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Everything posted by amidamaru88

  1. I thought of that myself ,dialog + cosmetic, so I reinstalled the game + dlc and it worked fine but when I installed the mods it whent back on the bottle. Misc Circles be gone Winterforge Auto loot Hyperion The Titanic Force Innodils Pocket Plane Advanced Party,Quickbar,Party,Tactics Reskin Archdemon scale 5 Dog – Blood Blight Wolf Quests Calenhad Tomb Inverness RtKW Telia The Bloodworks Vulak Alley of Murder DA quest v 200 Armor Legacy of Sundown Verdant Sonata Wings of Velvet Commandersetshop Dalls Chainmail Full Dalls Knight Templar Full Sauron 1.1 Weapons and Armor Rasanas Armory Orator Vestments Ivory tower v 1.3a lowered stats vender Viking Set Shop Wardens Shileds Weapons Vishala Penance The Rising Sun Fade Weaponry Staff of a red demon Manolax Staff Collection for Mages Glory of Griffon vendor Dungeons Enigma Loghain sercauthrien genfl Alistar Dark Hair Blue Eyes Normal I tryed deselecting all mods and starting a new game,fem city elf,but I still got amle response dialog. ..your bride is..... So it has to be one of these mods or a combination of these mods.
  2. Not sure how it happened but my female character is refered to as a male Short history : I decided to play a fem elf mage ,things started smouth enough I chose the mage class,and elf race and started playing but I realised something was up when the first enchanter refered to my character as a him and then new brother. I talked to Culen but it was all standard dialog. I deselected all the mods when I made the new character,and haven't activated them yet. Any body have any ideas as to what happened ? I think it might becouse of Chargen Package v1-110 Patch 5 Awakening Wardens Keep Stone Prisoner Return to Ostragar Witch hunt Golems of ... Misc Circles be gone Winterforge Auto loot Hyperion The Titanic Force Innodils Pocket Plane Fix and Party ZDF Complete Riorden Loghain Alistair Dialog Patch Graphics Dragon Age Redesigned Version 6.7 Morrigan v 15 – Victoria Johnson Wynne Version 1 Zevran v 9 Dark Hair DAO redesigned recommended setting More Hairstyles Elves f + m Improvements PTs Vibrant Colors 1.31 Eye Color Replacement Eye Colors Hair Colors Advanced Party,Quickbar,Party,Tactics Chargen Package v1-110 CC Extra Tints and Tones Reskin Archdemon scale 5 Dog – Blood Blight Wolf
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