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About SentinelGamesV2

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  1. the ones used for ramps/flooring in bandit towers
  2. Are there any texture mods that retexture wood planks?
  3. Is there a way to clear my Mod Manager of every mod in there without having to delete all of them individually? I don't really care how stable it is, I just want to clear it out.
  4. This would be pretty awesome IMO. It'd be a cool thing to wear as an Imperial, or have as a trophy as a Stormcloak. Commodus: http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/19/198671/2517738-3826576983-13742.jpg Damocles: http://www.kurisuto.com/uploads/2/6/2/5/26250793/char_damocles.jpg Marius: http://i.imgur.com/2epxz4Dh.jpg Gladiator: http://i.imgur.com/f6kM7euh.jpg Praetorian: http://static.trueachievements.com/customimages/025029.jpg Vitallion: http://rysesonofrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/vitallion_model.jpg Lastly, the shield: http://docs.cryengine.com/download/attachments/15011042/roman_weapon_HP.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1397213201000&api=v2
  5. Never really had the issue, since my character has always been a merc type of character. Don't care what I have to do, just get it done and get paid for it. However, it never made sense to me that Isran didn't just kill Serana as soon as she arrived at Fort Dawnguard. No doing so goes against his principles. Hell, I wouldn't have even been surprised if a Dawnguard member shot her on her way up to the castle. That's always bugged me more than the fact that the player themselves can't just choose to kill Serana upon meeting her.
  6. So the Ebony Warrior becomes the Skyrim equivalent of your rival in the Pokemon games?
  7. So recently I've tried recording Skyrim again with Fraps at 30fps. Now in game, everything is nice and smooth, no problems. But when I watch my recordings back, whenever I move a lot or walk, sometimes the entire screen or just the background has a weird pixelated fuzz. It makes it look like I'm recording in much lower res than I actually am when I watch it. No idea what the problem with it is. If anyone knows how to stop this, please reply!
  8. What kind of tweaks? FPS still drops to about 40-50 when anything that isn't empty land comes up even if I uninstall all HD mods and change graphics settings back to "High". Every other game I own works totally fine.
  9. Hmm, okay, seems to be a problem with the game itself. Game seems capped at 60fps and constantly drops to 40 when looking at cities, but my PC can run farcry 4 and Battlefield 4 on High-Ultra and record with Dxtory with no issues.
  10. What encoding format are you looking at ? Edit: IE: MPEG, DivX, AVI, etc and what resolution ? You are CPU bound ... so you will need a compressed format and/or smaller capture format. AVI at 1080p.
  11. Hello forums, So recently I've been trying to record Skyrim on my PC with Dxtory. My recording settings are set as the same as every YouTube tutorial has said, even using Lagarith. Write speed is 350mb/s to my recording drive. My FPS fluctuates between 25 and 60, mostly being at 38-45 which looks awful on the playback. It's ridiculously unstable. Only mods I have install are armor and weapon mods, Wyrmstooth and Deadly Dragons. Uninstalling these has zero effect. My specs are: MSI GTX970 4G Gaming Edition AMD FX-8350 16GB RAM 120GB Samsung Evo 840 SSD 2 x 1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm SATA 6GB/s Any help is appreciated at this point. Thanks!
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