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  1. I just re-installed MO and now it's working. I'm going to be especially careful after installing each mod this time, hopefully it won't happen again. Thank you very much for your help!
  2. I can confirm I manually installed nothing, save SKSE, and everything is deactivated in MO. But, upon looking through my Data folder, I checked out the Scripts folder therein, saw the usual SKSE scripts, but also a whole crapton (10,000+) of other scripts. I have no clue how they got there, seeing as everything was installed through MO. I moved them out of the Data directory for backup and then ran Skyrim, but the problem persists. The papyrus log looks nearly identical, even with the scripts gone. Out of curiousity, I ran Skyrim with SKSE, outside of MO, and surprisingly it didn't crash. So the problem must somehow be related to MO, not Skyrim itself.
  3. Apologies if I wasn't clear. I have deactivated all mods with MO and I am starting a new game. I'm beginning to wonder if there is a problem with my Dawnguard.bsa. I'm just hoping it's not, because my internet is gloriously slow and it would take a day or three to redownload.
  4. I recently did a fresh install of Skyrim, and modded it with MO. Everything was going well, until suddenly I met someone from Dawnguard (via the Immersive Patrols mod) and my game crashed. The game wouldn't crash until the NPC in question went into combat. As a result, I began removing mods, warping to qasmoke from the main menu, and grabbing a crossbow from the Dawnguard containers, and testing to see if I could replicate it. Now, having removed all of my mods in MO, my game still crashes when I try to pull out a crossbow. It equips fine, but when I try to ready it, the game crashes. I am stumped. Below is the papyrus log, any help or direction is appreciated. I only have Skyrim and the three DLCs activated
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