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  1. That comment doesn't help at all... Of course I'll be needing to use a horse to go places.. I wanna know how to fix this annoying glitch which puts my character inside the midsection of the horse.. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. So.. title says it all.. Basically my character is inside my horse upon sitting.. it suddenly merges with the center of the horse for no apparent reason.. Could anyone help me resolve this issue please? Thanks! Here are my mods: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm ApachiiHair.esm SPIKE.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ColorfulLightsNoShadows.esp Auto Unequip Ammo.esp SkyUI.esp ADEC_Chain&Ringmail.esp ADEC_HalfPlate.esp ADEC_DianoArmor.esp ADEC_Clothes.esp ADEC_VanillaArmor_Wolf.esp ADEC_VanillaArmor_Stormcloak.esp ADEC_VanillaArmor_Elven.esp ADEC_Nocturnal.esp ADEC_SuccubusArmor.esp AmazonArmor.esp DraconicArmor.esp DynastyArmor.esp EisenPlate.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp RavenArmor.esp Silverlight Armor.esp Skeleton bikini.esp VoidArmor.esp FasterHorses_Sprint_x1_5.esp Spells Cast Light.esp FNISspells.esp Sneak Tools.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp ADEC_Dawnguard_Collection.esp Orc&ElfFix4TBBP.esp
  3. If all else fails, try this :) http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=2197 You can hide/ unhide your mouse from time to time, just need to get used to it. :)
  4. I asked this before and I haven't got an answer.. so I wanna try again.. :$ Could any of you know or help me regarding my bug? So what happens is that whenever I use a magic spell, in first-person, my character points his hands towards the target, which is normal. Now in third person, my character does 'shoot' the target with his magic but his hand is lowered, as shown in this picture: http://i50.tinypic.com/2vrwqwn.jpg But still hitting the target.. but of course, its quite annoying that my hand is lowered downwards when Im moving (I have to move while firing my magic lol, of course, to evade), but when Im steady and I don't move my mouse nor any key in my keyboard, it points at the target (lol). It happens to both my male and female race(s). Could anyone give me a file of some sort to fix this 'bug'? :P Please elaborate what the fix would do aswell. Thank you! Hoping for an awesome response from the Skyrim Nexus community :)
  5. Put this in the spoiler section -_-
  6. I don't know which of my few mods f'd it up, but its damn annoying -_- Its been awhile now and I haven't seen my follower Serana at all :/ I'm wondering how to get her back? Or how long does it take for my follower to get tired of waiting for me and return home? :$ And if she returns home, where can I find her? C. Volkihar? EDIT: Gods be praised! :)) Nevermind, I used my brain and went to the console and typed 'player.moveto 02002B74' and it tp'ed me to wherever she was.. Stupidly she was at Alduin's wall, just staring at the wall rofl. I can't remember leaving her there though. :)) May this be a reference to other people who lose Serana :)
  7. Well... I tried even with SKSE and disabling ALL mods, the lag spikes still occurred. Otherwise, I wouldn't 'uninstall' SKSE at all :( It sucks cause I think some of my mods really do require SKSE.. But not sure which. Can I post a picture for you guys to tell me which Mods don't need SKSE, therefore run-able without it? :$ Thanks if you can, if you can't thanks anyway :P
  8. How can I know if a Mod requires SKSE, apart from of course the mod saying "Required SKSE" in its description page? I wanna know if there are mods who require SKSE even though they don't put it on the description page.. I'm asking this because when I use SKSE I get lag spikes, and I just realized I was no longer having lag spikes when I re-installed Skyrim without SKSE loader. Lag spike = From a stable 30-40-60 FPS the game suddenly shoots down to 1 FPS then runs all the way back to 30-60 FPS, then after about 3-5 seconds, it does it again which is rather annoying; therefore I removed SKSE.
  9. Can anyone make a sexy female werewolf, that instead of the character transforming into an animal wolf, she'll grow just the hands or just claws, then the eyes change into somewhat werewolf? Then the character's skin still intact, Basically only thing that changes would be: - Hands to have longer nails as Claws - Feet become werewolf stance, instead of normal legs she'll have the werewolf legs but no fur whatsoever, just the bone structure - Eyes into something nocturnal - Body still intact, either Vanilla, ADEC, CBBE, UNP, and so on. This should give you a visual example of what I'm thinking for the face: http://www.werewolves.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/vhw2.jpg Eye's devlish, teeth sharp like fangs, facial features intact. And this should give you a visual example for the hands part (L4D's witch): http://forum.i3d.net/attachments/left-4-dead-l4d/943175933d1245555813-l4d-skin-hq-blood-stain-witch-witch-2.jpg For the legs, Human skin, no fur, just this skeletal feature: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/008/9/c/Wolf_Anthro_Leg_Study_by_RussellT2070.jpg If you need help with texturing etc. jut give me template of what to texture and I'll help :) This'll be an awesome mod :)
  10. Use Skyrim Boss, it automatically fixes the load order for you to prevent incompatibilities. http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/
  11. So it seems my magic casting is messed up.. instead of my hands pointing at my target, its pointing downwards to the ground.. Now I'm not sure which of my mods could be doing this, but if you know.. Your comment would be appreciated. Here are my mods Skyrim.esm Active Update.esm Active ApachiiHair.esm Active Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Active Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Active ADEC_Chain&Ringmail.esp Active ADEC_HalfPlate.esp Active ADEC_DianoArmor.esp Active ADEC_Clothes.esp Active ADEC_VanillaArmor_Wolf.esp Active ADEC_VanillaArmor_Stormcloak.esp Active ADEC_VanillaArmor_Elven.esp Active ADEC_Nocturnal.esp Active AmazonArmor.esp Active DraconicArmor.esp Active DynastyArmor.esp Active EisenPlate.esp Active RavenArmor.esp Active Silverlight Armor.esp Active Skeleton bikini.esp Active voidarmor.esp Active UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page. Sneak Tools.esp Active Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp Active Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Active Or is there a mod that could possibly fix this, to overwrite the error/ issue? One thatll make my character point at target when doing magic, instead of pointing downards.. Attached in this post it what it looks like.. http://i45.tinypic.com/21j2a9x.jpg
  12. Are you still getting FPS spikes after these? Cause I am.. since I installed patch 1.6 -_-
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