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Everything posted by Adoris

  1. Ello everyone. Since I am a terrible carebear and don't like being mean to any companions, would it be possible to make it so that Porter Gage does no become hostile to the SS during the quest Open Season, where you kill all the raiders. Perhaps if his approval rating is maxed, or he is romanced? Technically, if you follow his backstory, he ditches all his previous gangs before they are about to go get themselves killed. that could technically be considered a lore-friendly reason for him not turning hostile if you decide to kill the gangs.
  2. I tried it on another machine, still the same problem. And that one doesn't even have any mods installed. The problem still occurs.
  3. Nothing seems to work so far. =/ I downloaded this from Nexus - Alternative way to enter the Soul Cairn by Bemme1233. It progresses my quest stages properly, i finish Chasing Echoes and start Beyond Death, but Serana doesn't follow me through the portal. And when i run up to Valerica, she just stands behind the magical barrier and doesn't initiate any dialogs. P.s. I tried spawning a Serana copy in the Soul Cairn by clicking her when i was in Proudspire mannor then when i went through the portal i typed a "player.placeatme" with her code, but it didn't work.
  4. It does point to the portal. When i use the consol command i just drop through the floor, and get teleported at the courtyard door. I don't go through the actual portal.
  5. When i try this one it drops me through the map, back to the entrance of the castle, where i first entered with Serana.
  6. Hello everyone! So i'm playing though Dawnguard, sided with the vampires. During the quest Chasing Echoes, i go up to Valerica's lab, do everything necessary to open the portal to the Soul Cairn. Serana bites her hand and pours her blood into the mixture. The portal opens all dramatic like and all. Then i get the quest stage "Enter the Soul Cairn". Great, i am a vampire lord, i can just waltz in, if i understand correctly, but sadly no. I saw in videos, that at the end of the staircase there appears a "To Soul Cairn" message, just like in any other door or portal. But it doesn't appear for me. I can't enter the SC. I tried messing with the quest stages, turning collision off and on and flying all around the castle, but the actual portal is missing. And i can't progress because of it. I tried entering the Soul Cairn by an extremely roundabout way, i progressed my quest stages to the next step, ie "Beyond Death" and teleported to Juib with a "coc" command, but that didn't work. Serana didn't travel with me and Valerica didn't talk to me. So that attempt failed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? I really don't want to just skip this part of the questline and add the scroll to my inventory, that'd be rather disappointing. Any help will be appreciated!
  7. Hello everyone! So i'm playing though Dawnguard, sided with the vampires. During the quest Chasing Echoes, i go up to Valerica's lab, do everything necessary to open the portal to the Soul Cairn. Serana bites her hand and pours her blood into the mixture. The portal opens all dramatic like and all. Then i get the quest stage "Enter the Soul Cairn". Great, i am a vampire lord, i can just waltz in, if i understand correctly, but sadly no. I saw in videos, that at the end of the staircase there appears a "To Soul Cairn" message, just like in any other door or portal. But it doesn't appear for me. I can't enter the SC. I tried messing with the quest stages, turning collision off and on and flying all around the castle, but the actual portal is missing. And i can't progress because of it. I tried entering the Soul Cairn by an extremely roundabout way, i progressed my quest stages to the next step, ie "Beyond Death" and teleported to Juib with a "coc" command, but that didn't work. Serana didn't travel with me and Valerica didn't talk to me. So that attempt failed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? I really don't want to just skip this part of the questline and add the scroll to my inventory, that'd be rather disappointing. Any help will be appreciated!
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