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  1. Just seems easier in my mind to do it without a script. But if that's the way to go, that's the way to go.
  2. I am trying to create a perk that will take the players base health then multiply it by 2% (x1.0200) I was trying to do an entry point and modify the value of actor base health. I can only find healing rate. I created a new ability to see if they had health % in there, nothing again. This would include both the regular health of the player (what health they started with) along with the health they got from choosing health when they leveled up. Is there a way to apply the +hp% in my perks or should I just give it a solid value?
  3. I'd love to see a mod where I can press keys like 1-9 or any of my keys on my keyboard and it would cast a spell for like a warrior or mage. and an awesome action bar to go with that :D
  4. I'm wondering if anybody else has been wondering, where are the diablo 3 inspired mods? I'm not talking about armors ripped right out of the game files. I'm talking community created armors and weapons, maybe even some skills and monsters. If you would like to see some diablo mods, please post below to show some of the awesome mod authors who create these type of armors your support :) Wouldn't this look nice in skyrim for an archer? and dawnguard coming out.. http://www.competitiveguides.com/images/diablo3-demon-hunter-top.jpg This would look awesome for the mages out there http://www.diablo-3-hero-guide.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/view_321046_1_12302767471.jpg couldn't you see your warriors looking like this? http://diablo3rulz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/barbarian-complete-strategy-guide.gif Diablo armor looks amazing and would be awesome if authors could be inspired to create this type of armor for skyrim. Thanks for reading this and it would be sweet to see some Diablo inspired mods coming out soon :) If your a fan of diablo 3 armors, check out this awesome armor set by Echo 1162. This is the only diablo 3 inspired mod I have seen and I loved it so much I would like to see more like this. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21125/ note: the images and mods used above were for examples only to try and describe what kind of mods I think would be cool. I do not own the images or the mod.
  5. Do you have a mod dealing with ground textures? I'm no expert but It could be a problem with a mod.
  6. I looked over your blog and followed some of the steps in there to clean up my PC. Took it all apart and cleaned it out. Even went an extra step to blow the dust out then go in with a clean paint brush. Cleaned my monitor as well. My video card was pretty hot. I took a blow dryer with a cold setting and blew on it to cool it down. After all that, I set my PC back up with everything in place and Skyrim still goes to a black screen every once and a while. I'll be honest it feels like it might be doing better though. felt like it took longer to go to that black screen but it still continues to occur. Thanks for the suggestion though :( As for Georgiegril, I haven't had time to get to reinstalling my drivers the way described in the post you linked yet. Something came up I had to deal with. It's a lot to read, I'll try it tomorrow. Edit: I also just installed SKSE. Thats the only thing that wasn't uninstalled during my reinstall of skyrim so I might try removing that.
  7. So about a day ago, my screen started to go black and it would appear my monitor would reload itself. It will go black (usually sound will stop as well) then reload with a ASUS (my monitor) logo in the corner as if I just turned it on. This never happened before. Today I thought to myself maybe it was a bad mod but after getting rid of some mods, nothing worked so I just installed the entire game. Previously, my game would crash every three black screens or so. This fixed the crash but the screen still jumps to black. I did that through steam after deleting my data folder. I had 1 mod that would do anything with appearance and that was just for the skies and I got rid of that. I tried lowering settings such as dropping texture detail to low. Big difference from high. My graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 After closing skyrim I get this little message: http://prntscr.com/conix This is the only game that happens to. I can play other games like battlefield 3 or mw3 fine. I stopped playing Skyrim for a bit and I came back to this. So any ideas to fix it would be great :) thanks to anybody who helps
  8. OK i'll agree with that. But they're taking a lot of stuff from this community, the modding community. If we show them what we want, they will add it. Look at dual wielding in skyrim, the leveling system, even iron sights in new vegas... But also I see a little of you in myself. I hated fallout new vegas when it came out. Mods made the game an amazing game for me :) Mods can disable fast travel, mods can open up cities, and as for the quests, i never listen to the npcs, I just look at the map and read what I'm looking for. We can't just write about it and have our problems fixed, we must wave the flag in the air and show them. We must improve upon their game for them and tell them what we want to see.
  9. So I'm attempting to make a little skyrim machinima like video. I'm looking for some help with the shots though. I want to do something like this: NOTE: THIS IMAGE IS NOT MINE. it is from the: Vibrant ENB by KyokushinOyama Staind716 and Doom916 Kudos to Midhras and bronze316 mod in the skyrim nexus. This is just for an example because I loved the shot and it's almost exactly how I want to do mine. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/20570-2-1342964034.jpg My goal is to do a few jumping scenes, killing scenes with a nice 3rd person camera feel to it but not like the usual skyrim camera that follows you on the back and bobs up and down. I know ~tm will toggle menus to remove the hud to make a nice screen shot without all the extras in there. When i do ~tfc it removes the character out of the image and you can't really move so I don't see that as getting it to work. I am trying not to do any 3D texture work in another program with the characters. If that is the case though, Ill take a moving shot of the place i want to do it and edit the 3D character over if anybody has an 3D editing tools that would be great for this, that would be awesome but it would be better if I just used Skyrim to make it. So any suggestions or ideas would be great for this problem :) thanks to anybody that helps :)
  10. Thanks for the information. Might actually try to make my own in that case..
  11. So besides the fact I can do pretty simple things in the modding kits that are released, I haven't done anything big in terms of modding. So what I'm trying to do is convert some textures, meshes, and animations from a game to skyrim. What I'm trying to convert is this :) http://www.wowpedia.org/images/thumb/f/fb/Ragnaros_the_Firelord_tcg.jpg/180px-Ragnaros_the_Firelord_tcg.jpg World of warcraft fans will know that is ragnaros :) So there is a WoW model viewer that you can open these things up in and heres a picture of what it looks like in the model viewer: http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6899/08ebd4920d2f42dd90cc5ec.png So if you can open something like this in a WoW model viewer, can you take the files, put them in nifskope and convert this to a skyrim npc with all the right animations or will I have to design this on my own? I'm thinking if it was that easy, there would be millions of npcs, weapons, etc from other games on the nexus. also I'm not 100% sure about the copy-right and all of that so this will probably only be for personal use for educational purposes only.
  12. race in oblivion was basicly picking 1 skill and how you looked.. i would love to see racism in Skyrim.. maybe orcs vs human types and stuff :D in new vegas you would run into ncr vs powder gangers every once in a while and that was a pretty fun experience :) speaking of new vegas and races, i noticed that new vegas pushed you towards ncr. Id love to see when you start, if your beginning pushes you towards a specific group of the same race or a town. and if they don't do this, we can always suggest it to the great modders here at the nexus :D
  13. this post makes me sad.. a tes would be an awesome multiplayer game.. one of the biggest problems i see is that if you have about 5 people, they could possibly scatter in different directions causing a lot of lag.. but a multiplayer would introduce a whole new playing style.. you could have healers, tanks, and dps.. basicly it would be a sweet version of wow :D
  14. aka were all screwed!@!@ :( lol that was a downer when i read that. bethseda does a shitty job making their games stable.
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