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About Lazien24

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  1. Thanks for the help. That at least makes it so I don't go crazy anymore trying different stuff to get her as a follower :) I'll try and wait while she is at the fire place and see if she will follow me. Just for my info....at what part in the game are you?
  2. I didn't complete her quest....I completed her daughters and husbands. I am playing on the Xbox 360 so there is no console as far as I know. I just need to figure out how to trigger her quest to start so I can do it.
  3. I bought the strategy guide when I saw how thick it was (650 pages) and in there it states you can get Annekke Crag-Jumper in Darkwater Crossing as a follower if you complete her quest. She is supposed to be a very good sneak/archer and I think she would be a perfect follower for me. I have the Janessa dark elf now but I can't stand looking at her because she is so ugly lol. If anyone could tell me how to get her to give me her quest I would be in your debt. I've done her daughters quest were you deliver letters to her husband. I've done the other quests I could get in darkwater crossing and they all think of me as a "friend". I just can't get her to give me the quest so she will join me. I'm currently allied with the stormcloaks and doing the 'diplomatic immunity' quest in the main story arc. I play on the Xbox 360 btw. Thanks for any and all help.
  4. Ever since I mastered (100) smithing/alchemy/enchanting I find Master difficulty to be very easy as well. I can kill an ancient dragon in about 6-8 hits in melee and 7-10 with a bow. Their breath hurts if I don't use potions, but for the most part I find it to be VERY easy to play the game now. The only problem I have is with casters because I didn't enchant any resists at all on my armor. They do BRUTAL damage to me......however, once I know they are there I just drink a resist potion and it's all good again. It should be noted that I'm full sneaky player. I have 100 sneak, 84 bow, 81 one-hand with all the extra damage perks in the sneak tree. To make the game more difficult I got rid of my followers and just run solo now into all fights lol. If I play dumb and run into casters I die.....but that's rare. I believe that since the enemies do not lvl past like 44-45 that is the reason the game seems to be getting easier as I lvl more (lvl 59 now). I keep getting more perks to use and they get nothing. At first I was worried that I would be weak maxing out the trade skills but they made me god like so I think it's worth it to do them all.
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