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  1. i cant believe i have to request this but its bugging the hell out of me that the imperials get their own unique bow and sword and i guess everyone in the imperial army who doesnt want to use those can eff off and use generic steel stuff. i find this is even weirder considering this game is all about weapon sets at its core like youd expect ulfric and his freedom fighters to use generic steel but not a army like the empires.
  2. ive thought of a way to resolve npcs resettling helgen instead of having rando custom npcs move in why not have a new system where you can invite other npcs/followers and assign them roles in your new city want that preacher in whiterun to be your new church priest? well you could do that want alvor to move his family in helgen and be your city blacksmith? well you could do that what about that random begger on the street? invite him to be part of your city guard. another thing to do would be to have guild envoys managing your guild branches in your city so for example you could invite your favorite dark brotherhood maybe if you have it in good with another jarl you can request them to send you volunteer guards to come live in your city you would need a barracks of course but you get the idea. this is of course something i would only consider after the main part of the mod was done if i was the one making it of course.
  3. i always wondered if helgen was part of balgruufs territory aye balgruuf could make you thane of helgen and you in turn could make lydia your assistant manager for the city in the same way balgruuf has a assistant. and that does sound fine so to start you would simply repair the town fix her up. but after the peace conference and the civil war has been resolved and your officially acknowledged the leader/jarl of helgen by whoever you sided with you can reuild and upgrade helgen as you like. only other issue would be getting npcs to live there again itd suck to rebuild helgen only to have it be a empty town/city.
  4. so i saw the helgen reborn mod which basically remakes helgen for you and blackthorn a buildable city and that got me thinking why cant we rebuild helgen our selves make some upgrades to it turn it into a proper city using the hearthfire system of course and become jarl of it? currently i know of no mod that does exactly this and i think itd be great it would just feel right sense alduin only came to destroy helgen because of the dragonborn and maybe ulfric. anyways from what i understand the high king normally is the one who appoints jarls but sense ulfric killed him i guess what would have to happen is to have balgruuf unofficially appoint you as jarl for helgen (basically hell let the other jarls know your now the jarl of helgen you might need to prove your self to them though) and later on after the civil war have tulius or ulfric officially appoint you as jarl of helgen.
  5. i tried the oldrim version and the meshes and textures dont appear but oddly you can craft the weapons and equip them so really all they need is a mesh and texture update.
  6. so this is a request for a couple of mods to be made for sse. 1 dark souls fallen knight armor so i saw that there was already a elite night armor set available over on the main nexus and that made me miss the fallen knight armor set because damn is that set sexy as f*** (not skimpy) but you get the idea. im honestly surprised no ones made a fallen knight set for skyrim man i love that style of armor. 2 soul calibur series weapons now there already is a soul calibur weapon pack on oldrim nexus but there has yet to be one for sse and i figure this would be a good time for one to come out with soul calibur 6 coming out later next month.
  7. so while playing the dead money dlc for fonv i noticed something odd why is there no heavy police armor or police power armor? or police medium armor you get where im going with this right? ive looked but have found nothing so im here requesting a armor expansion for dead money. what might be interesting would be a ranger combat armor but merged with police armor especially if the helmets where merged too.and please dont just do retexes get creative with your work really make something interesting and new.
  8. ive searched long and hard but i just cant find a armor that suits my taste what im looking for is a original and unique not retextured armor of armor thats already in game that is a nice blend of style meets protection. now when i say this mcmuttons hero armor from oblivion nexus comes to mind however that hasnt been ported anyways another fine of example of this would be the ranger combat armor from fallout new vegas and another example is the courier duster from the same game as ranger combat armor so maybe some kind of weird custom cross between the 3 but in a skyrim friendly style so you get where im going here. one rule to this is that there has to be a matching hood connected to the coat/jacket/cloth as i love to wear hoods on my character there can be some kind of custom armored mask that fits in the hood the left part of the mask would be solid with a few small holes covering the part that covers the eye and the right part should match except have a small row of slots where the eye piece would be actually you can remodel the dawnguard full helmet into a mask of this style. the colors of the armor would be brilliant deep blue and a kind of darkish gold the armor plating would be the blue while the cloth would be the gold you may also do a retexture that is a reverse of this and a retexture in your own custom color scheme. i would also call the armor something like the hero of skyrim armor or dragon hero armor or hero duster/coat or whatever you want to call it your one making it after all. i also may have forgotten to mention that you should make both light and heavy variants of whatever armor you manage to cook up.
  9. as far as i know you cant equip pieces individually by default while that depth of customization would have been nice to have the ability to equip individually what gauntlets boots pauldrons ect you want isnt there . maybe someone some day can make a mod for it but for now we get what we get.
  10. im honestly surprised no one has made any armor related to the steampunk theme i am aware that dwemer is steampunkish but not by much i want to see some stylish clothing padded with heavy armor plating all with a steampunk theme. other then that your free to use your own imagination to come up with steampunk themed armors maybe there could be some with different materials :D. and for the love of god no skimpy armor or top hats.
  11. once i again i find my self telling people theres already a request for a crossbows expansion pack but yours is more indepth then mine. heres my post on the subject
  12. you know op i have a request very similar to this you should visit it Crossbows Expansion Pack (request) like you i was disappointed with the lack of variety for crossbows.
  13. yeah a little like that just more variety based on the vanilla materials already in game and with different model designs based on its respective material
  14. thats cool for the wood one youll probabally want to make your own textures for it. the akaviri imports mod from oblivion was the inspiration for this mod idea in case your curios.
  15. wood is wood its a weaker material then iron. maybe they grind the materials and mix it into the steel and dwarven ingots idk im sure theres some method to it. enchanted bolts would be cool too.
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