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About omniseed

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  1. I like plasma and I carry A3-21's as my heavy hitter, but damn is it a slow projectile!
  2. What in blue blazes is the Coyote Power Armor? Not Wiley Coyote is it?
  3. "Less porn"? What does that phrase even mean?
  4. Speed is scaled with size? That sucks. And it is just as easy for those fools out in the wastes to hit you as a tiny speck sized fellow as it is a tall adult? Craptastic. I still think it would be a little fun though, even if I had to boost my jumping ability so I could avoid getting stuck in roads.
  5. I want an extremely small character so I will be like an invincible acorn, only explosions would be able to hit me with any consistancy, so I will have the run of the wasteland as an uncannily fast and strong .1 sized adventurer.
  6. Now I feel like a %&$! for popping Moriarty's head like a boil. I guess he really isn't that bad overall. Especially considering the world they live in. Side note, if you can do him in with one successful sneak attack, no one gets mad at you for it.
  7. With FOOK2 and MMM and WMK, I am generally using 'Ol Painless scoped, supressed, and with an extended magazine, the AEP7 Laser Pistol scoped and extended magazine, the Perforator unmodified because modding it returns it to the crappier vanilla specs, a SCAR-L scoped, extended magazine, and with a laser sight. I also carry A3-21's Plasma Rifle with an extended magazine and laser sight for getting myself out of really bad trouble and rotate out a fun gun that I just want to play around with. Right now that is the FABARM SDASS Tactical. It's fun drilling suckers as they try to close the distance on you, for most of the enemies out there they just fall like the leaves of a thousand autumns.
  8. I think high powered, super accurate rifles are probably the best overall weapons in the game, especially for an ambush at any great distance. If you try to get in that all-important initial critical hit on a tough group or single enemy, you have to be fairly close to hit with all the shots in a burst, while a single shooter you can really lay into someone at a good distance. I have been banging around with a scoped, supressed, laser sighted S&W .44 (I love you Weapon Mod Kits, Bethesda you *banned* up by not including modification ability into the game) and a scoped, supressed hunting rifle, and laying waste to people with it. Great combo.
  9. Yeah, and stocking up repair weapons and armor. I like to have at least one of everything, and I never ditch a unique or rare weapon or armor.
  10. Great concept, I'm going to follow this a bit more.
  11. Zhwangzeng I believe both FWE and FOOK2 have some pretty good support from one to the other, the people who made them both were pretty conscious of the fact that other mods would be used with them, and that the two of them would be used together. I think you might be able to find a good patch or load order from checking out their pages extensively.
  12. I personally like to stash ammo, chems, armor, and weapons in whichever house I take. I like to pretend that my character is saving up equipment that would be useful for the town if it is ever attacked. Seems like Megaton would have a hell of a lot higher chance to survive a siege if one of the residents, the most bad-ass resident in fact, were to stash a bunch of armor and weapons that the townspeople could use in a major crisis. Food and chems are the same way, I never use food in the game, but my fridge is well stocked with food and liquor.
  13. Oh and I have the Underground Hideout mod, but for some reason the blasted hatch isn't in the shelter, it's just a regular shelter! Any ideas what's going on with that?
  14. I've played through FO3 a few times, and FO1 and 2 like crazy, I have no idea how many hours I've logged crusading around NCR and San Francisco. I think that mod was from the FOIP, but I'm not 100% on that. I didn't go with FWE, mainly because I didn't want to swamp myself too quickly with ramping up the difficulty. MMM and FOOK2 gives the enemies quite a bit more capability than they had before, I feel like I'm at a good spot.
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