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Everything posted by princeopeo

  1. Have a question. I ran into a issue with Proudspire manor. I imported my custom house into Xbox which works fine except if I walk jnto certain corners of the house the screen turns white until I walk out of the area. Has anyone ever encountered this issue?
  2. I do not know if you could use any of these but i found a few listings while i was digging for something else. Hope they help if not sorry bout that. 000DFB41 RTKeepFirePit01000DCC1D WRIntCastleFloorFirePit01000C3D37 Whfirepit02 000C3D36 Whfirepit010002FDB2 HHFirePit0100075D96 WRIntCHFloorFirePit01 f597f campfire ondb682
  3. I was done with my house and then Dragonborn came out. All i want is the piles of gold and the staff enchanter. If anyone could post the id codes for those two items i would be very grateful. Ill post a video once i finish those two things.
  4. So Hearthfire came out and i could not resist redecorating. But i need help from anyone who has it and the creation kit. I am editing my save on another pc right now and do not have access to the creation kit and i need the id code for one item. I need the code for the children's practice dummy. If someone could post the id code for that one item i would be grateful and i can help out with advice or help in return since i have been at this a while and have it down. I'll post a vid of my house once i add that last item. Thanks for any help and thanks to this thread for getting me started.
  5. Got a lot of useful info here wanted to say thanks to all. My house is about 95% complete. Check it out if you get the chance. youtube.com/watch?v=hzY6CViWms0
  6. I am almost finished with my house, i just need to do something about the webs. I will try that method and see if it works out. I posted the video of my house on youtube if anyone wants to check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5g_1_Ayf8Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdYS0CxJQbs
  7. Had to say thanks for all that work putting together a list of codes it gave me the chance to make my house exactly how i wanted it. I wanted to ask a question and seek help for a minor problem i ran into. First i wanted to know if any changes you make to the exterior of your proudspire mansion will stay that way. For example i added a light in front of the basement door and a backyard. And i have a minor problem i was hoping someone might help me with. I have to run the game on the lowest settings because i am playing on my laptop until i can upgrade my pc. The problem i have is that my proudspire mansion shows no spider webs but i need to be able to see them all so i can delete them from my house. It is literally the only thing i need to do to complete my house. I was hoping someone could put together a simple batch file that i could run and remove the webs since i cannot click on them to do it myself. Thanks for any help.
  8. Hi I have just started using GECK and just trying a few simple things. Whenever I save a file it does not appear in the data folder even though it says it has saved and when viewing it using Geck the file has a lock symbol over it. FOMM cannot see the files either are there any ideas for what I am doing wrong. The file seems to have saved but does not appear with anything do you run geck as administrator?
  9. ok what i want to do is make larger versions of existing items in the game. ill use the nuka quantum as an example. i know i can setscale in game and make the bottle larger. set to 4 is perfect size for what i want. however, the game still identifies the base of the item as the original size so half the bottle falls through the floor when i stand it up. i could use some advice on how to make this work. i was thinking that i could make a duplicate of the quantum bottle in geck and set it so it sits higher up and then go into the game and see if it stands higher. but if you have a better idea let me know how to do it. i want this to be a permanent display item for my museum display in my vault. i could use some advice i am new to geck. also, does anyone know a mod that makes static items useable? things like the hula girl statue for example. so i can add more items to display in the museum. or also a mod that adds some kind of dummy i can drop and move into place to display armor. thanks for any help.
  10. i am going to give that a try thanks. i found a slave mod that lets you slave anyone in the wasteland and basically i used it to move them into my hideout. its cool because they wander around the hideout and do not leave unless i want them to. normally i would feel bad about slaving people but they seem happy walking around my fully stocked hideout smoking and drinking pop all day. but it does not work or robots obviously, so i will try your suggestion. thanks for the info.
  11. i ended up finding a good solution. i got the amy wong follower mod and i can set her to use the hideout as her home. so when i dismiss her she goes inside and wanders around in there. plus she can buy and sell for me so its pretty cool cause i can use her as a companion too. but since using the geck was brought up it gave me a idea. i would like to make of copy of wadsworth to put in the hideout. about all i know how to do is copy a esm in geck and rename it. but i want to keep his script and abilities intact. just a clone version of him for the underground hideout. the problem i have though is i try to open the hideout in the geck but it tells me there are too many master files and will not open it. it uses the fallout 3 and all the dlc. any suggesions? the more detailed the better i am a total noob with the geck.
  12. i need some help here bad. i just installed fose and now my game crashes when i try to save anywhere other than where my last save loads me. if i travel to another place and save it crashes. what can i do to fix this?
  13. i have the geck but no idea where to find any of that to change.
  14. ok first off i have the underground hideout mod by rivet city. i also have a megaton maid mod that adds a npc into my megaton house. now here is my question. how can i take something like that maid and add her into my hideout. i use the hideout all the time but it feels empty to me with no robot or maid roaming around. does anyone know how i could either edit the maid mod so she appears in the hideout instead of megaton ( i know nothing about geck so if thats the answer be detailed please), or any mods that give you a person you can have live anywhere you want them to?
  15. well i tried the unofficial patch and the clipping and it didnt work. im still stuck under the table after i activate the purifier. any ideas?
  16. hey thanks that is some great information. my problem is that i get stuck under the table after the main quest ends and broken steel continues. i even tried letting lyons put in the code but then when it begins again elder lyons just sits there looking at me and i cant move or pull my gun out. i did install 1.7 but you mentioned a unofficial patch? could you post a link to the one i would need please. i am using the goty edition. thanks.
  17. i need a save file that has the story and all the dlc completed. i have played the game several times and i just got the goty version and want to play with mods. i tried going through the story all over again even though i dont want to but all the bugs and crashes trying to do the main quest are taking all the fun out of the game. if at all possible, would like a save with mods disabled because i have problems loading saves with mods. hope someone can help, i am just sick of all the crashing and glitches with the main quest like waking up under a table after turning on the purifier.
  18. i just tried tmm and all the locations for the dlc show up like the outcast outpost, etc. and i tried a command for the gauss rifle which i did get the message the gauss rifle was added and when i check my inventory it is there but there is no picture of it, just says no id. i have the underground hideout that is by rivet city and i noticed in the simulation room there is no simulator in the middle of the room. it seems like the files are all there but the without the game giving me the pop up messages for the dlc the info is not complete. how can i get the game to give me the pop up messages so it can recognize that the dlc is there?
  19. ive been reading around here looking for the solution but nothing seems to fit my problem. although i am new at this so i may just not understand it all. i have windows 7 and am playing the goty edition with the 1.7 patch. basically the dlc does not start up. i am playing with a old save file and am at the part where i am ready to leave for the final mission of the basic story. i did get the broken steel message that my level cap is now 30 so i assume that broken steel loaded. but i have yet to get the pop up messages for the other dlc. can anyone familiar with this let me know what i can do, and i am a noob at this so please keep it simple if you can. any help will be appreciated. thanks.
  20. ok so everytime i approach the interior of the building across from gnr radio after talking to lyons to do the following in his footsteps quest the game crashes. i can talk to lyons and approach the building you have to go through to get to gnr. the game crashes before i can get inside the building to the second floor to start the part where the behemoth approaches. i f i travel to gnr there is no one outside and the door is locked. the intercom just tells me they are busy. i can console command to complete the quest but lyons is still outside and the doors are still locked which does me no good and i worry i wont be able to continue the quest later. i searched all over and found some topics about this issue but no one had answers. can anyone help me with this please?
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