with hilarity should grant you enough fun for the rest of the day^^
  12. Or, if anything inside the ressource .esp is unique you can simply make it an .esm. The way you can circumvent the "parent" thing, is the same how you do it with the CM partner mod and adding custom race content. Read the readme of CM partner how it's done. Basically you convert the mod you want to take ressources from to a .esm, then you add the content inside your mod (which should be dependent of the .esm) and after that you use Wrye Bash to get rid of the dependence. One more save and all you need is to have the meshes and textures.
  13. There is a conflict detector comin with OBMM (the old version) which exactly tells what conflicts. Reading your list I don't see anything wrong, but I miss the BashedPatch.esp, you should, at any rate, use a bashed patch with this amount of mods. Also this one... Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp ...is knowen to crash your game if you use lots of mods. BOSS should have telled you. This one... MMM.esp . Note: Dummy file to load the MMM .BSA ...is not supposed to be there. Did you renamed your MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa? I also see you have booth Fish plugins from MMM and OOO, decide to use only one, or you'll get strange behaviour of the fishes and fishes that bounce on land. Apart from that, try deactivating one mod after another and see if it works to explore which is the one giving you the memory error.
  14. Yes, that's what I ment. Your graphics card should manage the 1680x1050. But you should also try to lower it to 1280 or 1440 and see how much impact it has on your fps. this one I also have the Steam goty version, so I assume you have goty too. In this case, when making a second installation, just make a copy of your Oblivion folder just where the original one is. Depending on which Oblivion folder you use, simply rename them to something like Oblivion_old or Oblivion_mod. So in case you want to return to the second folder simply name it Oblivion, as the Steam shortcut refers to the Oblivion folder that is placed in your C:\...steamapps\common. About Mod Manager, you should at least use it to see if you get any red icons of mods that come in OMOD format. I prefer to install them manually, but that's up to you. I think you should stay with the OMOD (Mod Manager) installation, as it exactly tells you which files conflict and get overriden when installing mods. And yes, you should use the Archive Invalidation when you've installed all of your mods. Specially when they come with .bsa archives. Make sure to tag "BSA redirection" when using Archive Invalidation and make sure that the file "ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa" is not inside your Data folder, which sometimes comes with a copple of mods.
  15. Well, basically it's up to your consideration. I couldn't life with 30 FPS, I have an average of around 60-70. But low FPs isn't my problem. The problem I'm having is related to Oblivion stuttering/stackering when I enter new exterior areas. And this, as far as I can tell, is related to scripts loading in the background, which strain the processor and not so much the graphics device. Anything you use in addition to vanilla Oblivion will stress it more, no matter how good your computer is. If you can life with having crashes every 30 minutes or this low fps then go on triyng it again. From my experience I know it won'T get any better, no matter which configuration you use. About LOD, the basic LOD replacer mod from 2006 should be enough. Turn up your graphic to 1280 or 1440 should also be enough with HDR enabled. About speed enhancing and stuttering removing mods, all that really worked out for me was the 'fast exit 2' mod as it stayed the only one who does what's said in the readme. And to me an improvement off an average 5 fps is no improvement. I also think that using lot of OBSE mods, like I do, will have a big impact on your processor.
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