Hello everyone! So i'm playing though Dawnguard, sided with the vampires. During the quest Chasing Echoes, i go up to Valerica's lab, do everything necessary to open the portal to the Soul Cairn. Serana bites her hand and pours her blood into the mixture. The portal opens all dramatic like and all. Then i get the quest stage "Enter the Soul Cairn". Great, i am a vampire lord, i can just waltz in, if i understand correctly, but sadly no. I saw in videos, that at the end of the staircase there appears a "To Soul Cairn" message, just like in any other door or portal. But it doesn't appear for me. I can't enter the SC. I tried messing with the quest stages, turning collision off and on and flying all around the castle, but the actual portal is missing. And i can't progress because of it. I tried entering the Soul Cairn by an extremely roundabout way, i progressed my quest stages to the next step, ie "Beyond Death" and teleported to Juib with a "coc" command, but that didn't work. Serana didn't travel with me and Valerica didn't talk to me. So that attempt failed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? I really don't want to just skip this part of the questline and add the scroll to my inventory, that'd be rather disappointing. Any help will be appreciated!