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Nexus Mods Profile

About DogTownMassacre

  1. So the core mods all work perfectly now? No, not at all, and a multitude of the mods are no longer needed. And based on comments it looks like people are still updating and downloading mods without assessing whether they're still necessary. Meanwhile, some of the actually key mods that make fundamental changes aren't being updated. Overall, I'd say say the mod ecosystem is in a bad place, probably be a few months before its worth poking around. That is not an indictment of the incredibly generous mod authors who slave away to improve games for free, just an honest description of the current situation. Honestly, a lot of what I would call the "first gen" mods touch wayyy too much s#*! they really shouldn't be affecting based their description. Not going to name any of them, but a lot of the pre-req scripting mods etc. make world changes. On the bright side, you can now find a lot of newer mods that only affect one aspect of game play and are configurable. I don't think I'd use anything that is an overhaul mod, especially ones that were "updated" like 4 days after 2.0 came out because it changed so much stuff. Its not like it was just a world space update. Some key new features with 2.0: Meanwhile new clean mods change and are configurable: HUD visibility health curve Toggle walk weapon scaling curve Enemy scaling all weapon base stats Hotkeys have changed head shot damage Armor is revamped AI is changed Police have been changed Hopefully you can see how many prime time mods this would complicate or make obsolete all together
  2. I swear when I played this a year or two ago, there were mods to make it ... you know... noticeable when you get shot instead of just making slightly fuzzier screen. Its weird that this game isn't up on effects that were in New Vegas which is 13 years old now. Anyone know which mods these might have been?
  3. My lady person doesn't play games but I got her to try out CP2077. She's a combat medic in the military IRL and has to be able to carry full sized men. She was hoping to have a V that was a little more realistic looking so I scoured the offerings for a replacer body, only to find that they just range from sexualized to even more sexualized. No judgement there, just explaining why those mods don't suit the need. Like even with EBB + butts or whatever, the thighs and shoulders are twiggy. It always seemed weird to me that male V is kind of ... doughy and puny, but female V, who is chucking 200lb bodies around and smashing dudes into dumpsters is like 5'9 and 108 lbs of daintiness. Idk, might look into it myself. No idea how to mod CP77, but ...
  4. They did what?? is this a 2.0 change? I should be able to throw as many grenades as I f'n want! Sometimes you have to use the EMP grenades because its almost the only way to hit the miniboss NPCs with sandies
  5. Yeah this should be made! Honestly, I play this in my head canon anyway. I'm pretty certain that is what the plot was originally going to be before CDPR hit crunch time. Jackie referencing the thing with the cartels almost seems like a reference to the nomad smuggling. Likewise, the little hustle montage seems like it could just BE the streetkid intro. Whether this gets made or not, I'm going to play all three intros on my new game lol Oh if that is supposed to be the link to the mod, the link doesnt work, just FYI
  6. I can't answer your question, but I'm curious about what you're trying to do with the mod? I am hoping to put together a simple system of plate carriers w/ insertable, heavy, low durability plates and high durability vest/soft armor rigs for realism purposes. My idea was to have it so that you could fab improvised plates or buy high-grade ceramics. One of the big issues I've been trying to solve with number offsets is how to make shots to the extremities HURT a lot because they're unarmored. The problem is, its a videogame, so health is just a linear number, so making limbs have a higher damage multiplier to compensate for the DT they undeservedly receive makes it ALWAYS better to shoot people in the legs. I wonder if there's a mod that can only allow limbs to be crippled, not to be lethal? Anyway, you putting together a bleed effect mod? Oh and thanks for making me aware of JIP localized damage!
  7. Thanks a ton, all of that is super helpful. I have a copy of Noob to Pro and will try to find that section. I troubleshot using blender 3.6 w/ pynifly and nifskope and could import an unedited mesh into blender and then load it into the game without issue. When I used blender to separate the vest vertices from the rest of the upperbody (I literally changed nothing else) I would get the spaghettification textures you mentioned, probably because I didn't weight paint and some flags were wrong. It would also crash the Geck or show up invisible if I didn't import the skeleton into blender. Weight painting looks fairly simple based on the quick video I watched (looks like a few clicks if not making flow-y bits?). Are any of the other tasks you mentioned only possible through blender? I feel like my lack of knowledge on Nifskope and how the blocks relate is whats causing me problems. It sounds like, and correct me if I'm wrong, I can change all the necessary flags and parent/child issues through Nifskope, alone? I've switched to outlook studio for what I'm trying to do now, but I want to learn how the Nif block system works and how to "hang" stuff myself. The manuals just arent specific to this game so its hard. For anyone else who is fresh starting with mods and/or is just trying to nif-bash some stuff together, Outfit Studio (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25?tab=files&file_id=288150) in conjunction with Nifskope accomplished my nif-bash task in about 5 minutes without having to download a bunch of 15 year old apps and plugins. Highly recommend. No flagging, parenting or weight painting required. Just masked off the piece I wanted from the mesh, inverted selection and deleted everything else. It has less options than blender but its fine for starting out. Heres a 10 min video tutorial for nif-bashing - just set the application to New Vegas. (Tutorial: Beginners' Guide to making nifbashes) 5000000x easier than following any of the 90+ minute New Vegas specific tutorials I've watched multiple times. Highly recommend.
  8. I've got to just find a write up on how these Nif blocks relate to one another, how to add them, and which ones are essential.
  9. Thanks for the info, I will look into that. I don't know what setting shaders means yet, I'll have to read up about that before bugging people with anymore questions. I made some progress before reading this and I've gotten, at least, the meshes exported into Blender 3.6 with PyNifly, export it back out and get it to render in game without issue. However, for whatever reason, separating one object into two and I'm back at CTD, square one.
  10. Making progress. No more crashes, got the meshes to render........ mostly, doing that spaghetti into the floor thing.
  11. I started playing around with blender 3.6 and nifskope on my own to edit some meshes - everything went pretty smooth as far as just getting things to model correctly in blender and nifskope and pasting them onto the skeleton. However, I assume a bunch of the data was lost because it would render as invisible in the Geck and make my whole outfit invisible in game despite being an add-on. Just wanted to see if anyone else found the trick. I don't know what I'm doing so its just pushing buttons to see if something breaks free. Weird, this started out as just trying to make a vest/plates mod so that I could replay NV to keep my sanity after losing my job (I needed to break off Graham's vest to make a police-style vest). Now it's a week later and just bashing my head against the wall. I've seen the guides saying to use 3ds but ... I don't have $250/week for a subscription, and the guides saying to use 2.49. I tried downgrading to 2.49 and followed Tammers and then wiped everything and tried ABCRadio's. 2.49 seems like it just has a lot of jank, though and even trying to merge multiple tutorials together, I couldn't get an untouched mesh to export and reimport cleanly. I know, its a me problem, but getting modern stuff to work seems like a better solution to me right now.
  12. Hey Dale do you still check this? I could use some help getting blender to work. I tried to follow Tammer's guide as well, but couldn't get it to work even when downgrading to 2.49 I've been unemployed for a few weeks and decided to get into modding for to quell my mind, could really use some help
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