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Everything posted by magicgun

  1. try adding this to your .ini ; bUseCombinedObjects=0 bPreCulledObjectsEnabled=0 but be ready for a small performance drop (shouldn't be much of a drop if you have anything after the gtx serie 10 era.
  2. all of this is crazy in the head. steam and nmm are on E. skyrim SE is on E. mod instal fine. Fallout new vegas and fallout 3 are on G and mods still install fine. but for some reason. having fallout 4 on H make nmm unable to manage the mods. guess i'll move stuff from E to D and H. reinstall fallout 4 to E or G. the hidden curse of having 15 drives. why do i have a nasa grade computer anyway.
  3. And make sure my wishes are respected on ModDrop too, or any other site you launch in future. "olympusgames, GMOD or ModDrop sites ( or users thereof ) do not have permission, to upload or redistribute any of my files, images or descriptive content, past, present or future." Just reiterating the quoted post to indicate my wishes remain extant. Thank you for necro-ing this. I wasn't aware moddrop was skylar's creation. Can't believe he's still at it. It's a decent UI, I'll give him that, but I'm not so sure I agree with "modpacks" (as I dont know if it gets the latest version of mods, even if it did, it may no longer work with the collection - either way takes away from mod author control) and am not sure if he is actually, ethically gathering content. Probably not. His software come up as infected with trojan in virus-total and herdprotect. The review on WOT are bad. He's still going at it. I'm glad i don't have mod. Not yet at least. If i ever do, They will be locked with a password. Which mean manual installation or redoing the packaging upon download before being able to install with a manager [vortex/modorganiser/wryebash/nmmclassic/nmmgithub/fmm/whatever] Lock the files archives with a password and you change the password every month. The only place where the password can be found is on your page, so , naturally, only those that have gone trough the process of loading and reading the nexus mod page actually have the password to unlock the archive. I am committing a sin of the forum heavens. I am necro-ing. Very sorry for that. Can't believe i would knowingly do that in 2020.
  4. i was not expecting to see anything done to take responsibility for NMM anymore. good one. (edit, yes this is sarcasm)
  5. In response to post #67091071. #67095351 is also a reply to the same post. a fair enough reason. just me not doing enough logic after 8 hour of trying to understand thousand of immigrants vague desire for coffe and donut.
  6. while all of this kind of make sense, i'd like to point out that untill 5 minute ago, i had no ideas about the existance of those files or about gamefront. and i think the reason they represented a trafic lower than 0.2 % in 2018 is because they where simply not accessable in nexus mod from an user perspective. (to put what i' m saying into perspective. last time i checked the warcraft 3 nexus page, i think there was like 5 files? 7 files ? not 1800. [where not at hiveworkshop yet, but 1790 files is aloot of missing stuff. and thats just warcraft 3.] that and full steam instaler files and Castle Wolfenstein patch. and other exotic ancient files my point -> if most people did not even know about this situation why even publicise it ? and in such a way . you could had just announced the revival of a past player in the modding community and not speak about the trolls. [don't feed the trolls ever please]. it look like I'm mumbling, but i think this had been handled in a hasty, but professional manner. [communication is good.transparency too.] half out of context intervention -> since you,re bringing this up. can you tell us if there are any partnership planed with other platform or if there is any other skeleton/gold ingot in the closet ? this is making me unnaturally curious.
  7. maybe something good will happen this year. everything has been 'meh'
  8. In response to post #64078956. #64079846, #64086906, #64087306 are all replies on the same post. .
  9. In response to post #64078956. #64079846, #64087306, #64091751 are all replies on the same post. .
  10. In response to post #64078896. #64079056, #64079716, #64081261, #64085246 are all replies on the same post. i ear you ff7legend. still i don't believe nexus mod to be a fundamentally dangerous website. those examples you described are essentially exterior actors. there is no real concrete reason for any antivirus to flag nexus mod as an dangerous platform.
  11. In response to post #64078896. bad anti-viruses. its impossible to get viruses from this site.
  12. (this is deleted. now stop sending me inappropriate email) (think what you want to think and say what you want to say.that's how you toxic people do things anyway)
  13. you know you could have just open the racemenu using console and change your name here ? oh!... thats an insane necro im doing right now.
  14. although the link doesnt work anymore. oh well.
  15. a shame. i would love to have this as a proper replacer.
  16. In response to post #55478623. #55478653, #55478708, #55478878, #55481343 are all replies on the same post. dont get your hope up for greysemonkey. firefox is doing absolutely everything tey can to try to annihilate all form of plugin. anf greysemonkey is still not compatible with v57 and it will never be because it need to be recoded from scratch and itll probably have a diferent name when it will be done.
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