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  1. Looks to be down for everybody now. I haven't been able to access the Skyrim Nexus for 40 mins or so.
  2. Maybe just a install order problem? I can't really say, but going off what you posted it sounds like it. I install WRP then WMX (and anyother WMX DLC files) then WMX-WRP patch. Works fine for me. Load order wise, it should be after all the WMX esp files. If you're using a bashed patch, then you should select the option to import graphics and it should turn off (ie have a dot instead of a tick). Hope that helps you some.
  3. I use console commands all the time to test mods and ah... make my character prettier. O and take screenshots that don't suck with a crap camera angle. Very rarely use it for a bugged quest. I think I'm like most folks, finish the game without using so called cheats or mods even, and then replay the game, with some cheats, ie like giving myself a skill book or more money, and have more fun. And of course, mod crazy.
  4. @cerebus23 I agree in most part. It seems nobody is really good so to speak. Not even if you chose yourself. Which is what I think let's the game down in so many ways. For me I got the impression most folks didn't like NCR either, hated Legion and House only came into play in Vegas, outside of it, it didn't matter much. My main problem really is NCR's final missions. They kinda don't make sense. For example, I had the option to recruit the Khans or kill them. They were siding with Legion till I convinced them otherwise. However I actually had to wipe them out for it to count, even though I had them helping the NCR. Same ideal goes with BoS. Say you helped them, and get everyone else to side with NCR. You have to kill them all for the story to progress. Kinda goes against ones character you know? It's like the games meant to be open ended, yet the story arcs are very linear in options. I was under the impression that the NCR had no idea about Helios being a weapon. They just wanted it for the power. Nobody knew it was a weapon other than the BoS Elder that died there and the guy next to the guy pretending to be a scientist. Most of the NCR troops didn't want to be there due to them suffering heavily from Legion and poor supplies and other things. If you do all the camp quests you'll see what I mean. @ElaborateGore There really is only four endings to the actual game. Two if you really want to be picky. The different outcomes to your actions with companions and towns can differ obviously, but they're pretty much just filler and is moot. According to my endings no matter which options I chose they basically either ok with no really impact in general or sucked, ie you can consider it a bad outcome. So the fillers don't seem to feel that they matter as much as the ones in F3. I do think the overall story elements are better in NV and F3, it's just a shame that the endings are just so much wtf.
  5. No you should be fine. Even though you have just killed basically the head and some higher ups of Legion, you'd think they'd suffer a serious blow. The only thing you get is some random npc chatter on how they wish they were there when you killed him. Such a massive let down.
  6. I think this game fails big time with the endings. They seem to contradict on how you play your character at times. For example, the only way to save a smaller faction is to choose Yes Man option. Another example, say you're playing a diplomatic character siding with NCR. You have to destroy your friendly smaller fractions to truely side with NCR, which makes no sense considering the ideals of NCR not to mention your own character. So once again you'd have to go the Yes Man option, yet even though you helped everyone side with NCR, you have to tell NCR to basically get stuffed. Hell even killing Caeser has basically no impact in the game, other than some random npc comments. Seriously... The game is great, the ending quest lines are very badly done and totally break the game depending on how you're playing your character.
  7. You can get it for a whole bunch of reasons, so it's a little hard to tell with just the list. You can try disabling the normal game auto saves and see if that helps. Have anything that purges cells on zoning? That can make the game go kaput sometimes. Also it's hard to see what's been patched and disabled in that list. Try using the spoiler tag list that wyre bash has. I currently don't have it installed on this machine, but I believe it's basically a right click and go to an option in a menu and it should come up. That way you can see the -- and ++ in the list. I'm just going to assume most of the stuff on your list is merged, etc in the patch, so you shouldn't get any conflicting. :P So it comes back to purging cells on zone or the auto saves from oblivion. I think it's more likely you have texture mods the game just can't handle and crashes. Just make sure your bashed patch is done right and disable the mods you can that are incorporated into the patch. Then have a look over your texture mods. Specially ones such as Qarls and Really AEVWD. You run a similar set up as I do, though you have more mods that change gameplay. Currently I have Nehrim and since I have a steam copy, I can't have both on at the same time, so a little hard for me to check things ;) While your machine can be amazing and you'd think it can take it with textures, keep in mind that Oblivion is crapo when it comes to handling heavy graphical overhauls at high resolutions. So if you're crazy and running some super high resolution texture files, your ram might be getting eaten up really fast that Oblivion basically poops it's pants and shuts down. Purging cells is a good idea, though saying that usually it's better to do the auto purging when you use the wait function over the zoning one. At least in my case and since you have a somewhat similar setup I run when I play normal oblivion, I'm going to guess you might be in the same boat. So, double check your graphic mods and drop the LoD ones first and see if it helps :P
  8. It's good to see this release again in a way, it was a shame about what happened. I'm sure those that hate doing oblivion gates over and over will appreciate it.
  9. Yar. AS I mentioned. Disable the 10 days spawn timer. And if you ever get around to using the new wyre bash, just use the option there and you can disable the vamp fix. Natural Environments is buggy sadly. I'd say, try a different water mod, and try All Natural for weather, since it's actually updated. Then you can disable pretty much all of Natural Environments. Though some folks like using the habitat eps.
  10. It's all part of her secret training technique.
  11. I kinda like it. Means I can go wtf when I see a face change from game to game. Though since you haven't used that option, I have no idea why your game is doing it. Kinda freaky. ;) Maybe she just wants a new hairdo?
  12. I think it's one of the sad things you'll have to live with a heavily modded oblivion. I too use QT3, though a compressed version, and run a fcom extended setup and deadly reflex 5 and crash out of the blue, sometimes not for hours, sometimes back to back. Usually outside. It's annoying as hell when it happens. I suspect it comes down to how you're set up. I know if I don't run QT3 I probably won't crash as often, at least thats what it seems to me, but I can't bring myself to play an ugly game :P Though looking over your list, changing the spawn timer of the game does make it more likely to crash. Not sure if that will help you though, but it's something you can try out. Also which natural environment mod? I ask as I remember one being buggy as hell.
  13. wow that is a crapton of mods. Usually though you won't have esp files that affect the cosmetics outside of race mods. I'm guessing it's one of the CM partner mods that is giving you grief. Looking over your list, I see you use a bash patch so one way to try to fix it: 1. In wrye bash, hopefully you're using version 287, go to your patch and rebuild. 2. When the window comes up with options go to Import NPC Faces > Select All (they should all have ticks), and make sure Import NPC Faces is ticked. 3. Then go down to Race Records > Select All (they should all have ticks), make sure Race Records is also ticked. 4. Rebuild. Keep in mind this will affect all NPCs and they could end up with a new hairstyle or set of eyes, but the google/black eyes should be fixed. If that doesn't work, then I'd suggest deactivating each CM parther mod one by one and seeing which one it is. It can be more than one. You can then use the construction set, and fix the esp. This is a more tedious solution though. Lastly if you have to have nice yes for you character, then I'd suggest trying out LFacts EE compilation. The set up sounds complicated since you have to go out and download a lot of mods. However, if you use it's esp files, you only need to go to one file to modify the vanilla races and with a batch patch works fine.
  14. I've only dealt with the exe file. But I would assume that it installs like most mods. So copy the majority into the data folder and put anything else that it requires outside of it. If you don't use steam, I'd make a new fresh install in another folder. Then copy all the files it requires. I'd also back up your saves and the oblivion ini file beforehand. If you do use steam, then, make a backup of your oblivion folder and saves folder. If it's a heavily modded game, I'd reinstall, if not, and no major overhauls, I'd just install on top. I'm guessing it should work. Otherwise, check out what's stopping you running exe files and try to make an exception. Or if you're that worried and know the exe file is fine; Disconnect yourself from the internet and disable all you protection software and install it. Once done, reactivate it all. It's a little extreme but I don't see why it shouldn't work.
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