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  1. Yes it does seem quite off track I'll give you that ... I suppose you could see this as a "case study" in action, well that was where I was going at any rate a few words here and there - a little scatching on the surface ... and he's still fine, no boorishness, bravado or arrogance. This is what I "don't" have a problem with ... rather it's the guy that when you remove his props that he flounders because that's what he relies on ... our gunea pig in this experiment (sorry nbbh1510), is still fine. Though because he has (or just mentioned it) dated models it seemed like he was using it as a yardstick and got panned for it, you know like "I've dated models I'm the man" stereotypical bragging guy. And so i decided to have some fun ... had I not been confident in his capacity to not get bent out of shape then I would never have done what I did ... because it was clear to me that he was just messing with peoples minds a bit. Not entirely. You see, the stereotype actually goes both ways. I take passion in what I do. I don't hit corners at 130km/h with my knee scraping the floor and inches away from dislocating/break every bone in my body to show off. I do it because I'm in love with the thrill of "being alive but almost dead". There's also a saying that some riders have, the ones who aren't parked at a coffee shop with other posers. That saying is "I don't ride to be seen. I ride to disappear". The whole Tough Mudder thing I decided to do with a group of friends but also that of potential future business group members. Consider this: 60%+ of all IT projects (like I said, I'm a nerd who's out of the stereotype) fail. Considering the fact that programming and computers by themselves are completely worthless without human interaction...you'd understand why the failure rate is so high. Many people in the IT community, mostly men, are NOT aware of there surroundings. These men are grouped into the stereotype known as "nerds". When you think of nerds, you do not think of some fat chick playing Maple Story because that's not how the media portrays it. It's either a skinny or fat MALE in front of a computer with very very strict comfort zone. Any real life social interaction leads to complete awkwardness or stupidity. I challenge people to expand or leave their comfort zone as both a way of "advising" how to improve their life but also to take out my frustrations on the nerd stereotype strictly for men. What I did mention is that at one point in my life I was actually that fat kid in front of a computer all day long. With that said I've seen both sides of the stereotype and I'm definitely going to say the "other side" is much better. Nothing beats the reaction of bringing a new girl friend (haven't had this happen for 3 years though) after displaying crap tons of "I'm a jock" stereotype signs and her seeing 3 monitors, 2 computers, 7.1 speakers, and a server. You really do need both sides if the stereotype in your favor if you don't want to work as someone's *censored* for the rest of your life. And again, appearance and physique definitely do play a role in your ability to find a job. EDIT: On the flip side, you should see the kind of stereotype women get. There was an incident at the university I go to where a woman was raped. The police made this public statement: "Don't dress like a prostitute if you don't want to get raped". Though there is some truth behind that, as a man who does not go around sexually assaulting women, I like my eye candy. I also don't believe you can blame someone for wanting to look sexy...not mention the whole statement is just socially wrong!
  2. Nah on shaggy hair. I go from anime hair (think Noctis FFXIII Versus) to Genji from Crows Zero. And I'd just give you the bike. You'd kill yourself on it in less than 10 seconds. Over rev, pop clutch, bike no like you, you flip off and break your back. Anything 600CC sport or above 650 standard will murder new blood.
  3. Forgot to mention. Walking your friend's German Sheppard or Golden Retriever while topless on a university campus after helping them move in without a shirt on also works....... Pretty sure sun glasses add to that scenario but no one had any. I'm not too sure how the lil midget dogs would work though, mind you I like dachshunds. p.s. Wasn't my idea, was a chick's idea lol. Not past 25 yet, I'm pretty damn sure if I had a kid right now more people would be going "how'd that mistake happen" rather than "awww".
  4. You know what happens when you are gentle but look like a beast and ride a 1000CC death machine on two wheels? Girls flock to you.
  5. I like how there are only two riders on this board.
  6. You fear what you don't understand or don't have. A man is defined by their intelligence and physical strength. Let me ask you both a question: have either of you gotten laid by a model of any sort before? You have both established the fact that either you are unhealthy, either fat or scrawny. So now the question is, how much truth does the nerd stereotype hold?
  7. @DeadSpace Do a Tough Mudder trial, come back and try to talk s*** about it. What happens when you get a group of 4.0 students who are ripped beyond standard and start competing in it? You just stereotyped exactly what I'm not and what I am trying to change. Both nerds and jocks have their gaping flaws in stereotypes. On one hand you have a useless basement dweller who is still living with their mother and is a virgin after 40, on the other hand you have some dumbass that's been on steroids with shrunken balls and no brains. I'll ask the question again, what happens to your flawed logic when you have a team of individuals that are not only ripped and physically capable, but also intelligent beyond what the average educated individual (note educated, not uneducated...need to set standards). That's when the words "good game" come crashing into your face. Now I'll address your next topic about doing trials as "selfish". I'm very proficient in the business world and I understand that every person, no matter they're living standards are, operate under the WIIFM principle. Inherently, every single species on this planet is selfish. Social standards simply set a bar for acts that are "too selfish" because they go above the norm. If you donated your entire life savings to save starving African children, what's in it for you? Nothing? You definitely get something out of it. You feel more "self-worth". Businesses do it for publicity, so do celebrities. People are not far from them. And I hope you're joking about helping others versus difficult training in terms of difficulty. Marathons and Tough Mudder events are based on one major factor, with minor factors including fitness, that major factor is WILL POWER. I saw people more built than I was join the 22% failed to finish category. So the question I answered was with regards to "What makes a man?" We already have millions of different ways to measure intelligence (my IQ is 139, high school average was 97.8%, gpa upon graduation was perfect). How do you measure one's physical capabilities then when genetics play such a huge role? Simple: will power. When you have both, you are a man. EDIT: I didn't notice your little disabled comment. You gotta get out in the real world man. I'm dead serious. I've seen someone in a wheel chair finish Tough Mudder with the help of his team and he crawled half the thing with his arms. And if you're gonna ask about someone with complete paralysis then I'll state something very simple: from the moment you are born, you should have realized the world isn't fair. If it was fair, I would have been given a Ferrari on my 21st birthday like one of my other friends did. We aren't born equally, and we don't die equally. Don't blame anyone other than yourself if you don't live up to social standards or surpass them. Stereotypes exist for people who meet certain...bad standards...if you find yourself being stereotyped take a good look in the mirror. The only person that can change that is you.
  8. I don't normally post but....lemme give you some advice. Whether you like it or not, people in this world will judge you on appearance. I've been an avid gaming nerd for 16 years and a software engineering geek for 6. Around 9 years ago, one of my exs dumped me because "I was too fat and fitting the stereotype of a mama's boy nerd". This hit me like a truck. Currently, I still play games, program software, and consider myself a nerd. However, I'm also ripped, ride a Hayabusa, and get jobs a hell of a lot easier because I raise intelligent the eyebrow of the interviewee, apparently, nerds don't exist within the jock profile. If you ever get to the other side, by the way, you may find that you hate your "fellow" nerdlings...because they make you look worse than the gym junkies who have no degrees. At least one in the group fits in socially. You can't contribute to society if society doesn't accept you. Long story short: adapt or die. Stereotypes exist for a reason. I am fairly certain that 99% of you cannot complete http://toughmudder.com/ and would faint/give up within the first 4 miles. I'm basing this purely on the fact that most people on this site can fit in the stereotype known as "nerd" which equates to scrawny, or fat, human beings. But above all, by media standards, they are not men but little boys. So what is a real man? I used http://toughmudder.com/ as a standard; you can't make it through without cheating, you aren't a real man.
  9. I have a question.... I am trying to edit one of the TERA mods that exist outside of this site to use your body. The problem is that when I try to edit the vertexes, the entire armor pops out. It will pop back in after I deselect the vertexes. Why the heck is this happening? This makes editing the armor impossible because I don't know where the armor will pop back into after the vertexes are deselected.
  10. Can anyone make a body type with bigger boobs? They don't have to bounce lol I miss the mods I had in Oblivion, does anyone know if porting is possible? I'm guessing the Japanese won't be modding this for a while, some of their armor mods were AMAZING.
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