Ever since I mastered (100) smithing/alchemy/enchanting I find Master difficulty to be very easy as well. I can kill an ancient dragon in about 6-8 hits in melee and 7-10 with a bow. Their breath hurts if I don't use potions, but for the most part I find it to be VERY easy to play the game now. The only problem I have is with casters because I didn't enchant any resists at all on my armor. They do BRUTAL damage to me......however, once I know they are there I just drink a resist potion and it's all good again. It should be noted that I'm full sneaky player. I have 100 sneak, 84 bow, 81 one-hand with all the extra damage perks in the sneak tree. To make the game more difficult I got rid of my followers and just run solo now into all fights lol. If I play dumb and run into casters I die.....but that's rare. I believe that since the enemies do not lvl past like 44-45 that is the reason the game seems to be getting easier as I lvl more (lvl 59 now). I keep getting more perks to use and they get nothing. At first I was worried that I would be weak maxing out the trade skills but they made me god like so I think it's worth it to do them all.