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About mc54iznit

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  1. hey I'm having a problem where even after i delete saves or overwrite them with new saves, if i exit the game and come back all of my old saves are still there, causing me to have 50 million saves. I even went into the game saves folder and manually deleted them all, but while they don't reappear in the folder, they are still there in game. Anyone know how to fix this?
  2. its there where you fought him, same thing happened to my bow. He does a disarm shout and it actually "drops" your weapon on to the floor. It should definitely still be there, its just maybe hard to see. He hit me when i was on the stairs and my bow actually flew back a little bit to the right lower part of the stairs, so make sure you check everywhere in the area.
  3. lithian i gotta say i got excited just reading your post. That rage system you are thinking about is perfect, i was also thinking a simple toggle would get kind of dull after a while but your method would keep it refreshing. Looking forward to your work bro.
  4. yea i am aware, and i agree that the duration does seem short. Its nice what they did with the frenzy but at times i also want to just run around the wilderness and hunt deer as a werewolf but i can't (you can only feed on humans not other animals, so it lasts super short unless you go on killing sprees). Also idk if people were aware of this but wolf packs don't attack you if you are a werewolf and you can follow them around and help them hunt, which is pretty cool, but again you can't get the most out of it because it lasts so short unless you're killing humans.
  5. i was planning on making my character progressively stronger as a werewolf to the point where he could transform at any time, for as long as desired. Would this be possible to mod in?
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