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Posts posted by m3lisk

  1. last night i made a new char, and i stole from Baurus. Well, I got his bracers, but i go to get his gold and he busts me. I figure no big deal, but then he begins to man handle me. He was standing in front of me, while doing the open door action, so it seemed like he was trying to grab me like Michael Jackson grabs little boys. I was quite disturbed...
  2. Zephod realized he himself was dreaming, for while he was dead, it is like one big dream. But back to reality, Bobo sat atop his thrown, with the ships control in hand, he maneuvered to go to place called Placeofnoreturnforanyonewhoisntaclown. He began to travel there, when he decided it would be best to mention he could not be removed from the story NO MATTER WHAT!!! And so he got to Placeofnoreturnforanyonewhoisntaclown, and...
  3. Realized this was an illusion, as the real person was Bobo, the ressurected homicidal Nazi clown! It appears Bobo is now a ressurected homicidal Nazi pirate clown, who took over the ship and planned to kill Zephod when he was beamed up, as the oblivion plane trap was inaffective. This time instead of getting up close, Bobo unholstered his Mega-killer 5000 and fired a millions blaster bolts into Zephod, who DIED INSTANTLY WITH NO WAY OF SURVIVING WHATSOEVER!!! Then Bobo the ressurected homicidal Nazi pirate clown proceeded to...
  4. the owner of the ship goes to beam him up, but instead hits the photoplasmetic cannon 9000 fire button, and blows Zephod into Oblivion... literally. Scamps come at him from all directions and he begins to pull his blaster when one hurls a fireball and melts his hand. He goes to draw with the other, when another hurls yet another fireball and melts that hand. The scamps leap upon his smoldering corpse and begin to feast on the burnt flesh. Blood smears across his visor until only static is seen from the command room. "Shoot, we lost him", says the Captain...
  5. no, you shouldn't. Wait until it is done. I am making the Ultimate Ranger, and am done with exteriors, and having someone else do interior, and another do NPCs. But yea, don't upload it. If you do, someone might take it, finish it before you, upload it and call it their own, plus, it would be a pain to keep updating whenever you add a new room, just get it done then upload, that's what im doing with the UltimateRanger, which by the way will be done within the next week or so. Depending on how fast my friends work...
  6. then Bobo the homicidal Nazi clown from hell came into the picture, his outline breaking the light of the horizon. Onward he mrached, when an entire army of baloon animals breached the horizon as well and began to slaughter the flaming bunnies, while Bobo approached Gene, with his hands behind his back. Bobo suddenly pulled an axe from behind him and embedded it in Gene's head...
  7. Well, having played FF mystic quest - FF9, i would have to say FF9 is my favorite as well, with FF6 a close second. A lot of people say FF7 was the best in the series, but i say they can... well, use your imagination. FF7 had a decent storyline, but it just didn't do it for me. However i do like the gunblades that were incorperated into FF8. FF6 was my first, and the storyline is so compelling, and the gameplay for it's time magnificient. FF9 tho is well, in a class of it's own. I was in memoria, then my brother opted that he needed to use my mem card, and deleted my file :( .
  8. I find that hard to believe, the arrow one but alright.



    No, I've had it happen to me. Not in that way, but it is because they are having a space conflict. Try it yourself; pick something up, like an apple, then walk into an NPC with it. The apple will start shaking and will try to slip out of your hand. It is cuz two objects are attempting to be in the same grid cell, so one is "vibrating" to attemp to shake out of that grid cell....whew, that's a big sentence... umm, whoops, I misunderstood.... I need to start reading ALL posts... sorry...

  9. Arachnid, you will first need a .bsa commander, and Photoshop or equivilent. Then using .bsa comm... what am I doing? If you google "how to retexture oblivion" there will be a wiki answer. Go there and they will tell you all you need to know.
  10. The funniest thing that happened to me was on a mission for the DB, when you have to kill the...








    the rest of the people in the santuary, and I killed everyone in there exept for that male without a father of a Kajit, who insults you all the time. When I got in there he says that all the other members at the sanctuary are dead, and askes me if I want to be friends with him. I just exited the conversation, shot him with my bow and he doesn't do anything back but stand there and say "Please don't shoot, I am your friend remeber?" Well, long story short, I got him in the eye, rofl. Oh, and Ratfactor, seek a therapist... Naw, just kidding, I once did a scene with about 7 people all on top of a dead horse, in "odd" positions, I couldn't stop laughing.

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